Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.r5. Sect. 41. .-r 1 : Antecedents ofit: where confider the things he did and fpake, Chap. I I r prayer. I 1. rrnward \ f>ith. . . . 1 z. 1 r 1. In his journy \ worihip < ~C~ufes movmg to tt. 1 3. I I \ to ]emfdiem, \ of God, \ RepenHmdenng of tt. I 4· • where he tance,in Effects of it I 5• I I taught of <I OutwardS I. What we J Abufe of riches. I 6. ~~ worihip, ( mufl:avoid (Scandal. 17. · Lz. Death: : ~ where What we m~lt do, I 8. · I z. When he CQme to Jemfalem { r. ~e~et~c~. I 9 · L ho he s 2. 1 pu cc. 20. . w wa 3. Propheficd. · 2 I· J 2 . Manner of his death. 22,23.. c J· Con.fequents after it. 2f. Sec't. 4 . 3obn treats of Chrifis . { I Perfon. 2 · Office: which he performed in his journey to three Fcalh: · {r. In Cm1a, from whence he fent out, rr Of the Palfeover, 2. \Vhile he abode at the Fcafl. ·1 · 3. In his return by Samaria. ~ I. He cured the Palfie. :'J 2. Of Penteco[l:, where 1. z. Fed the people. < 5 r. His coming to Jcmfa/em, . I {Difputation. I 3 , OfTabermclcs, where note 2. His abode there,his Works. ) Sermon. l '- 3. His 4eparture thence. •L t 4 To the Celebr.ation of the true Palfeover, about his death. ., ~ r. His{ 1. Fnterance to the City. deeds, 2. Waihing his Difciple~ feet. , rr. What went before it : r. At fupper-time. Jl · 2 His fpeeches, i r. As they.{ r. Monitory. I went to the 2. Confolatory. . -< garden 3· Supplicatory. 2.' 3· 4· 5· 6. 7· 8. 9· Io. .II. 12. 13· 14·· I 5· r6• I7· I8, '9· 1 2. The manner of it. i 3. Confequcnts ofit; vi:.. his apl'carance f Conver~ng in ]11dea. . ,l tohtsdtfctples,(Fiihmgm Gah!ce, zr. 20. ·----- Sect 5· ~rts A Hillory of the Apoll:les. , { r. Of their alfembling. , 1ri.A general of all, 2. Of their gifts. 1 1 3· Of their fayings. · \r r. Peter, with John and others. -< 2. Stephen. Chap. 6, 7· 3· Philip, \ 4 . Peter a-{ I· Miracles. f Propounded. . · . -< }one his 2. Dochme l Defended. 'r. 2. 3• 4> 5· 8. 9 1 IO. ' 2 • Afpeetal, I ' r 3. Imprifonment and deliverance. I I. With BarnabaJ, q, I 4. ~r. Departure whereof the firil: Connect l I 2, With SilaJ at Jeritfaitm. I 5. Il. 12, 5. 1''"'! and ofwhofe 5 1 In .Afta 1 6. : ~his travels<~ 2.Abode2 2: In Gre;ia. I7· 3. Return. I 8. . {I.from whcncche?/ent. J8,ad23. 1 3.For the Ephez. By what place. 19, 20• r T l ftam, where 3· 'Whither he came. l I· 0 Jertif'dcm, and l what befcl him there. f , 2, To Cefaria, { Felix 'j and what was Fejf 11 ;. , done under . . figrippa. cl3. At Rome. Chap. 27, 28. :1.4. 25. 26 SECT. r6.