. more, here is yet another reckoning, evils original, and cvilsttdvemitiom, evilsofnecef Q._m~ de innu· fity"and r:v1ls of char1ce. ..Aufttn fatth, What jha/lwcJay t~j thofc t.mmmerabtc acctdems mem cafibus that bef a/1 a man? as heat, and cold, and thunder , and rain, and ll:ormes and ~"' fon~fccus earthquakes, and poyfons, and treafons, and robberies, and wars, and tumult~ and ::,f.o::u~'; what not? go whither you will, and every place is full of fomc of thefe ev.Ls ; If yon A•:· ibrd. go on fea, every wave threatens you, every wmd fears you, every rock and fand is Jl.ox mal• P•· enough to drown you : If you go on land, every ll:ep dangers you, every wilde beafl: nunmr ntvifcares you, every ll:one or tree is enough to kill you: if you go no whither, you can– ~:;,~~: qure not be without danger: Eh was fittmg, and what more fecure? yet atthe newes of illne« Gods Ark, that it wa< tak§n by the Philiftines, he f alis·d, rvrt ba<k._wards, ,wd his neck._wu grarlien<es > brok!n. Korah was ll:anding, what more fure? yet affoon ~s Moj'es h•d made an end • Sam. •· 17 of fpeaking, the earth opened her momh, andJivallowed him and hu Jamdy, and all themm N... r6 ! 2 that tVere witb hmt, Indeed .Abfalomwas riding, and whM way more ready to efcapc 2 Sam. 18 ·9 the enemy ? yet> tU thenmle C4rried him under agreat thuk_.oak.., his head '4mg ht holdof the onk.., ;md he ·was takJnup between the heav en find the earth, andthe nude thm )Vad 1mda him !Vent away. \Vhatfoever we do, or whitherfoever we go, fo long as we do rnl thefc <1iils will meet us. Go into the Chip, there is but a board betwixt thee and th~ waters :walk on the ground,therc is but a fhoe-fole betwixt thee and thy grave : take a turn in thdl:rccts,and fo many perils hang over t\lee, as there arc tiles on the houfes. trJvcl in the countrey, and fo many enemies are about thee, as thou meetcll: beafts i~ the fields ; if all thefe places be fo dangerous, then retire to thy houfe, and yet that is fubject to fire, N water ; or if it efcape both , lt may fall on thy head : whitherfoever we turn us, all things about us feem to threaten our death. Our dayes arc evil indeed, and who is it that is exempted from every of thefc evils .' Sinners arc corrected, good men are chaflcned, there is none efcapes free. ' To fee a little the ll:ate of Gods own friends and children: \Vas not Abet murdered by his brother? Noah mocked by his fon? Job fcoffed by his wife? Eli !lain for his fonnes? will you all at once? take one for all, and fee ]'acob our Patriarch, a notable example of extream infelicity : he is thrcatned by his brother, banifhed from his fa, ther,.abufcd by his uncle, defrauded ofhis wife; was not here mifery enough to break one heart? But after this, for another wifes fake, fee him enter into a new fervice; In G<n• JT.4o the day he is confumed with heat, in the night with froft: an hard fervice fure! Nay after this that he got his Rach~l, fee then a divifion betwixther and Lcah, two fillers brawling for one husband, yet neither content, after both enjoyed him. Bleffed Saint! how wall: tho'u haunted with afflictions? yet after this, he agrees his wives,and they all run from their father, and now fee a frefh purfuit; behind him, L aban, foilowes with an Hue and Cry; before him Efau meets him with 400 men; to go forwards inrol– lerable, to go backwards unavai !able; which way then? It was an Angel of God, nay the God of Angels that now mufl: comfort him. And yet again after his firfl: entry into his own countrey, his wife Rachel dies, his daughter Dinah is ravifhed,his fonne Reuben lies with his concubine; and if the defiling of a wife be fo great a grief to the husband, what forrow and fhamc, v:hen the wicked– neffe is committed by a mans own fon? what can we more? If yet his heart be un– broken, her's another grief great enough to match all the reR, his fon, his Jofoph (they report) is loft, and what news hears he of him, but that he is torn with wilde Gen. lJ·34.tS beall:s? and now fee a man of miferies indeed! He rends his cloathrs, h• pms fl<ek[loth About his loyns, he will not be comforted; btttjitrely (faith he) I willgo down into thegrav• unto my fonne mourning. Alas P?or Jacob! what can they fay :ocomfort him? Tocom· fort, faid I ? nay, yethear the udmgs of a new>nifery, a fammc rs.begun, and another ofhis fonnes is kept in prilon: What a grief is here? A~other in prifon, and nothing Gen. 42 , 36 to redeem him but his only Benjamin; here is the loffe of fon after· fon, Joftph is not, and Simeon is not, and nowye will tak! Benjamin,allthcft thing.< are againfl me. We need no more; if Jacob thus number , how many arc the miferies he did daily fuffcr? would you have the fumme? He himfelf the bell: witncffe of himfclf, affirms it to PIMraoh, Evil, Evil. Few and Evil] have the days of the years of"!)' lift been. So miferable is our life, that no man can take his breath before fome evil ~r other do fei't on his perfon: if you would that we knit up all in one bundle,therebe <1Ji/s t.rigint~l, evil! ad1.1entitious, evils of the minde,evils ofthe body,tvils that are common, evils ofthe choftn; we had ne~d pray again,Deliver liS from rvil.] What ?fv many wits offuffering? Now the Lorddeliver us. ' \V~at ..