Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

God;o:v;;:l~ would p~epare us for whatfoever duties fhoul-d be required h fter Matl:er Bilncy the martyr ufed to put h1s finger 1n the candle to prepare hf~1efor the burning ofhis whole body;. a patient bearing of lefs troubles for the pre– fent will prepare the heart for the boar·mg of greater alterwards. ' Be we often renewing our refignations of all the Lord. Let us renew our c:~cnant with him to beat his difpofe , that fowhen any trouble comes at any time, thiS refignation of heart and renewal of Covenant may be frcfh upon our fpmts. Excricnce tells us that fomctimes unmed1ately after a day of folcmn hum tlwtton, the foul thinks it co11ld then do or fuffcr any thing, but in a little time after ( exce~t th1s be renewed agam) the heart brows droffy, and cleaves to prefcnt rhmgs , and mmglcs it fclf with the 111 agatn ; the often renewing of this keeps the hearfvcry lQvfe from the creature. . 8. Lay we up provifion againrl: an ev1l day. There is a threefold provifion we fho\ilcl treafure up to prepare us for affl1c!tons. 1. W e fhould treafure up the con– folationsofGod that he affords upon occafion, that at any umc we feel in the perfor– mance of duties, in the cxercife of graces , in the ufc of ordin1nces. 2. We fhould treafurc up the experiences of Gods ways towards us, and his gr~cious dealings with us in former ll:raights. 3. \Ve fhould treafure up foul-fupportmg,foul-quickning,foul– reviving foul-comforting promifes, and that of fcvcral kinds, fuitable to fcveral affiictio~s,for we know not what kind of afflictions we may meet withal. 9 . Labour we much to ll:rengthen. every grace; it is thong grace that is fuffering ·grace · a llrong wing will fly ~gaintl: the wind, but fo will not eveoy wing. It is true, a candle will hold light in the houfe, but if we go abroad in the aire there is need of a torch, there mufl be a tl:ronger light there ; weak grace may fcrve our turn to uphold us now, but in time of afflictions it had need be ll:rong; a little grace will be fovn fpcnt then as a candle is foon fpcnt when it fiands in the wind. . 1 ~. Set much before us the example of Jefus Chritl: and Gods people, who have endured very hard things. In the example of Chrill:, confider, 1. Vvho it was that fuffered, he w:is the Son of God, the glory of the Father, God bleffed for ever; when we fuffer, nothing but bafe worms trodtn under foot to fuffer. 2. \Vhat he fuffered; even the wrath of God, and curfe of the law; he war made it c~rf< in the abtl:ract, as the Scripture fpcaks, which was another manner of thing then any of our afflictions. . 3 • For whom he fuffered; it was for us vile worms, wretched, finfull creatures, who were enemies to him; we fuffer for God who is infinitely blcffed,to whom we owe all we are or have. +· How freely he fuffercd; it was of his own ~ccord , his own free grace moved him to it, helaid down his life, none could take it from him; . but for us, it is not in our liberty whether.we will fuffcr or no, we are under the power of another. 5. How meekly he fuffered; he was a !heep before the fhearer, his fuf– ferings no way difquieted his fpirit, but ltill it kept in a fweet quiet frame in the midi!: of all. Thus fer we Chrill: before us, let thefe meditations be meat and drink unto us. ]n the example of Gods fuffering-5aints, confider what precious choice-fpirited men they were, how holy, how fpiritual, how heavenly ; what are we in comparifon of them? Confider what they did, what they endured for the Lord Jefus Chrill:. To this ._, purpofe there's a notable chapter, H eb. r 1. Read , and confider, is it not enough for Heb, If, us that we have fuch a cl01td of wimejfes , fuch a noble army of martyrs before us, and With us? Thus of preparations for afflictions before they come. SECT. 3· Of the mannerofbearingfitjferings when they come. J F any will come after me_( faith Chrilt) let him deny him{<lf and tak! up his croj[e and lflat. 16.04 . follow me, Th1s croJ[e IS fvfferings; in which condition one way or other we may be ~1f God fo pleafe) contmually; the foul might fay , if1muft be11r this crofs, I hope it '"but nol~ and then; any, fa1th Chrilt, let him ta~ up his crojfe ~aily;_ ~ut if every day (may the foul fay,) I hope Jt" an eafy crofs. Nay fa1th Paul, It IS a ktllmg croffe, I die Lu'<f 9' '~ dmly ' )'Ct (may the foul fay,) if it be a killing croffe, I hope there are refrrfhingsfome ' ':·' s.~t pnrt ofthe day. Not fo nCither, for thyfaks, (faith D avid) (Ire we k,jJied all the day long. (•.e·) l. In regard of the danger of death. 2. In regard of fome beginnings that we P[al. 44 ' ·~ futfer, 3· In regard of our willingnefs to undergo it. But though we tye not thefe nflMf