------------------------------~--~---------------------- IDcatOs ~tnft. John li. ~6. Nttlhu trit( de~ fellnr, nR11UI terminus. Have )'Oil not read what is fpokcn ofGod, faying_, I am the God cf Abraham, tmd rh<Gad oflfaac, and the God of Jacob? Now G•d ( fatth Chri!l:) is not the God lfj the dMd, b~:t of the living. .Abraham, Jfaac, Jacob, they are not dead then in (the better part} their foHls, but paifed indeed from th<: valley of death, 11nto the land of the living. Whofoever lweth and beite'l'eth mme (fatth our Savwur) jl•all never die, John 1 1 • ~6. Not dit.] again!l: fome, nevtr die] again!l: others: what can we more? only live and believ~ in him that redeemed us, and be fure his ~rQmifcs fh~ll never failc us; ourfc 1 f.'s mu!l: hve, hvc for ever. Sweet foul, bldfed wtth the fehwy of eternal life ! here's a joy unfpeakablc, that thisfost! now clogged with cares, vexations, griefs, paffions fhall one day enjoy thofe joyes immortal, not for a day, or two, ( though this wer~ more than we can imagine) but through all etermty, Thtre Jl.•a/1 be no drfett, nor end : after millions ofages thefoul mufi Jlilllive in her happinelfe,it is not of a per.ifhing but im ever1aJling fubftance. ' IS. ~- John r. 18. ( Alls 17·' 9 1Tim.6. 16, John 4• 24. Eph. 4· 6, TriniMrem in nobis viJ~mus porius q1111m J9tiouqut~m. ..:rttlimus. De· Hmwro e.JJ~~ Trinitatem cre– iimKs pMiut ifMrn vide11uu. Aug de Trio. I. IS• c. 6, Pfll. 4S· I~· Ecc!~(. , 7 , 6· And y~t the perfection of the fou~ goes higher, it is moft lik§ to God.] So far it tran– fcends all earthly happineife: I cannot fay, but in fome fort all creatures have this like– nefl'e; every effetl hath at leaft fome fimilitude with its caufe, but with a difference. fome onel'y have a being, as fiones ; others being and life, as plants; but man abov; all hlth a being, life and reafon, and therefore of all other the moft like unto his Crea. 'tour. Can we any more? Yes, one fiep higher, and we are at the top of Jacobs ladder': 'The fo11l is not only lik§ God, but the image of G'od. I cannot deny, but there is fome appearance of it in the outward man,& therefore the bodyin fome maafure partnkers of this image ofthe Deity, it was man, and whole mafl that was corrupted by f1n,and (by the law of contraries) it was man, and whole man, that was beautified wirh this image. Pleafe you to look at the body, is it not a little world, wherein every thi11g that God made was good ? as therefore all goodneffe comes from him : fo was he the p2ttcrn of allgoodnefl'e; that being in him perfectly, which only is in us partly. This is that Idea, whereby God is faid to be the exemplar of the world : man then in his ~ody being as the worlds map, whot is he but that image, in which the builder of th~ world is mani– fcft? but if you look at the parts ofhis body, how often ~re they attributed (though in a metaphor, l et in rcfemblance) to his Maker? Our eyes arc the image of his wif– dom, our hands are the image ofhis power, our heart is the image of his knowledge, and our tongue the lively image of his revealed will : God therefore, before he made the body, faid, Let us mak§ m"n in 011r own image : and what was the meaning, but thatji11l and body fhould both bear the image of his Majefty ? Be allonifhed then, ye men of the earth! If this dull:, this clay, this body of ours be fo glorious, what think ye of the foHI, whofe ji<bftance, facultin, Cjllalities, dignities, cwry way reprefents Gods omnipotent EJTmce? Look on this glaiTe,andfirfi for S11bjlar.ce,is the foul invifible? WhyfoisGod: No mm1 bathfmz him at any time, John r. r8. Isthefonl incorpo· real? Why fo is God: We oHght not to think_him liks 1mto gold, or jilv.tr, orJloneg,.a. ven with Art, Mt. 1 7· 29. Is thefo;tl immortal? Why fo is God: He" Kmg of Kmgs and Lord of Lords, who only hath. immortality, 1 Tim. 6. 16. Is the .foul fpiritual? Why fo is God: God is a Spirit, and they that wor;1tiphim, 1mef/ worjl!lp h•m m Spmt, John+· u,. Is the foul one Efl'ence? Why fo is God : There is one G'od ~<nd Fatrer of all,who is above al:,and through r~ll, and inyou all, Eph. 4- 6. See here the hvely tm•ge ofGod in ~very fotel of man. But there is another charatler imprint_ed_ in evc_ry facul– ty, fo that not only the S11bftancr, but the power! of the fox/ bear thts tmage m them : As there is one God and three Perfons, fo there ts one foul and thru faculms: the I'a· ther, Son, and holy Ghofi arc but one God; the Vndrrftanding,Will, and Memcry, are but one{o11f; the Father is not the Son, nor the Son the holy Ghofi; fo theVnderjla11d· ing is not the Will, nor the Will the Memory : and yet the Father tS God, the Sonts God, and the holy Ghofi is God; fo the Vnderftandmg 1s the foul, the Wrllts the fo•l, and the Memory is the jo11l. .-I dare not fay, . but there .'s. fome dtf· ference. This trinity in 11s, we rAtherfee it than behcv~ rt; but'thnt Tnmty ofPrrfom, we,more believe it th 1 mfu it:· Howfoever.then ourfo~tlts no proofof the God-head, yet Is it a true figne ofthat image of G'od in the f•ul . Nay, yet (as tf th1s fiamp were of a deeper impr<ffion,) fee the dowry of God_s Spoufe, and who wonders not at the <jUalities, and conditions with which the foul IS arrayed? The Ktrgs dnnght<r "all glorious within, her clcthing is of broydtred gold. What fay you to that heavenly kMwledge infpircd into us? God that created man, filled hun w11h 10"'"''"'£' of md<> • jtandsng,