39S ft . £n andJbmed the"' good and roil. \Vhat fay you to thofc heavenly 4mprcffions t;:t 'afc' framp upon us?. fuch arc the new mans m(lrk}, which after God is created in · hteoufaeffe aad "'" holmejfe, Ephef. 4 · 24. .There make thefoul ltke God, and Epbt[. 4· •4- ~~d loving to thefoi!l; is. i_t not clad with t:ightcoufndfe, as with a garment? wit- ~ffe the integr!ty of Adam, m that fweet fubjccbon, hts f orti to the Lord, htsaf!Jhons ~0 thefoul, htsbody to the ajfeCfions, the whole man to Uod, as. to th~ chtcfeLt good : d as truth and mercy meet together, fo righteou{nejfe and ho!meffe ktffc each other: ~ blcffed image ! how nearly doll: thou refcmble thy Crcatour? He is the pattern of perfecrion and we bear tfie image of that pattern, Be ye holy, for I «.m holy, I 'P,t 1. 1 i Pet. I. , 5 . ' And yet again, as i~ this picrure were of deeper die, how like IS the foul to its Creatour in her full dominiOn over all the creatures? Thol! art beauttf rJI, 0 !Zant. 6 · ~· my foul, as Tir;::.~h, comely a~ Jerufalem, terrible as an ~rmy rv~th banners. Wh~t is it will not floop to this Gods V1ce-gerent? Beajls, and Berds, and Serpents, andthmg~of the Sea arc tamed, and /Jave been tnmed of the nalltre ofman, Jam. 3· 7· What a th1ng Ji1111. J• 7 • is this foul? She can tame th~ wilde, command the proud, pull down the lofty, do what She will, by compoundmg, comparmg, conrcmplatwn, commandmg. 0 excellent nature ! that littc!t on earth, can!t reach to heaven, mayefl: dive to hell, nothing being able to relifl: thy power, fo long as thou art fubje<'l: to that power of God. Is thjs the foul ? Lo, JVhat is man t!Jat thuu. tlrt mindful~~ hi~n.? t?olf, .h11jl made him to havedominion in the tvorkJ ofthy hands, tho11 haft put a/! thmgs mJubjeEhon under hisfeet, Pfal. 8. 6. . P{alm. a. 6 , 0 myfo~tl, myfoul ! what can we fay offuch a creature? To fummc up all; She is in nature a Subjfance, created by God, invijible of men, incorporeal with Angels, immortal through grace, mojf !tks to God, _in a way of nearneffe, and bearing his image in the glorious /tamp of her created likeneffc. . Is this the darling of our Lord? Where then is the rich man that hath loft this pearl? H e that could tell his foul, Soul, thou haft muchgoods laid11pf or manyyears, live at eafe, Ver[.l9. eat, drink.., and taks thy paftime. Now on a foddcn his{oul is taksn, and whofe jhal/ be thof cthings which he bath provided ? The loffe of nil Loffes IS the Loffe of afoul, without which, had we never fo much, we €ould truly enjoy nothing; what, trufl: then in your earthly treafures? , what, flay on fuch broken fiaves of reed? one day you fhall find them moll: deceitful, leaving your naked fords to the open rage ofwinde and wea~ ther, to the fcourges and fcorpioRs of guiltindfe and fear : Could you purchafe a monopoly of all the world, had you the gold of the Well:, the treafures of the Eaft; the fpices of the South, the pearls of the North, all is nothing to ( this incarnate Angel) this invaluablefoul. 0 wretched worldling! what haft thou done then to undo thy foul? \Vas ita wedge of gold, an heap oflilver, an hoard of pearl, to which thou trltfl:efl? Sec, they are gone, and thyfoul is req~<ired.j Alas, poorfoul ! whither mull: it go : to Heaven? to its Creatour? to God th~tgave it ?No, there is another way for wandering !inners; Goye into everlaftingjire 1 preparedforthe Devil '"'d his A nge!sr thither mufl: it go with heavineffe of heart, into a Kingdomc of darkneffe, a lake of .. burning, a prifon of horrible confu/ion, of terrible tortures: 0 poor fo~tl! what a Mattb. 2 S• 4 1• mifery is this? Darksr~ejfe, burning, confufion, torments, .Arc thefe the welcomes of his ~oul to hell ? What n1cant the riGh man in his unhappy. fore-cafl:? He propounded to htsfou! a world ofeafe, ofpieafor", ofpaftime; it proves far othcrwife: this other .worldis a world of torments, which (like infinite rivers of Briinfl:one) feed upon his foul Without cafe or end. What avails now his pompous pride at his doleful funerals? the news is founded [heis dead] friends muft lament hinf, palling-peals ring for him, an hearfe-cloth wrap him, a tomb-frone lie over him,all mufl: have mourning fuites, and (may ?c) rejoycing hearts; but all this while his foul is going to judgement, without one fnend, or the leafl: a~quaintance to fpeak in his caufe: 0 that hisfoul were mortal, and body audfoul to be buried, both together in one grave! Mufl: his body die, and his foulltve? Inwhat world or nation? In what place ot region? It is another world; another natwn, where Devils arccompahions, brimftonc the fire, horrour the langgt><)gc, and eternal death the fouls eternal life ; never to be ~ured, and never mull: be ended. 0 my(out, (fa1th. Bernard) what a terrible dav fha!! that be, when thoujlmlt leave ' th '-' ,t; d ..., Bernard. im~ .H .EV.J..~nJ.10n, an enter tnto an unknown regio.n! Tf'ho will deliver thee from thefe ram- Mrdir. - pmg Lz~ns-' Who can defend thee from thofo hcllifhptonfters .' God is incenfcd, hell prel'ared, JUftlce_threatned, only mercy mull: prevent, or the foul i.s damned. View this nch man on h1s deaths-bed; the pain fhoots throqgh his head, and at' la(J: comes to his E e c ?f. • heart,