Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

..qo8 IDoomes~Mp. -----···-- - - ------------- - there a Crown compaffeth that Comet; near them a fiery Drag~1es 1·n fl h · fi ·f ll b ' ames · every~ ere appears a fhootmg re, as 1 a a ove us were nothing but injtamed azre' Yet not the atrc alone: · LU"lz •i. IS~ 7'hen]jhall the"'"rcrsroare, Rivers fhall wax dry, the Sea froth, and foam ·and fume ; thofe that dwell n.ear fhall wonder at the fwelling tides, others afar 0~~ all tremble at the roarong n01fe: \Vhat t)<reats arc thofe which the Surges murmur ' is !'roclaimed by noifc, fet on by blalts, continued by frorms; the floods an· tid:: fhall run over all the pla1_nes, the Sea and waves fhall mount up to the very skies. now would they warre wtth heaven, then overwhclme the eorth, anon will the fink ro hell; and thus fhall they rove and rage, as if they would threat all the world y · h feeond inundation. Nay yet again. , Wll a M•rt/i. 24 · 7• Then] Jq,,.u the Mrth be Jhaksn; in divers places (faith Matthew; ) in all plllces (fJith JatiJ, 10 ' Joel)forllllthe earthjhall trembitbefore hun. Here is an Earthquake' indeed· fome part of the land, by reafon of fome cloiftered winde, but the Rocks Moun~ not Cafl:les, Cities, Countries, fome fhall remove, others be ruined · thu; at! the :mt~ fhall be as a fwal!owing gulf,'that all things here fituatcd,may be the~ devoured. \~hat can I more? Then] fhall Plants ceafe their grow!lh, Bcall:s want their fenfe, Men lofe their rea– fan : were this but little? You may wonder more. The s,by/; could affirm thot Nature Jl•o~tld both ccafe,and change her bcing;thc Trees inll:e~d of growth fhould,fweat out blood; the Bealls fhould bellow up and down the fields, then want their fenfe· Men fhould have disfigured fac~s, all:onifhed he.trts, affrighted looks, then Iofe thei; reafon : Nay, what marvel then, if at the worlds end, they be at their wits end? 0 fearful fignes enough to moveflmty llones! if this be the Term, what is the SJ<it the Bill, the Doom, the Exe<·mzon .' ATrump fhall fummon, Death will arrdl;, God :Oufl have appearance, andThen] is the day: Then] he jhall reward evrry m11n according ,. his U>ork_,. , What a Chaos is here, when the world mull be thus turned topfie turvie? The Scn, the Mo•n, the Starres-: come yet lower, the F<re, the .A~re, the Sea, the EArth;. nay, Trees, and Beajfs, and Men, all mull: be out of order in the whole courfeof Nature. • I. v[e. Who can read or hear this Prognoll:ication of Dvomefd><y, and not wonder at the !ignes which fhall hang over all our heads? vVe fee by experience when any out-ngious fl:orme happens on Sea or Land, how wonderfully Jrten arc difmaid, how ll:rangely ail:onifhed: now then, when the Heavens, th~ Earth, the Sea, the Aire fhall be whollY' dill:empcred and difordered; when the Sun fh<11l thre&tcn with mourning, the Moon with blood, the Stars with their falling; yea, when a11 the heavens fhall fhrink and palfe away as a paper-fcroule, who then dares eat, or drink, or neep, or take ami– nutes rcft? Be fure thefe daycs fhall come, and the fignes fh all paffe : A w~ksye Dmn– /z.ards, Rnd "'"Pall ye drink.;-rs ofWine, becaufe ofthe neU> U>ine ; for it]hall be pulledfrcm Jodr.~,t;,t~ your mouthes. Girdyour felvcs, and lammt_ye l'riejf;, howleye Mimjfds ofthe .Altar: Alar! for the day , for the day of the Lord is at ha•d, and"' a dcflmctionfrvm the Al- . •nightyJl•all it come, What? Are ye inf~nfib!e of thcfe fignes? The imprifoned thief fears at the news of the affize: and is the !inner fu impudent that he fears nothing t The day fhallcome \Vhcn the men of earth fhall fc~r, and be full of fear; ~very figne lhall breed a wonder, and every fight fhall breed a wondrous tcrrour; n:en fiiall hide themfelve's in the caves of beall:s, and the beafls feek to favc themfdvcs m the houfes of men: where then fha!l-the wicked ll:and,whcn all the world !hall be thus in uproare? Yet a word for us all; we have all warning, and WC had bell: to provide; yet the 2 • Vfo weather is fair, we tnay frame an Arke to fave us from the flood; yet are the Angels at the gates of Sodoin, yet is-Jom" in the llr~ers of Nineveh ; yet th.e Prophet wooes, 0 Judah, howjiJOitid I intreat thee.' Yet the Apoftle prayes, my, We prllyyou m ~hrifls jltlld, thmye will bereconciledunto God: to conclude, ye_t the Br~de-groom ll:ayes the B>[.·6. 4 • Virginsleifure; Lord, that they would mak~ fpeed, feemg the_Joyes of heaven tarry 2 Cor. s. 10 for -them! This Term is at hand, and _is 1t not t1me topet1t1on to the Judge of hea_ven ? What a da 11 gerous courfe is it, neve~· to call to minde that T-~"" ofTtmes, until! we fee theEarth flaming,theHeavens melung,the Judgement hall:enmg,theJudge with all his Angels coming in the Clouds to denounce the !aft doom upQn all flelh, which fhall be unto fomc wo wo when they fhall call to the mountams to cover them, andfor-fhame ohhelr fins hhle themfelves (if it were poffible) in hell lire! If we ha,,e ' any