Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

I ,-_ 20 Uje. 2· Thus whi!dl the Minitttr tpeaks, Jt is Ch1if\ chat come' wich power in ~rn~ worci,Ezc'<. 1 s 3r, 32. WOf\hies hath faid it, thot in our humiltatiom, and other preparatiw difpojirions, we do not prtfcnbe precifely juftJut-ha meafure and quaatity, we do nor determine peremptorily 11 p.., onfm:h or Juch a de.urce andheight, we leave that to the wifdomeof Oltrgreat Mnfter m heaven, the only wt/e God" who is a moftfree agent. !Jut Jv.rc ll"e arc, a 'l'mm muft have fo 11mr.:h ; and in that mcafurc, as throughly to hl#mble hun, and then to bring him to his Sa– viour~ he mujl be wtary ofall his jinnes, and ofSata~s bondage wholly, lVzlling to plm/zom hisrighteye, and Cllt off hisrighthand, I mean to part with his befl-beloved-bofome./lljfs, tofi'/1 all, and not to leavefo much as an hoof bchinde; he mujlfee his danger, ar.d fo hafle to the City ofrefuge~ he mujl be fenjibleofhu Spmtualmzfery, that he may heartily th~rft for mmy; he nmjl finde htmfelflojl' and cajl a~vay m krm(elfe, that Chrijt may be all in "11 unto him; and after mnftfollow an hatred ofallfalfc and evil ll"ll]tJ for the t1me to t'ume a thr.:mgh-change of former t.:ourfn, c:ompany, conver[atH,n, andfr:rtir,ghimfelfin the ll'~ and pracl:ice of fobriery, honefly, and holinefs. And another fpeaks to the fome pur– pofe, that the difcovery of the remedy ttJfoon tu the mi{ery nmft needJ prevent a great part ofthe r-rouble, and makf the diflinfl ejfeEis on the{o11i to be wuh nmch more drjj.culry dif– cerned: nay the aflsngs ofthe {o:rl are fo qmclz., atld oft fo confufed, that the diflin[f or– ders ofrhcfe wori(in_~s may nor be apprt/Jcnded, or renz<mbred at all. .Andperhaps the joy– ful apprehmjion ofmercy may makf thefenfe ofmiferyfooner forgot m:. 1he fumme is, of every foul is required thus much: Firfr, a truly penitent fight, fcnfe, and btred ofall fin. Se.condly, a finccrc and unfatiable thirlt after Jcfus Chrilt, and righteouf– nefs, both Imputed and mhercnt. Th1rdly, an unfamed, and unrcfcrved refolurion of an univerfal new obedience for the time to come.. If any man hath had the experience of thefe affections and effdl:s in ~is own foul, whatfoever the order, or wh~tfoever the meafure be(ldfe or more)he is fafc enough,& may go on comfortably in the holy fnith. Now then let me advife thee (whofoever thou art that rcac)ell:) to enter into ;hine own foul, and examine thine own ltate,whether or no thou art yet born again? Search and fee, whether as yet the fpirit ofbondage hath wrought its effe(l:s in thee; that is to fay, whether thou hail: been enlightened, convinced, and terrified with a fenfible npprehenfion, and particular acknowledgement of thy wretched efrate? Seorch and fee, whether as yet the Spirit ofadoption hath fealed thee for his own; that is to 'fay whether (after thy heart being broken, thy fpirit bruifed, thy foul humbled, thy con; fcicnce wounded and awaked) thou haft had a fight of Chrilr, and hall: thirll:ed after hiM, and halt call: thy felf on him, and hall: followed his wayes and Commandments by ail univerfal obedience? If upon fearch thou canil: foy (without felf-deceit) that fo it. is with_rhee, then mayll: thou bleffe God that ever thou wall: born ; certainly (I dare fay it) fhou art born again. But if thou hall: not fenfe or feeling of tbefe works, if all I have fpoken are very myll:eries to thee, what ihall I fay? but if ever thou meanell: tofee the Kingdom of God,flrive,flruggle, endeavour with thy might tmd main to b~come truly regenerate : Thou mayll: fay perhaps it is not in thy power, thou art only a meer patient, and Gods Spirit the agent, and who ea~\ command the Spirit of the Lor&; that bloweth where he lifleth, at his own will and pleafure? I anfwer, it is indeed the Spirit, and not man, that regenerates. or fan:lifies.: but I anfwer withal, The do– Clrine'ortl\e Gofpel is the miniilration of the Spirit,"and wherefoever that is preached (as I preath it now to thee) there is the holy Gholl: prefent, and thither he comes to regenerate: nay, I can fay more, there is a common work of illumination, that makes way for regeneration; am) th_is common work puts a power into man of doing that, which when he ihall do 1 the SA"6t of God may, nay will in the dii:y cf his power mightily work in him, to his quickening and purging; if then as yet thou feelelt not· this mighty work of God in thee, and yet fain wou!d(l feel it, and gladly doll: defire it (otherwife I confeffe it is in vain to fpeak) follow me in thefe paffages I ihalllend thee two wings to bear thee, two hands to lead thee to the foot of this ladder, where if thou afcend thefe frcps aforefaid, I dare cer"tainly pronounce of thee, Thou art the man boril again.] The firlt wing is Prayer, which-firll: brings thee to Gods throne, and (there, if thou hail thy requell:) then to the new birth; if I mull: acquaint thee how to pray; Hof. r4. 2. Tak$ with you words, l<nd turn to thee Lord; fay· un'to him, Takf'away all iniquiiy, and recei<Je usgracioufly,--and then it follows, !will heal their bdckcfliding, !wi/[ love themfreely, ver. 4· Jerem. 30. 18. I haveJierely heard Ephrairr\ bmzoaning him– felf thus, Thou hajlchajlifed me, and I !Vas chajlifed, a'a lmlloc/z.llnaccujlomrd re the yoak,.: tHrn thcu me, ;md Ijhail bnurntd. Thefoul may object, I maj fay 1h11s, "nd be no