Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap. 1 7.Seet.J,:1. CHAP. XVII. SECT. t. Of Preparacives to Fafl:ing. :-.~&~lli~ll!ll:- ltherto of duties ordinary; now follow the extrdordinary, Fafting a:nd: p ,aftmg : but becau fe the Book is fwollcn bigger then I had pur– . pofed it , and that much of the extraordinary is contained in the or– dim<>y duties, I lhall therefore deliver in few words what 1have to fay of thcfe dutiu. The firft of thefe is Fafting, in which there is required fomething • {Antecedent. . Concomitant. · Subfoquent. 1 • The Antecedent, or preparation thereto, confill:s in'thefe particulars : ---- 1. Take but a moderate fupper the night before ; for if a man glut himfelfover night, he will be more unfit for the duty.of humiliation the next day. . 2 • Immediatly after fupper , all forvtle works of our callmg latd alide, begm the ·preparation, and continue fo long as we can conveniently lit up, even longer and later then on other dayes : From even to tven jha/1ye ce!tbrateY"'" *Sabbath, faith God ; and therefore rhm fet the time allotted apart f,.,r that holy work, propounding to our felves the end of our intended Fall:,refolving to keep it toGod according to his will, adding fenous petitions to God in our prayers, in that behalf. Lev. 2J. ~2 'ltffpc:.c~ nor this in re{t• rence to (fliT LorCs d10 ; lndudrb~ 'frv"nth da1 Stlbb,nhamon' the 1ews ir~a~ at ~'fP'ning,and foended the~e.xt tiay tv,ning, accorJint to tbe b"gint~in: and endint fJ[ nAIIU~JI da)eS fram rbeCrc:arzon ( 4r re HJtltd) the rveni'~l ~nJ mvrntng made tht firjf day, bur ea· .Urds dA 1 beginnflh ;,. ~tht mmnint j om h• rejU1reD1on nj Ch~ift on rbt mo;nint on riJm d11y, and tbal's net without d mJftCTJt thtUJbt LtlaJ s 14 bbat!J brtAnwith dai /:.!J( js, "nd tbt Evantt'ltcal brgan With lt£bt, . " 3· When we awake that night, let not our thoughts be upon'wor!dly qufinefs, much lefs upon any wicked thing,but let them be holy,fuch as may tend to the furtherance of the holy actions to be done the next day. \ 4·. Arife early the day ofour Fall,this agrees•well with a falling-day; it is probable, that for this caufe fome lay on theground, others infack:_cloath,in the nights ofthcir fall:s, •S•m.n. •6 not only to exprefs, but to .further their humiliation, by keeping them from flecping Joel '· '3 over-much or over-fweedy. s. In the morning (after fome renewing .of our preparation , and prayer for Gods fpititual grace to enable us to fandifie a Fall: that day) apply we our felves to the main work of the day, of which in the next Section. ' SEC T. 2.. Ofthe dutiesrequired in Fafling . I N the a8:ion of Fafling there are dutles 5 inward.d 1outwar . , . I. The i.nward duties are ~general. . . 1 · . 1more fpecta . .. I. The dutiCJ t~at more generally concern the nature of the day,are fuch as thefe :---~ I. In the true _f~iritual Faft., there mull: be fafling from fin, o~ the forfaking of all our fins; for whtlcs we abll:am from fawful things, we are ad·montlhed much more to abll:ain from all things that are utterly·unlawful at all ti~es : It is the Lords c6mpbint, Z z 2 Behold,