thefouls good : to this purpofc faith Hugo; Why cl;rh we the body infi!ks, which m;;ft C11r '"'""" nJ · h . ... 0 a"'d adorn not thflfoulwithj'aith and lTOOd work.;, whzch one day mt:ft np- orr.m,f/:1 andrrot tn t e U"711.v ~ 1 • • ..'!>h. . h h' h fd h mam non a or~ pear brfor~Cod and his Angels? 0 tnmk of thts day, t "mg t; t ts our o cat , for n"? Hugo d£ then mull: your Souls be wk:rn from ycl:-. dattjb o. Anim.t Thus farrc you fee the rich mahs arrefl:: God injoyns it, death fervesit; the time was this night, and the party is, his fo•l] God give us grace to provtde ourfouls, that when death arrelts, we may be really, and then, 0 Cod, have thot~mercy on 011r fouls. Shnli be required.] THe Original is""""""· They ]hall require it : wherein you have, h 5Serjeants, t e ) Arrctt. The Serjeants, They,] and the arrett it fclf, Tbey req11ire] his foul. \Veelllirlt rake a view of the SerjMilfJ. They: who? Not God, he i{Jows not !inners, what fhould he do with a dnm~etl, profane, covetous fenfualfoul? He that never fo much as thought on God in thiS'life, \vill God accept of the commending of hisfoul to him at his death? No, the Lord of Heaven will none of it : he that foorfook God, is juflly forfakcn of God : Sec the true weight of this balance, he would not receive Gods grace into his foul, and God will not receive his gracclcffcfolll wto Heaven. But who then? Will the Angels take tt( No they have nothing to do with thefoul of a dying finner, the Angels are only por– ter~ for the jonls of the jufi : Poor Laz..arw that could neither go, nor fit, nor ftand for forcs ; it is he mutt be carried on the wings of Angels; but for this rich man, not the lowett Angel will do him poorelt fervicc. Who then? \ViU the Saints receive it~ No, rhey have no fuch commiffion to receive a foul : that blind opinion (which every one may blufh at) that Saint PeterJhould be heavens porter, and that none may go in, but to whom he lvi/1 opm: if it be true, why may not a Saint help a dcpartingjoul? Away with this dreaming folly! not Peter, nor Paul, hOr all the Saints of Heaven have aRy fuch priviledgc; if God will not hear us, what will our prayers do to Saints ? Heave!). Is too far off, they cannot hear, or were it nearer, they will not, cannot help : It is God mu(l: fave us, or we perifh ever. Who then arc the Serjeants ! not God, nor Saints, nor Angels: no, there is another crew, Death "nd Devils fiand in a readinelfe, and they arc the parties that arrelt his prifoner. ' Stay, what would death have? Thefoul cannot die, and for the body, no matter who receives it. 0 yes! there is death ofthe foul, as well as of the bod.y : I mean not fuch a death whereby it may be annihilated, but a fecond death that lhall ever accompany it: this is a death of the foul, that will alwaycs keep it in deaths pangs. But not to fpeak of this death, there is another death temporal, that fhall fever the {oJtl and body each from other : thefe two twins that have lived together fince rhcir firtt eipoufal, thcfe two lovely ones that were made, and met 1 and married by the hands of God - thcfe two made one, till death them depart, and make them two againe; now is thei~ weful time of divorce : When death comes he gives over the body to the grave, and srrefl:s the foul, to appear in prefence before Gods high TribunaI. Such a Bayliffhath hOw laid hands on this rich mansfoul, when he leafl: thought on't, de.-th comes on a fudden, and arrelts his perfon. 0 wretched worldling! who is this behinde thee? Call we this Godr Serjeant? What grim, ugly, moofirous vifagc is this we fee? Have ever any of you fcen the grifiy picture of death before you? How was it but with hallow eyu, open sk11ll, grinning teeth, nak,!d ribs, a Jt~v holies knit together with dry ftrmgs, as prefentmg to your eyes the mol! deformed image of a man in 1\lOuldes? But ;vhat's that in his hands ? An houre-glaJTe, 11nd adart: the one .expreffing the de– creahngs of our ltfc and the other deaths ttroke, that he gives us in our deatb. Such emblemes are !nott fit to e.xprelfe mortality: and i.magirie fuch a thing (O arre,il this rich n;an, would tt not terrifiehim; whildl: looking back, death fuddenly 'claps him on , h1s fl10u!der, awar he mufi with this meifonger, all the gold and pcarlsofEall:and Well:canno~ ll:ay h1m one hou~ : Now rica man, what availes all thy W\)!ldly pleafuro? liadll: thou m thy hands the remes of all earthly Kmgdomes l wert thou r.<alud as the E e c 3 Ertgle,