C!Hp. 1 7.Se& 3· --~---------------------------~----- i~eltgious jfafttng. 3S7 - 6-:- F~om a!I carnal delights and plcafure ofthis life, Jocl 2. 16. Duvi~ and Da!Jiel would n 0 t ""oint thcmfdw' at liJ: h a t1me, 1 Sttm r 2. 20. Dan. ~o. J. a~d all thefe outward dut:os arc to be o f~rved. 1. Partly as helps to ourh~1ml~at10n, m renoun- . 1-\ the hindcrances thcr"of. ~- Partly.('s ugns of our _hum1hat1on ,_ w hereby we ac- ~:;,o•.dcdgc our felvcs unv. o: thy of thefe delights. 3, Partly as cv1denccs_ ot our re– pentance, in that -..,y way of gocly revenge , we deprive our fcnfcs ( wh1ch have all finned) of their feveral ctel1ghts. §..c.' sEcr. 1Of the dmies after Fafting. "\ i\ ~ Hen all is done and performed, obferve thefc particulars :.... ! V,. 1 . Take heed of inward pride, and refiing in 'thc 'Performance 1 .fpiritual pride is that worm that will breed in the beflo fruits of the Sl'irit, thatpoifon which the Devil rthat hellifl1fpider) will fuck out of the bell: flowers mGods Gardcp ; and if he can b•Jt prevail over us to be felf-conceited with our enlarg_ements, or ~o trujl ~o that fcrvicc we have done, he hath what he looks for, and depnvesus of all the com,ort of ·our humiliation: Labour therefore as much as we-can, to humble our felves with a through view of our failings in the bcfi of our performances; and for our enlargements, confider we thcfounrain of them , which is not any abihty of our own, but the good Spirit of God, breathing where and when it lifl:eth, and fettin~ out our ll:rait hearts, which othcrwife would be utterly clofed and !hut up; let Chrt!l have the glory of all our abilities, who hath given us his grace, but wi/Jnotgive hisglory to another. 2. Hold the firength which we halle got that day as much as we can; keep we ll:ill our intcrefl: and holy acquaintance, which we have gottcn with God, and with the holy cxercifes of Religion; unloofc not t\e bent of our care and aff-eCtions again£( fin, and for God : It is a corruption of our nature, and it is a policy of Satan to help it forward, that (like fome unwife worriers when they have gotten the day of ehei.\" enemies) we grow full of prefumption and fccurity,by which the enemy taketh advantageto'recolleCi: his forces, and coming upon us unlook'd for , gives us the foil , if not the ovcnhrow ; ' we arc too apt, after a day of humiliation, to f~ll into :t kind of remifsncfs, as ifthen we had gotten the mafl:ery ; whereas if Satan fly from us, iffin be weak'ned in us it is but f or afcafor~, and but in part, and efpeciaily ifwe ll:and! wt upon our watch, S;tan LuT,_, 4· 1 ~ will take occafion to return, and fin will revive in us. M•t. 12 44 3· Wait upon God for return; we fllUfi not ptefume-- that prcfently upon i:he work done, God mull: grl!llt our asking; as hypocrites that could fay, We haw faffed, -a11d lf•illh ss. J th?" haft not ~ega~dedit; w~may and mufl: expeCt a gracious hearing ; u.pon'6ur unfeigned hum1l1atron; .All thmgs whatfocveryeJhal/ ask., in prayer,bclieving ,yefoal! re'ceivc M•ub 21. » but.as for when and how, we mufi wait patiently; it is true, faith fec;u~~th us of good fuccefs, Thts ''the confidence that we have m htm , that if we ask., any thing actfopiJi'ng to ' John s. 14 his will, he heareth w.; but faith neither prefcribeth unto God how; For 'wh'd hAth di• If•. 4 •• 1~ re£1edthe Spmt ofthe Lord? _or being his Collnce//or, bath tanght h,im-1·,. nor.'\'€t dothlit make hafl:c, Behold, I la1d m Z<an for _a fouNdar.on a ftone, a try~d jl'onl>j ,a· preciow Tf•· oS. 16 ~o~mr Jlone, aji1~e foundation ; he that belm;eth jha/1not mak§ hafte .• . fil.rtk waits Gods lcrfure, when he m his wifdom judgeth it mofr f~afon,able, that i~thc-time. And thus much Qf our duty before, in, and afteri~cligious Fall:in!f. I r• ., J CH A{J•