Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

MATTH. 16. 27. Then flJa/1 he rewardevery m1.n according to his works. He dependance of this Text is limited in few lines, and that your eyes wander no further than this Verfe, therein is kept a general Affizc; the Judg,Officers,Prifoners ftand in array; the Judge, is God, and the Son ofman; the officers, Angels, and they are hi1 Angel! j the Prifoners, men, and becaufe of the Goal-delivery, C'IJery man. Ifyou will have all toge– ther, you have a Judge, his circuit, his habit, ~tte~- dants,his judgements: a Jodgc, the Son ofi11an; h1s C1rcu1t, · . he ]hall come;his habit,in the glory ofhiJ Farher;his attendants, .. Tme.n not •• with his A ngels : What now remains, but the e~ec~tion of jull:ice? T~cn without 1:;';;::~::;;. more ado fee the Text, and you fee all ; the fcales mh1s hand, our works m the fcales, ea/weight; ,.. the reward for our work§, *of jull: weight each to 6ther; Then hejlut/1 reward every man wards ( efPecF llCCording to his work}. • . aUy ofHeaven) This Text gives us the proceeding of Doorm-day, which is the !all: day, ar<nodrequat. lll:Affi h n.b k h · d d · H accormr;to;•• the !all: Seffions, the a 1ze, t at mu". ~ ept on ~art , ?r IS ec~ce . m ea- fti e, bu pro-· ven; if you expect Shenffs,. or.Judges, Plamt1ffs, or Pnf?ners, :1:11 are 1~ th1s Verf7, pornonaole ..,~ fame in each word. Then] IS t1mcs Trumpet that procla1ms the1r conung. He] IS according ro the Judge that examines all their lives. Reward] is thedoom) that proc~eds from llim promi{e, in his Throne. Man] is the malefactour, every man] lbnds before him as a prifoner. w orks] are the indictments, and according to our JvorkJ] mull: go the trial_ howfoever we have done, good or evil. . . Give me yet leave, this Judge fits on trials as well as prifoners; it is an high Court of appeal, where Plaintiffs, Counfellours, Judges, all mull: appear and anfw~r: Would you learn the proceedings? There is the Term, Then] the Judge, he] the fcn– tcnce, jha/1 reward] the partic3, every ;nan] the trial it felf, which you may, finde in all to be jult and legal, every man his reward ~tccording t• his work£.] · We have opened the Text, and now you lhall have the hearing. Then.] T·Hm]when? The ~Ncgative. . anfwer is , Pofitive. . , . Firlt, Negarive, Then;] not on a fudden, or (at leall:J not at this prefcnt. This life is noti~e to receive rewards, the rain and S~tn pleafure both thegood and bad; pay, oftenturies tile bad fare bell:, and Gods own children are molt fiercely fcorthed in the furnace of affiiction; Theearth isgivm intHhe hands ofthe wick§d, faith Job: but, l ob. 9· o 4 ; Ifany man .willfollowme, he muft tal?$ up his crojfe, faith our Saviour. Joy, and plea- Marr!J. 16. •r. fu:e, a~d happmelfe attend the ungodly, while Gods poor fervants run thorow the th1cket ofbners and brambles to the Kingdome of Heaven: but Shall not the jndge of Gen. 1 e. os. t~!l the world d~ r.ght? A time lhall come when both thefe mult have their change ; JWar"-.the "Przght, and behold the juft, for the end •f that man is pu:ce, bm the tran.fircf- Pf•l·37-3l,)S. fours ]hall .be defl.r,oye~,rogcrher, 4nd the end ofthe wick$djha/1becut off, Pfal. > 7· 37, 38. · The effect of thmgs 1s beit khown to us in f9me itt'ue oftime; and then lhall we have our rewards when The Son •f m4njh11ll come in the glory of his F11rher. Let this adFff3 moni(h