Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

any fear this fhould move fear; if we have any care, this fhould move us all to be careful indeed. We have not two fouls that we may hazard one, neither have we two lives that we may trufl: to another, but as thy lafl: day leaves thee, fo will this D•omefdayfind thee. \Vho would not but accept the Fatherly fore-warn– ing of Chri 'cour SaviOur. See you not now many fignes asthe Heralds & forerunners of his gloriQU3 commg? The aboundmg of zmqu~ty, the waxtng cold ofchanty, the rijing Nlltth.>4·7,U Hp ofN.uion againj/ Nation? \Vas there ever leffe love? Was there ever mo_re hatred? Where is that Jonathan that loves Davidas his own foul? Nay, where IS not that Joab that can embrace friendly, but carries a malicious heart towards Abncr? Sure we •are neer the end indeed, when ch"r"y u ~rown thus cold. You then that would have the comfort of the d'ay, take thefe fignes for warnings; provide for him who hath thus long WAited for you; andfeeingyo~< look.for fuch thwgs, be dehgmt ,hat ye_may be found , , Per. 3 . , 4 , ofhim in peace, witboHt fpot, and blamel,Jfc.. Who would endanger therr fouls for a little fin? bufie Clients heed nothing but therr caufe; and tf you would recover heaven, be fure that ye mark this Term. The time drawes on, now the \Vrits are out, ~non comes the Judge, and T hen is the day. Then] he fhall reward ever,v mf!n~tccording to his work. · You fee the Term, and now you ,may expeCl: to view the Judge : the Term is Then,] the Judge is He.] Stay a while, and the nexttime you fhallfee him ia his judgement-feat. H •.] HE? Who? Ifyou look at the fore-going words you may fee who he is : The Son ofmanJha/1 come in the glory ofhis Father,and it is he thatjha/1 reward us according fi.c f•"it.Nt ad to our }li'Orl·s. infim ~m [r: [or• "' f temhat~tinam ... This title of the Son of man, denotes unto us the humility o the Son of God; what dejiciar. is the Son ofman, but man i' And this tells us how humble ht wasfor m, that being Goq, ·""[cuf~s ;. was made nMn, or the Son of mart, which is as all one, according to that, Pfal, 8. 4· Marrh. cap. s. What is m4n that tholl art mindful of him? Or the Son of •mm that tho11 vijiteft l'fal. 8. 4· him? Itistrue, GodistheJudgeofa/1, Heb. 12. 23. andyer it is true, thisGodis man, Heb.12 •J· ACl:s 17. 31. God (faith Ptutf) will Judge the world, bltt it is by thatmlln whom he hath or- Ails 17. Jl, dained. God hath the power, but God as man hath only the Commiffion. He (who is God) hath given him at<thority to exect<te Judgement. And would you know the reafan? It is only ~ecaufc he isrhe_ Son ofman, ]oh: 5. 27. In a word, God Jha/1 judge 1 John s. 27 , the whole Tnnrty by prefcnptwn, Chnfl: ~mly mexecut1on: the Father judgeth, but by the Son; or as the Evangeldl: John, the Father Jitdgcth no man, but hath committed all judgrmmt to the Son, ]oh. 5. 22.' ' ]oho S· 22. But.becaufe as man, there appears in him a double forme, 4s hutrbled, 4sglorified. wee'! difculfe thefe queftions, which refolve all doubts. ' { J. Whether Chri£1:' as man} fh ll . ' a appear unto us, when he wtll reward . us' , 2. \Vhcthcr man, asglorified ' To the firlt we fay, that only as man he will appear om· Judge, who as man appeared when himfcff was judged; ~hat better reafon to cxpre!fe the benefit of our redemption, than fo to Judge us as he dtd redeem us? Was he not man thatfuffcred, died and was ~ . buried? And is he not man that one day fhall come to judge both he J':ft~;:;;;u tbat cttmeobfcurely to_ beJ~<dgedby the uny<ft, Jhall then appear openly to judge n/1 the juft: inter juftor i•– thcfamc mnn, who 1S God and man, fhall be our Judge in his humane nature, by. his drcat•rus, qui drvme power. Thus we fay, God (who is the Ancient of daycs) hath the power origi- sccutt• vennat nal;but man (who is the Son of God) hath the power traduced;and therefore faith Da- !•d~andus •t, 7fiet, Onelik£ the Sr,n ofman came with the cloitds of heaven, and came t9 the Ancunt of ~!~g~:fi~ deci– daycs, and they bro~tght him nccre before him, and there lrt~sgiven him dominion, and ff{ory vir. Drr. i~nd a Krngdome. 6 Dau. 7· 13, t4· Confider this, ye that are the Bar; what a fight will this be to the faithlelfe Jen;cs, O:ubborn Gmtiles, wicked Chrij/ians, when Every eyeJhaltfee him, and they ,a!fo whtchp~erccd htm! This is the man (fhall they fay) thtlt '""s wucijiedfor w, ""d agam Apoc. 1 1 . crucifiedby us: why, alas ! every fin is a Croffe, every oath is a Spear, and when that day ts come, you mufl behold the man, whom thus you do crucific by your daily fins: Ggg Sur~