committed, not one confeffcd, or throughly repented; then too late thou wouldtt begin to wifh, 0 hAd !led a better L;Je, and were "to begmagai11, 0 then ho1v W&uld ! f aft a11d pray; how repent, how /we : Cenamly, ccrtamly, 1fthou goell on infin, thus would be thy departure, thy carke1fe ly~ng cold. among the !!ones ofthe pit, and thy foul, by the weight of fin, mecov~rably finkmg mto the bottome of that bottomleffe burning lake. . . . . Vfc 2. But to prevent this ev1l,ta~e th1s ufc of a~v1ce for thy farc"Ycll : whiltt yet thy llfcJatt. eth whileft yet the Lord gtves thee a grac10us day of V1fitat10n,ply,ply all thofeblelrtd me~ns of falvation, as prayer and conference, and meditation, and Sermons and Sacramen.ts, and faftings.' and watchings, .and patience, and faith, and a good' con. fcience; 10 a word, fo hvc, that when t~ts day or m'$ht ofdeath comes, thou maycl! then !land firm and fure : as yet thou art m the way ot a tranfi tory life, as yet thou art not en:ered into the 7onfines of Eternity: Ifnow therefore thou wilt walk lrr the holy path, 1fnow thou w1lt !land out agamil: any fin whatfoever, 1£ now thou wilt take on thee the yoke ofour Saviour Chri!l:, if now thou wilt affociate thy felf to that fe(t and brotherhood, that is wery where fpok,rn "gainft; if now thou wilt direCl: thy ~~·ords to the glorifying of God, and to ~ive grace unt.o the hearers.; ifnow thou wilt delight in the Word, the wayes, the Samts, the fervtces of God; 1f n0w tho.u wilt never turn again unto folly, or to thy trade of fin, though Satan fet upon thee with his baits and l'f•'· 116 • •S· allurements, to detain thee in his bondage, but by one darling delighr, one minion-fin, then I dare affure thee, dear, nght dear wo~tld be thy death m the figm •f rhe Lord : with joy and'tripmph wouldft thou_paffe through all the terrours of death, with finging & rejoycing would thy foul be received mto thofe facred manfions above. 0 happyfo•d if this be thy cafe! 0 happy night or day,whenfoever the news comes,that then mull thyfoHI be t~~ktnfr~m thee .; . . . You may think 1t now htgh ttme, that w~ btd th1s farewel-funeral Text adieu. Then forconclufion, let every word be thy warmng. Left thu] be thy ttme, provide for this I The[. s. 6. and every time · !ell: the night] be dreadful, Do not fleep, as do others, but 1varch andbe fober; left thy fs;l] fhould fuffe£,,defire the fufferjngs of thy God to ~atisfie; left death re· qHire] it ofthee by force, offer 1t up to God w1th a chearful devotwn ; and Iell this of tlm] be fearful, who hall: lived in fin; corret\ thefe courfes, amend thy wayes and the blelrmg ofGodbewith thee all thy life, at the hour of death, Row, henceforth, and for ever• .Amen Doomei;. -----·----~--~--~~----------------------------------------