Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

jLtfe~ 1!-eafc. not the will prone to all manner of evil? .".re not the affections difordercd in their acti– ons? But as for go~dnrjfe, and holinejfe, andverrue, andgrace, and temperance and innocemy, all thcfe ornaments are lolt; _Adam received them for himfelfand us' and therefore loll: them from us, as from hm1felf: what wonder., if we being fp~iled n.ature be left naked, a rotten root mu(]: needs bear rotten branches; if the firQ man be -infected with fin, what follows, but a corruption of the whole nature of man? . . Dillum ,vd But thefe are but the feeds, what fay ye to the off-fpring? Evils original beget evils fal\um,_ ,d actual, ·and fuch are they (as Auftine defines them) What{oever IV< [n)', or do, or "thml:., concupwm, auainfl the Law eternal, How many oL thefe Funes haunt us? our [a)'ing. doing cone. • k~<m t'hir./,Jng. all is evil.that is againll: Godscomm"nd: his will is the rule that lhould mea: ~':~"~:;,:g· fure all our a[/ions; our a[/ioru are the frame that lhould be mcafurcd by his will; ~o-•lifl. c•P· •7· here then IS linnes matmal and formlll, the actions ofman divertedfrom the wr/1 ofG'od- , inilio rom. 6, and if all thefe be evils, how many evils 'are they all? ' Look at our omijfion ofgood dutits, and come they not in like moats in the Sun? How many almes have they denied? Ho\</ many bleflings have we refu(ed? How many Sermons have we neglected? How many Lords dayes have we m1f-fpent? This was the linne of that rich man, of whom though La<arus had no hurt, yet becaufe he could r.,~e,, 16. receive no good, therefore he wasrormemed in thatflame. You know a day will come, .M•r·•H2 •H when a bill of negatives lh,all be framed agninft the wicked, not what ye have done; but what ye have not done: 1 W«s hungry, n~tdyegave me no mMt ; 1 wasthir/f)' , andye gave we no dr·ink._; I was afiranger, andye lodged not me; 1 wao· nak.§d, andye ci 04 thed .1/•rrl!. 2 s. 41 me not ; ftch~, and in1ri{on, andye viftied me not, Matth. 25. 42. It is the not doing your duties mull: incur that heavy fentence, Departfrom me,ye c~trfcd. Meer harmlelfe men arc no fit members for Gods Kingdom; if you mean to avoid evil, you mull neglect np good: alas, who would Dip any occafion, that confiders the jul1: rcwardof Yfa/. S1·9 E[i<y 1. S. Ja. 17. 9 y,m. 3· 8 /'YOV• 3°•I.J· Ef•J 1. 11 E(a S9· 7 IS{•J •• I this evil ofomijfion ? , ' . ' But thefe are not half the count, there be evils ofcommiffion,whereby we·fight again/! God, and provoke his jut!ice again(]: us: of all the Commandements which,we fhould perform , there is not one precept w)lich we have not brokeR ; God himfelf is dilhonoured, his Worll)ip is neglecred, his Name Is blafphemed, his Days are profaned: If you go any further, Parents are difobeyed, injur,y is maintained, adultel')' js committed, 'l'<:il!bery,is praCfifed, falfe witndfe is produced, covetoufnelfe is followed: thus is•the manner of l!ltrr keeping the Command(neats from the fir/1 to the !all:,' having tra.f\fg~ell,'ed againll:·all:·. Hide thyface fromnty ftns, 0 Lord, and111t away all mine imq~titier.• ' W c had pray; Hide them; for If they be not hid, ho\V many of thcfe evils will rife up in judgement againil: us ? ~ J But here is no, end ; there ·be evi!J e~ecrfml .that ·:rdct;>rcipany the body, and what part of the body, is [lOt polfelfe'd :\~~th fome ·· e.Oil? Look at the fenfes, and wherein hall: thou fmployed thine eyes, but in beholding V3nity ? wherein thine ears, but in hearkening to lies? wherein thy tailing, touching, fmeJling, but in fenfual pleafures? and ns the fenfes, fo arc the members full of evil ; The hefdfsfol(, the hcarr deceitful, the tpnguc unruly, -the teeth l:tJ Jwords, <the jawes as k._nives, the h""ds ar< Jull•fbloo4,, and the feftjil'ift to jhtil5tpo;d; ·.Th~s the foal of the feet to the 'crown ofththe~d, there is nothing whole, bit! wo;snds, ~nd fwellings, andfaresfull ofcormptiim, Efay r. 6. .·., Au~ if thefe be our ou~ward~wha! !>e-tliofe inita"rd evils? lhould,I ,thrull: my'h'and !nto your'Qo'f0mes, 0 hq,w1eprous lhouldJ pluck it out'agai~! that V~dcrftanding qe~ted full ofl}S~,t, is nowJs>J>.ljnd, JhaUr;p~c_eiv" not.rh..things ofthe'Sfirit if God, ne_irJ:tr i:c,. >· 14 can'it cyo1v them, for they are f}mtually difcerned. No doubt there IS mus a rem~mJAg fpark of Nature, ~nd.tltat is theJ~ght:ohcafon \vhich makes usm,en; but ifyou.look at t'his reafon, if peraeives only na~ural,cmdcq:tem:t!rthings; it•_can,perceive thy1wu!~ ~o[n,c~ , thy l~n,cls'tiUed , t~y grounds fl:ocked; but thofe'fp1r1t'ua1bl~ffings, cc~e/1131 prCillJ,I(es, eternaL pii?Jile~gcsat,cannot fee, nor fo much as thml«lfl: What •¥; all pur~ ~hott~Es but vanity ,a~d)magindti~n •f '?'nn; h;ar:;hm onlY_ evil.' Gen. 8. 21. ~Neither, ·~~hiS ~Il, God fratping,mans foul, planted m lt tVI-o,farultiCS, rhe_Vnderf!andmg! th~t GM. 8, >.>i · 1 · info.rrlleiJ1, and the': WiV,t)1at followQth : and< as the Vnders1anling, fo 1s'th!! Wtll; 1t . •, '" 1 '· re~eiy/,~ Jr?~1 Rra}on.(,her CounfeH~ur) fenfuai adylce,~nd fen~fori~ to ~he Ajfeflions 'l.'': 1·,: (lier Cqurt1erv injund:ions of vamr,y; here IS a Counfellourtndeed; what Is 1t ~ut " c.)' rea/On iv1fhout reafon{' '.lnd her_e is.a will indeed; whut is it hut utlave to fin' without ·r n · ·i any