~eantng tbe twortJ. Chap. 1 ) .Sect. 1 c;. SECT. I). Seer. I. ~ I· Hillorital; viz.. Four !1vangclifts and ACts. T ft · B k 2 . Doctrinal; in Epiale of Pm:l, Jmms, hter The New e amcnt contams oo s John, ]Hde. ' 3. Prophetical, in the Rewlarion. ~ Mretthttus, Marctts, Liteas, Johannes~ & .AU.a The Books for memories fake, Roma, Corin. Galarim, Ephcji. Philip. Colofenje;, comprifed in thcfe verfes Thejfalo. Timotheum, Tu. Philemon, Hcbr<o.r, Jacobus, Petrtts~ Jobannes, J"uda~ Re'Velat. Of Eook.f Hiflorical. iJ'attbclll fpeaks of Chrilt in his Chap, r. f f Birth. I { I. Per on, as 0 I Education. 2: { 1. Into his preparation unto his~' Forerunner, John Eaptijf. 3 • 2 Office, Officemh1s H1mfelf, JBaptizcd. •' . • 2. Execution of his Office. who was (Tempted. ~: ~I. Briefly propounded. 5 -'6 1 • i ' and fo he 1 lr I. Prophetical in teaching, whofe doctrine is . 2. Largely expound<d and confi~mcl; { I ."Teacheth and confirmeth by Miracles of all forts. · 8. 4 J 19 • < 2. Reproves, & confuteth the practice & doctrine of the Pharifees. , 9 , ad2.f. I 3. Foretels, and prophefics thedell~uctwn Vrbu & Orbis. 24 , 21 • 2. Sacerdotal, in his Paffion, and ~amfice for the fin~ of th~ world. 2 6, 7 • , 3. Regal, in refpeel of the begmnmg and mamfcllat10n of tt. 2 8. ~cd:. 2. iJ'atk treats of l Forerunner. \ r 1 • Chrifts life,and . !"I. Before his tranf.i 0 racles. I herein of his 2. Saymg and figuratwn, and fo doings repo.ns both his Miracles. ~ 1 2. In his rraosfiguration. J 3· After r Before fie enrred the City. I it; and -2In his cn.{Dif]lllt!Jtion. c that l trance Predd10n. , { I. Antecedents before it. · l '- 2 • Chrifts death, where 2 . Manner of it. • 3. Confequents after it. Sec!:. 3. lLuke treats of Chrilts { • • <; 1. His conception. ,. L'£ r.P nvate, wheretn ';> 2. His birth and education. I ' 1 ' 1 e 2 . Publike, in preaching the Gofpel, where his r J Preparation to it. • 1 j · ~Al byS Teaching. one, ( Doing (l2· performance With O· {Apoftles.{ Calls and in!lructs. of it and that thers, whom he Ser.deth. \I: , ' either vi;(.. his Seventy Difciples. 'i 2. z,;dg. 9· 10. 12, lJ. I4- '5· 16. .. , 3· 4· 5· cS,7,s. 9! I0 1 2. Death;