Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap. ,,+· ll)Olp jfatl:tng. 3S9 --~----------------------~------------ SECT. 3· Of the D11tiu after Th11nk;!giving. ,...f He Duty after, confill:s in thefe particulars :-- .· . 1 , In referring the benefits and gifts received, to the glory of God the giver, in the good of his Church. . z. In feeking to glorifie God who hath been fo~racious unto us, by bringing forth , the fruits of a godly hfc: Her~m "my Fatherglorified ~hat ye bear muchfruit . John' S·. i 3 • ln honouring the Lord With our fubll:ance, and acknowledging him tobe the chief Lord of all we polfefs : Honour the Lord wuh thyfubftance, and with the firft fruit ofall P,w. 3· 9 thy encr~afe. SECT. f· Of Pfalms flsilllble to this dmy, tr11njl11ttd by Mr. W. B. Pfalm IOO. to the tune, H11vemercy, &c. A Ll men ofmoral birth. that dwell in all the t~rth, z. 0 m•k! a noy[e to G'od with joys, andferve the Lord with mirth. 0 come before his throne withfinging, every one; 3• For certainly the Lord moft high, tven he is (i od alont. He mAde"'' and not we ; not Wt o11r[elves, but he. His folk., andflock,., and p~<Jiure flock. he made'"for to be : 4• With praife_come to hisgate, 11nd to his courts relate His la1<d andfame, and blefl his name : his honour etlebratt. 5· For G'od is goodfor ever, his mercy faileth never. His truth doth !aft all ates P"fti 11nd <onftant doth perjever. p s AL. I os'. I. part. 0 God I fix my heart, my glory bears a part• .And tU my tongue, Jo jhall myfont prai[e thee with mufic/1.1 11rt. 2. Wak! Harp and Pfaltery. r:ght earlyWAk; will I: 3. ·Thy praifes Lord~wi/1 I record, the people ftamiing by. I'le praifetheewith my[ong, the n11uons all 11mong : 4· To heavens high, to clouds ofsky, his tmth and mercies throng. 5. Exalted be thy n11me above the heavensJrllmt. Let tArth below the trumpet blow ofthy renownedfame. p sA i.. ISO· P RAift, prAife the Lord mojl high. within hisJanClu~<ry, In topmoft tower ofhisgrtat powtr, with praife him magnijie. 2. Praife him for aCls renown'd, with exctllency crown'd; .According to hisgreatmJs, do praife him with trun:pet Jo1snd. 3. o· prlli[e him chearfully, with Hltrp and Pfaltery : 4· .And let the dance his praifozdvimce, .llndTi,itbrels 11ielody PrAife him with j•ym confonts ofJlringed injfruments. 5. The Organs bring,loud Cymbalsring , each one his praife p>·rfenu. 5. High founding Cymbals ring, ltt every breathing thing Tht pr!iifertcord •fthisgm<t Lord, and .AIIel11jahJmg. . .AI/el11jah, and again .Allel~<jah; .Amen, .AIIcbtjAh.