CHAP. XVI. SECT. t. Of the fifjferi"g of Sainir. IM!r'I!>Dl\\lt;jt[thcrto of doing, one Chapter I would arlde offujfcring; And the rather' Lcc,1ufc of the times into which we arc cafl ; or howfoever, be the t1mcs what they will, we cannot expect but that Gud will fometimes be honoured by the Spjfe;·i/Jgs al~<l afjlrUro;,s •f Sarnu. There is a flrict and near dependance and conne;'\JOn betWIXt Chriflianity and the crofs, and that from the plcafure and providence of God, and difpcnfation of things under the Gofpcl: Chnll: hath fo ordered it, that we fhould not fcrve the Lord our God of that which co!ts us nothing, but that true Chriflian piety fhould bring frrffcrings upon us. This courfe of divine Oeconomy is fo general and Without exception, that the Apo!Hc IS clear, tvb(Jnt God lov~th. h:! chajleneth, andfcourgeth every[onne whom he ~cc:civeth, if you endure ; chaftening, God dealcth rvith yo1t as tVith f ans , for what fonne ts he whom the Father H(b; 12. 6,118 chafteneth not? bttt tj )'C be rri1hortt chajhfcment whereof all are par.'ak,srs, then areyo~t bajlards, and mr fom. \Vurds ot a large unlimited latitude, whrch I cannot difcern any way in the worl:! to foften, fo as they may be fupportable to hun that hath no changes, that hath enjoyed an age of an uninterrupted, continued profperity, without ever having tbe croffe on his fhoulders. \Vhen tbis text is fet down as an aphorifme of divine obfervation under the Kingdome of Chritl:, as an axiomc of Gofpel providence,there will be no fafety in difputing or Iaboring to avoidc the littcral importance of it. Its true'indeed, under the old :rcrbmcnt we find not any fuch Occonomy, but promifes ofa long and happy life in a temporal Ct!naan to Gods fcrvants ; but under .the Gofpcl 'tis quite contrary, thronghmm:h tribttlation we muft cnur into rhe k..!ngdom of All I 14. n God. Our way ro Zion is rhrough the valley of BMa, we cannot follow Chrijl, and be his Pf•im84. 6 difciplesbut upon thefe rermcs. All that will live godly in Chrijl Jefru mujffr1fer perfccmion. M;'" •6 · •4 And therefore we have Icarn't what to do, let us now learn how to fr1ftr ; it is not our 2 rm. , . " 1 duty onely that we fhould feek Gods honour, lmt that we fhould fcck it in his own way; while God is plcafcd to offer us opportunities'of doinJ, while we fee his minde m improving us thus, let us follow it on with all out might, let no opportunity flip do to the utmofl that we can for .God; but when we fe!' his minde to lay us afidc, a;d to ufe us in another way, although it be in a way of affiiction, and grievous fufferinrrs, let us now be as willing to yield to God in this, as in the former way. And for o~r help therein I !hall dire~t: 1. How to prepare for frifferings before they come. z. How to carry in frrfferingJwhen they arc come. 3. What todo, and how to carry when fl1fmngs and affl1<:l:wns arc gone. , ------------' Sf. C T. 2. Ofthe manner of prepararion for Jrrfferings before they come, vVHat? are we now at cafe? arc there run-fhine daycs of peace? rurc!y we fhouici . . confider of the (layes of darknefs which may be many. Oft-times we are thrnkms of, and feckjng af~<r .great things when we !hould be preparing for fuffcriHg hard thrngs, ne not deceived, the clouds fecm to gather, and it's time for us to prepare, Now th1s preparation confill:s in thefe particulars.-- r. Make we account ofafflictions: do not fay, I {hall never be removed: although wck~ownot what particular afflictions !hall befall us , yet make an account that an affltB:mg condition will be our portion, Thus did the Apoll:!e. And now I go bound in t~efpmt unto Jerufalcm, not knowing the things rhat Jha/1 befall me there,favethat the holy Al/.2o.22,1'' dhojl Wttncjfeth m 'Very City, faying, that borrds arrd afj/1Efiom abide me. It is our wifomc thus tomake aceount of affiiC!ions, that when they come they may be no other 1 X x ~ · then