r.Ltfeg j[.,cafe. 37 1 . ··--- ----- You have learned .M•fes Arith~ctick to number your da~s i praCl:ifc a while, and you, find this V[e. . . . God {hortens your time, yo~ that are unregenerate, le:l: you defer your !!Cpentancc. I. v (e It is faid of the D evil. that. he is bufie, ~ccaufe his ti_me is JIMrt, Revel. J :!.. 1 ~. ~nd ar~ r .... v. 11. , 7 ou worfe than D:vil>? IS •lOt your tune lh.orter ~ and y~t arc you more ncgl•gent ! f'Iow do you give way to that old.fcrpent? .he delayes no ume to bnng you to hell ,and ye neglect all times to get you heaven: Wnat IS your l1fe but a Jonalu gourd, fuddenly fprung up, and by an~ by withered ag:lm, and gun: ? whatfoever ye do, your whee,l whir:s about apa~e : maword , ye dte d"yly, an :1 you all know thus much, that you have every one of you a poor foul to fave. . I havo wondered ·at men that defire tune after time, one time after mother; why, 1£.your :fouls penih, the day w1ll come foon enough. ft makJs meweep (f11d one of a better llamp) 1vhen my hour-glaj[e JS bejide me, and 1 f ee every d,·op of [and folloJv otherfo {peedily. Your dayes arc but Jew, and yet who knowes whether this day his fun may fet? Take heed, you unregencr.at~, .if death come unawares, it is the price of your fouls, how you arc provided! Who (alas!) would defer to be g~od, that knows not how foon he may go to judgement? ' The enemy keeps a daily watch; a friend prepares for your wclcome,and arc you fuch ene– mies to your felvcs, t~at never are prepared to welcome death? But to feek to thee, whofoc;ver thou art that readetl:, regenernte, or mnegemrate, th~ 2 . vj~ bell: counfd thou cantl: learn, is to be tl:ill in a readineffe; think every day thou rifetl: to be thy day of death, and every nig~t thou goetl: t.o bed, that thou art bid down in the grave: if thou ihouldefi forget,_w1ll not each obJ,eet be a remembrance ~ ~hy iheets, of thy windmg-ihcet; thy covermgs, ofthy clafpmg dull:; thy n~cpofthy death, w1th whom ( 1may fay truly) thou ihakcll: hands every night : who can forget his grave, that lies him down in his bed ? and who then wo~:~ld not fo provide himfc!f, as if t Very night he went to his grave? Our dayes are butf~w ! an~ the night will be ere long that we die indeed. What are we but !enents at Will m th1s Clay-Farm? the'foundatiOn of all the building is a fmall fubfiance, alwayes kept cold by an intercourfe of air, th~ pillar is but a little breath, the firength fome few bones tied together with dry lhings, howfoever we piece and patch this poor cottage, it will at latl fall into the L ords hand>, and \VC mull: give furrendour only in this tenour, Few] Alld evil ha'!le the dayes ofmy lifebeen. · You now fee the time of our Leafe to the full, out life lall:s but dayes, our dayes are but few, ~ho is fo fond to fettle his care on this Leafe, that fo foon is exp~ted ; nay , with a blalt is gone ou_t? The manthat is wedded to this world, enjoyes neither length ofdayes,nor a dAy of joy; as he is tnbrtal,fo is he miferable : you fhall fee my Text joyn both the bands, nothing indeed but death can lofe the bonds ; the d"J" ofmy life are few , the few dayes of my life are M<il; few in number, evil in nature; neither many nor good, l:iut few and tvil. Evil,] 0·• Urlifc is~u\:d.-yef, 9urday;~ arc but few, .Our f~~.daycsliut"e<Jil: Irito what a . fea of m1fery have I nowru!hed fatl? Ev1l hfe, cv1l dayp' ; butfew, yet evil. There waits cin ourlife <; Spm~~ '5 HmJ•Jmlnt. ~ " .Both thefe arc evil; Simu; as the father; piaye$ the Bankrupt; imd PHnijhment, the; fon, mull pay the de!>t: . . 1-uft conceives and brings forth.jin, tf!tn fin bting pnijhed, brmgs forth dwh. Here IS both the work and wages J firll:, we'commit, a:nd then we rufter evil. ' ' .\ ' 'J .The,eviLI wecom'~it :ir~ ftnnu, and fee what' a trddp of criem!e~marcli abC::Uiits; if yo: expeel the battel in a ray~ Whlt fay you to thof~ evils orgintil ? ~t~etc are. ~~~ i!]~ hentance wh1c~ we ~avc from Oll( firili Parents: it t~.the fam_e ~\i!~1on thar-dill:'lUd~ from them, ab,des mus; and therefqre.thc famq:lurt•ihment IS, dne to. us,- that;fs!l'on them.. 0 the flouq-gatc of evils th,:it .now are opened! Ad,;o,;,.(i'nne. is ou'rs by im– .Pl)tatton, we are twigs of o;iC r~>ot., ll:reams of <>nef<>itniaiti, arid by thf.'l":im.:'! eafon pmakcrs of_o~c fin. ,And as n? evil.i .. s <Llone, f~ befi~ci th1t _;,;,?~ted,1 we hYvtaf.:<?ther >nhmnt, thiS IS the .pro~hvc dtfpofitwn ,th:it W~ have td eVI'I, bJ::-:tUfe dftbe (&if, of ~h.):c.powers,that we ha~ to good. *Firft, th: fi~'" ofeh: pn[on.',['<E},;i ;,.:ll~e/Tilit ,.,,, thejilf~t o{lllf!l<rt inft<f>thJperfm: rs not the m;nf;d<KI~JtfiJ! »f'dte'•.V1y':l'of (}5f! h B b b. ~ . not Janmt, IJ * Prim•' p•<·fooa , JpJecit naru. urn,.fcd p:>tl .( JlltU/'1 infcci~ ptrl)mem, 1'.;/,nus.