Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Lu~ 22·29 ~o 2Cor. 4.16~i7 8, t8 ] r. 12 F/alffl u6. 12 ~atnts fuffertng~. Chap.t6.Seft'4. to our children if they be in pains, which we lock up in clofets and cabinets at other umcs,Chrilt gives cabbinet-comforts lockt up,and unufuall difcoveries to his members m prtfons ~nd dungcons, of whtch many have had fweet and gracious experiences. 7· Chrut rewards all the fliffermgs ofhts Samts. To you that have continuedwuh mt in my temptation, I appoint rmco you a kingdom, as my F~ther hath appointed unto me. For our light ajfliaion, which is but for 1t moment, work.!th for w. A. jllr more exceedintT and ctcrnal 1veight ofglory. 1 that the fujferings ofthis prefent time are not wo~;hy " becompared tvith the glory which jhail be revealed in us. And Blej[ed i& the man that cn– dureth tempttuions, f or when he is rryed he]hall receive the crown of Life. Tortures Are but o·ading wsth Godfor g lory, faid Gordiu.r: and perfecutors art but my fathers goldfmiths (fatd JJcrnard) whoare 1vork.!ng to adde pearls to th~crowns of Saints. Chrifiians! com– fort your felves with thefe words. SECT. 4· Of.tbe mann(Y holY tu carry our (el"Jes whenfufferings ~tnd affii:."lionJ ar' gone. THe duties that concern us when affliction is gone, are thefe.---- r. That we trcafure up all the experiences we have had of God, and of our own hearts in the time of our afflictions: keep we them frefh in our hearts, and work them upon our own fpirits , and make ufe of them as God offers occa– fion. 2. \Vhatfoevcr we wifhcd that we had done then, be fure now to fet about, and never refi till it be done, that when affliction comes again, it may not find it undone, if it cloth it will make the affli~ion very bitter unto us: if this rule were well obfervcd we lhould have glorious reformations. ' 3.. Be we careful to performe the vowes we have made in our afflictions. Moll hy– pocntes have many good ruottons, anc\ purpofes, and feem to be new men in their afflictions, but when Gods hand is removed, they remrn ttJ their old Byas again, yea be– come worfe then before, onely the elect are better for their afflictions afterwards; Bef ore 1 WM njjlicred, I went aftray, but now 1have k!pt thy word. _ 4· Take heed of trufiing to our own promifes that we have made tQ God for obe– olience, rather then to his promifes that he hath made to us for affi/lance. 5. Ofren call our felves to account after the affliction is over, what is become of it? how was it w-ith me then ? and ho\1! is it now? have 1more peace now then I had then ? and how comes it about? hath my peace grown upon good groun ..s,fo as it may hold? I had workings of Spirit then, what are become_of them? have I been faithful to God and to my own foul . 6. In fiead of all other rules, be fure to obfcrve this. Sit we down and reflect upon our own felves , turn we in upon our own hearts , and examine our felves thus.-----· Ha :.-e teachings been mixt with chafleningJ l h&Jve inftruilions accompanied co:re£lions l hath therodb~tdded? bath God difcover<d to me the jinfulnej[e offin, the empttnefs ofthe crtature, thefulnefs ofChri.ft ? is no evil like tv the evil of fin ? no good like to Jcfus Chrifi? is the world become an empty vanity, a mockery, a nothing in mine eyes? can l fay , it is'good I have been ajjlifled ? and con I point out that good, and fay, thi& I havegot by my (ujferings ? can I fay , -I know divine truths more inwardly, more clearly, moreexperimentally, more powerf ully, morejiveetly, then wer ? can I fay , I have quietly fubmitted, and l have endeavoured to improve my fufferings to Gods glory, and m~own good? Thus if we quefiion, our hearts wil give the anfwer, either in the al!ir~nitivc , or in the hegative. If in the al!irmitive; then fall on thefe duties. As----- ·, r. Study to berhankfull, fay with David, what Jhall ]render unto the Lord? confider how great things God hath done for our fouls. As 1. God hath done more for us, then if he had never brought us into affliction and trouble, or then if he had brought os out the very fame day on which he fent us in: preventio.n a-nd deliverance may be m wrath, but this is in love. 2. God hath doubled his mercy and loving kindnefs to us; bath commanded deliverance and inll:ruction too: a hoilled mercy; yea -as deliverance and inllruction were the.return·of pnyer, a treble, a multiplyed meycy; which fhould ereatly indearthe heart to God , and make it fing with Drwid, I will love the Lord, bteauji