l'{al. 15. 11 ~I ,( \ l· .s: - Pfalm 9· 2 P(alm 3)· I Pfal.9•· r,> Pf•l. 81. I tfAl.roo. r,> Chap., S.Secl:.t,'l. CHAP. XVIII. SECT. t. Of the Duties to be performed before Th~tnksgiving or Feafting . DHe fecond duty extraordinary, is Holy F.ajlingor Thanksgiving. and the preparanon theretoconfifts.in thefe particulars:--·- ' 1. In the llirring up of our felves to the pcrforrnance of this duty-: JJiefs the Lord, 0 my foul, and all that ts WttiJm me, blcj[e his holy name: JJiefs the Lord, 0 myJcul, ardforget not n/1 hu btncjits. , • 2 . In meditatmg on Gods undefervcd bounty towards us, and of our own unworthmefs to God : 0 God ofmy farhers. --·- wh 1 ch Jaidejl t• me,--- !willdeal well with thee.- I am not worthy ofthe leaf/ ofalhhe macies, andall the truth whech thou hajl Jhewed unto thyJervant. 3· In craving the, affifl:aAce of God$ Spirit ( bccaufe of our felves we arc unable) to open onr lips, that we mayJhew forth his praife. SECT. 2 . Ofthe Dntirsr~quiredin Thank[giving, I N h er CTh r.. . . h d . ~ imvmd t e a wn o tW«Jg.vmg t ere are "t"s "? oretward. h . . { :x."-r''' Thank.Jfulnefs 1. T e mward duttes are eh ,F. 1 .r. • · XCfd, M7j H nf.J!. { Mindfulnefs. · r. Thank[ulnefs of the foul, which implies Acknowledgment. Affection. r. We mull: mind,and therefore we are often fiirred up to remember Go~s bendits, Dott. 6. (2.-·-8. 18.---32. 18. Pfal. 103. 2. 2. We mull: acknowledge Gods goodnefs, Jamts 1. 17. De~t. 8. 18. and our be– boldingnefs,in refpect of our own nullity and unworthincf5, 1 Cor-4-7· 1 Chron.17.16: 3· We mull: priz.c and efl:eem God's benefits, endeavouring to amplifie them, in refpect of their greatnefs, excellency, profit , neceffity, fufliciency, acknowledging therein Golis wifdom, po_wcr, goonefs, fatherly pro.vidtnce and bounty towards us, J'[al. \(/. 5• 6. Marks 7· 37· Rom. 8. 28. and this :lcknowledgement, if it be cffedual, will wor.k·~lfedjon in the )1eart, a fenfe of Gods goodnefs and bounty towar.ds us,cau– fing us t9 Jolt.<;God,and tobe obfequious towards God in all the duties ot Thankfulnefs. 2. Chearf~tfr.tefs apd a/ac-tityofSpirit;· :15 the Lord loves achearfuLgiver, fo a chtarj11l Thank!giver, x.•'I·Fthan~, comes of yJifPr·! w r!!)oyce x.J.,, mull: be ~-""-:X.•P•'< with joy, Phi/. I. 4· ']ames 5. 1 3· The Holy Ghofl: in many places hath joyned them together : I will beglad and rejoyce in thee, I willfing praife umo thy name, 0 thou moj/ high? - Rejoyce in the Lord, 0 ye R•ghteom, for praife rs comelyfor the 11pnght .- --·: it ts agood thing to give thank! unto the•Lord, and to fing praifes unto the name, 0 moj/ htgh; ----For tholl Lord haft made meglad through thy work._, I will rriumphin the Wo>k!of thy hands. 2, Theoutward duty, is to exprefs our inward Thankftdnefs and Chearf~tlnefs. Our Thankfulnefs, by celebrating and praifing the name of God, by extolling his goodnefs, ~y recounting his mercies, and by exciting others to praifc the Lord: Our ~hcarfulmfs, by making a joyful noyfe and fingtng unto God: . Smg aloud tmto Godor:r ftrmgth, maks a joyful noyfe tmto the God of']acob: ·-- Maks a Joyful noJ,'Je unto t&e Lord, 11/1ye Lands,ferve the Lord withgladnefs, come before lm pye[ence lvtth.fmgrng: To this purpofe we may fing the Pfalms in the end of this Book, or fome fuch other. SECT. 3·