Chap.t;.SeCl:.I6_ SECT. I6. Sect. r. OfBook.! DoClrir~t~!, Epiftle to the !Romans treats of i 1 . Jul1ific<ttion. 2 . Sanctification. 3 . Prcdeltina·ion. 4 . Good works. Seer. 2. I. ~o;fntl)fans. ChAp, 1,2>3,4,). 6, 7.8. 9Jro,rr. 12,11d 16. ' . 1 1. Schifmes and factions; and heark'ning to ambitious Teachers. 1 z He reproves, fo 2. Inceft and fornication. ' ' 3' 4' 5· 3• Going to Law. 6. ~ I. Marriage. 7· 2. Things indifferent. 8,9, 10 • He difputeth about 3· Sacrament of S~pper. . . 11 , 4 . Right ufe of fpmtual g1fts. 1 i.,! J,l45· Refurrecrion. 15. Uc concludeth about Collections, and matters of Salvation. !6, Seer. 3· "n. ~o~fntbfans. He I r r. Apologizethfor hilnfelfagainll: divers afperfions. . ·I , 2 ; 1 .4Ji. I ~I. Holy hfe, and nat1ence , and lhunnmg necdlefs fociety 1 with the wich~l. . 6• .< r, Exhorteth them to 2. To avoid judging ill of him. 7 • 1 I · 3. To mercy and liberality. 8, 9 • · 4. To fincere re!pecr of him and his Apoftlclhip. ro,rr,12. ,l3 - Concludeth. 1 3· Sect. 4· ®alatbfaniJ. He ~ r. Reproves their backfiiding. 2 . lntceats of Jull:ificatiob. • 3. Exhorts to good works. ---------------------- Sect•. 5. ®pl)efians treats 5 r. Of manner Of Faith. 1 2. Of Works. Sect. 6. ~bllfppfans. ·{ r. Love to them. } 1 .-1. Anarration ofhis 2. Afflictions. I . 3 • Defire of death , { r. To love and humility. . H h . { Alfurance and 1._ <:\ 2 • orts 2. To weannefs and progrefs, Sanctity. f . . { Particular Exhortations. 1._ : d· He concludes wrth General·Commcndations. f '· z. 3· Secl. 7·