heart, anon death appears in his face~ and fudde.nly falls on to arrelt his foul; Is it death? what is it he demands? Can hts.goods fa(tsfie ! No, the world claims them : mult his body go? No, the worms claun that : What debt is this, which neither goods, nor body can difcharge? [H~bMs ~<ntmam eJ"' coram nobis:] Gods warrant bids f etch thefoiSt: 0 miferable news ! thefo~l committed fin, fin morgaged it to death, death now demands it; and what tfhe gam the world! he multlofc his foul : This night [thy fo"l]jha/1 be required ofthee.. . . . Vfo. I; Animulavagula, blandula, fatd dymg Adrum; Pretty, lmlc, wandring f o 1 1i, whither goeft thou from me? 11!Jit thou, leav e me lllone, that CAnnot live without thee ? 0 what confliCts fuffers the poorfont! when this time is come, muH thefont be gone ? Helfl friends, phyfick, Pleaf4re, nches; Nay, take a world to repncve afo~tl; fo different are the thoughts of men dying, from them living: now, are they for their pleafure or profit, the body, or the world, but then nothing is elteemed but thefoul: Wha; can we fay ? But ifyou mean your fou ls mult be faved, 0 then let thefe precious dear everlalting things breathed into your bodies for a fhort abode, fcorn to feed 0 ; earth, or any earthly things : it is matter of a more heavenly metal, treafures of an higher temper, riches of a nobler nature, that mult help your foJtfs. D o you think that ever any glorified {o~tl, that now looks God Almighty in the face, and tramples under foot the Sun and Moon, is fo bewitcht as was Achatt with a wedge of gold ? No it is oncly the Gommunion of Saints, the fociety of Angels, the fruition of the D eity; ].fo. 7 21 " the depth of Eternity,which can onc!y feed and fill the fo~tl. So live then,as that when you die, yourfouls may receive this blilfe, and the Lord Jefus our Saviour rcm ve aU JDilr fouls. · V fc. 2 . I mull: end, but gladly would I win afoul: If the rtward befo gm u (as you know it) Si IJUJgtu m .erto recover aficlbody_,which for all that mu(l die,of what_reward is that cure to[t~vc aJo1 d, cediseft• mar- lvhich muft evcr,ever live? 0 fweet Jefu!why fheddell: thou the moll: precious & warmeft " eripere car- blood of thy heart,but only to favefou/s?thou wall: fcourgcd,buffettcd,judged,condem• nem, 1••nri eft ed, hanged ; was all this for us? and fhall we do nothing for our felves ? What is it eh,. ;;;;;:,:::;,::" tvouldejl have bad,ifthou couldeft wijh itgood?aot thy houfe,nor thy wife,nor thychildren, m...?Ambrof. nor th_y goods;nor thy cloaths,but no matter for thyfoul; I b~feech you, value not your offic. r. fo~tls at a letfe price than your jhOCI; you can pleafc the flefh with dclicates, which is Q!!irl eft quod nought but worms-meat ; but thefoul pines for want, which is a creature invifibir, in· '"'i' 114,;"~.1 corporeal, immortal, moft likg to Cod: Are we thus careful of pelf, and fo careletfe of :~,~::;; ~n~. this pearl? certainly, I cannot choofe but wonder, whenfteing the ftreets peopled withmen ln q11J •ferm. ·rhat follow fuin, r1m to CoJtrts_, Attend andwait on their CfmncellorJ f or thiJ cafe, andthat c~tfe, this houfe, or that land; that not oni ofthe[&, nd 11or one of all us will ride, nor run, or creep, orgo to have cosmfcifor his foul! I mufl confeffe, I have fomctimes dwelt on this meditation: and (Beloved, let we fpeak homely to you) be ollr Counccllors in this · Town everyweek folicited by their Clients? and have we no Clients in foul-cafe$? Not "One that will come to us with their cafes ofconfcicnce? Sure you ate either careletfe of yourfolds, or belike you have no need of particular infiruCl:ions: 0 let us not be fo forward for 'the world, and fo backward for the foul! yet I pray miltake not; I invite you not for fees, as noble Teremius, when he had petitioned for the. Chriltians, and faw it torn in pieces before his face, gathered up the pieces, and faid, I have my re• ward; !have notjiecdfor gold,Jilver, honour, or pleafure, but a Church: fofayl, in middefl: of your ncgleCl:, I have not fued for your gold, or filver, for your houfes, or lands, but for yourfouls, your pr«iousfouls: and if I cannot, or fhall not wooe them to come to Chrilt, God raife up fome childe of the Bride-chamber which may do it better;if neither!,nor any other can prevail,O then fear thar fpcech ofElies fonnes,They hearkgned not unto the voyct oftheirfather, bccaufe the Lord wouldflay them, I Sam.2. 25ln fNch a cafe, 0 that my h;,d weref~tlt ofwater, andmine eyes af ountain oftears, tbat I might weep day .,nd night for your fins! 0 that I could wafh your fouls with my tears from that filth of fin, wherewith they are befmeared and defiled! 0 that for the falva· tion ofyour fouls, I might be made a facrifice umo death ! But the Lord be praifed, for your fouls and my foul Chrilt Jcfus hath died; and if now we but repent us of ou~ lins, and believe in our Saviour, ·if now we will but deny our fei:1m, and takg JJp htS ~rojfeandfollow him; if now we will but turne.unto him, that he may turne his loving countenance unto us, if now we will but become rte!V creatures, and ever hereafter walk in the holy path, the narrow way which kades unto heaven, why, then may our fc~His be raved, This is that we had need to care for, not fo much for thebody, as for the