----------- --------------- lJI)oome~ nap. Sure this will be a fearful light; where is the bloody fwearer, that can tear his wounds ts;, Aug· h.•· and heart, and blood, and all ? At this day of Dom*thofe wounds jha/1appe"r, that hear; b" /"""" (for. be vifible, that body a/Id blood befeen both of good and bad, and then thall that fearful raj]:) decbrij!i voice proceed from his Throne, Thzs was the heart th~u piercedjl, thefe are the wounds 'f?:mmua:t~;i. tholi racedft, and thes tS tbe blood thou fpzlledft,: Here IS the fearful judgement.. when bus,& q~<od non thou that art the murtherer thalt fee the llam man lit thy Judge: what favour earill: fir def"mrw thou expeCl: at his hands, whom thou hafl fo vilely abufed by thy daily fins? Be fure, iisJed dignithe Son rJman 1wlt come, as tt ts wntten of hzm, but wo be Jtnto that man bv whom the Srr1. ttH. N~vi qu(ld b d · h db d f h ;r h h d b / ofman is erraye , " a een goo or t at man 'J ,e a not een born, Matth. 2 6. q~ldrh.ur, nn crcamas re· 24. mllnt'.1nt-incot. pore p~rfello & t)orificato l Attamen Chrijfus apparuit Thom:E: cum cicAtr;~ibus ~d fidem eju1 confi.tnMndllm, }oh. ~o. 27 • ~lmh. ,6, 24· Jod •· 3, f, F[JI. 110 1. Greg.iritl1sr. I Pet. 4· 18, Van. 7· 9· M•ttb. 28, IJ. To the fccond que/lion we anfwer, that as Chrifl flwll appe11r in the forme of man, fo this m11n j1Jall apptar in agloriowforme: he that is a Mediatour betwixt God and man, mull: both tntcrcede for man,to God, and communicate thofe things which are ofGod to man: to this purpofe both thefe offices arc agreeable to him, in that he participates of both extrcames; he is man to abide the judgements due from God, he is God to convey all his benefits onto man : as then, in his firfl coming, he pleafed God by ta– king the infirmities of man upon him, fo in his fecond coming will he judge us men, by appearing in that glory which he derives from God. But look about you ! who is this Judge arrayed in fuch a majefly? A fire devoJtres before him, and bchinde hima flame burnes up, on every fide the people tremble, and allfaces fhall gather bladz_mffe: here is a change indeed, he that was in a cratch, now fits on a Throne; then Chrifl: flood like aLambe before Pi/arc, now Pi/ate flands like amalefadour before Chrifl:; he that was ol)ce made the footll:ool of his enemies, mulr now judge, till he h..th n,.de all his enemies his foot-j/ool, Where thall thty run? And how fhall they feek the clifts of the rocks, and hallow places ? The .glory of his Majcfly kindles a flame, while th, heaven and earth ]hall flie from the prcfence of this Judge. 0 ye he~vens! why do ye flie a. way? What haveye done? Why areye afraid? It is the Majefly of the Judge that will amne the innocent; the greatnelfe of whofe indignation will be able to Jhike all the heavens with terrour and admiration; when the Sea is out-ragious, and tempell:uous, he that llands on the lhoar will be flruck into a kinde of fear: or when the Father goes like a Lion about his houfe, in punithing his bond-llave, the innocent fon fiands in great fear and trouble : and how then fhall the wicked trell)ble, when the very heavens thall be afraid? if the goodly Cedars of Lebanon be fhak.;n,- whatJba/1 become oftbe un– der nviggs in the Defcrt? If thej/~trdy Rams j/oop and tremble, how will the bleating Lambs cry and run away? And ifthe jujl and righteous fl"m cely be faved, wheref/:a/1 the ungodly and the firmer appurr ? The mountains and heaven thallmclt before the Lord; and what flony hearts have we, that (for all this) are nothing at all yet mov- ~? . But (may be) I prevent your expectation; if here be a Judge, where is the guard? 1lehoid him coming from above with great power and glory: would you know his ha. bit? He is cloathed with Majefiy: feek you the colour? 'Tis the brightnelfe of his' Father: would you view his attendants? They are an hoail of a Angels: look you for the guard? They arc a troop of thining Gherubims: nay, yet fee a longer train, a fur· ther company, the rv'uls ofSaints defcend from their imperial feats, and attend the Lamb with great glory, and glorious Majefly: neve_r was any ~udge Lord of fuch .• circuit: his footilool are the Clouds, his feat the Ram-bowe, h1s Jufltces Samts, h1s Officers Angels, and the Arch-Angels Trump proclaims a lilence, whilcil a jufl fen· tence comes from his mouth on all the worli:l. Thus are the Allizes begun to be folem– nized; the thrones (as Daniel faw in his vilion) lV<"f' Jet up,_ and the ann"mt of dayrs{ate' down, his garments white asfnow, and zhe harr of hiS head lrk!J fMe wool!, !JtS Throne izke the fiery flame, and his wheels as burninl fire, Dan. 7. 9·. Th1s IS the Judge whofe come– ing i; fo fear full, ulhered by a fiery flood, apparclled tn fnowy white, earned m h1s circllit on burning wheeles, and attended W!th 'the number of thoufand thoufand~. 0 ye Jewes, behold the man, who before you crucified lik.e aMalefa~or ; behold hunm hisThrone,whom youfaid,his Oifciples had flollen by lllght out ofhts grave:behold bun in_ ltisMajelly,whomyo11 wouldnot d~ig>~~ to .lookJtf0/'1 in his btll?Jility; rlie bnpryop ejfem- . ~