laeantng tbemotb. Chap.• ~.Sell:.t6. Seer. I4· 3ames treats ~ 1. Of patience, right hearing the Word, and true Religion. 2. Of love, and Jufrificationby Works. 3. Of the tongue, and wifdom. 4· Of contentions, and prcfumption. s. Of Oppreffion, and fwcaring, and prayer and admonition. Seer. r 5. I. l9etet hath in it amatter of -~ r. Confolation. i 2. Exhortation, from verf I 3· of the r. Cht<p. t<d •" 3· Dehortation, from 8. verf of 3· Chff· And thefe again { 7. Exhorta:ion . arc handled 2. Confolatt.on, ~rom r.2. verf. ' 3· Dehortatwn, tmphctty, wtth the conclulion. Seer. I 6. n. peter. '{ 1• Exhorts to holinefs. _ T 2 • Threatens wicked Teachers and apo!l:ates. , 3 • Prophefieth ofthe day ofJudgement. selt. I7· Flrfr Epiftle of ]o!m, '{' I. Of the benefits of Chrift. { Love. .. 2.. Of t_!Je office of Chri!l:ians_in Faith. SECT. I7•.- •· Ofthe Book..Prophetcial. lRebelationl! contains x,ad q, 'Y. 8.Y.of J, t<dftn l· 4• I2.v, adftn 4 • 5· I, l· i I. Hifl:ory of the ftate ofthe Churches then. 1, 2, 3· 1 !. Of the World. 4. ad ro. · phecy 2. Ofthe C:hurch 2. Vi.'lories. I7,t8 1 19,20. 2. Myfrcry or Pro- ~ r. Battel~. ro, ad 17, · mher 3· Tnumphs and eternal · ' . ... Jr-·f "JJl .• 'J. .. ·' ' Glory. 2I,22. CHAP.