Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

IDoome~ nap. med his .,cakmffi rite hcavic:; 11;ttjf you find andfeel his mightinrffi.Thc Son of man appears, Greg {ub 111. and the kindred; of the e~rtlimull: mourn; fuch a fhoutof fury follows the fight of his M.tth. H-.i~ Majefly, that the,vaults fhalt eccho, the hills refound, the earth fhake, the heavens nubrb~s ccdr ~· change'their fcituation, and be turned to a confufion; then fhall the w1cked weep and . ,._ wail, and yet thoir tears 11.ot fcr~e th€ir turn; their fins pall: betray them, thm fhame ·C< .o ·• pref.::rlt condems them, and the~r torment to come <ionfounds them; thus .Jhall they bewail their miferab!c hap, the!t unfortunate bmh, apd thw curfe.d end : .0 fearful c.,,, 6, ~. s, Judge, te.rnble .tpan .Army rvith Banners; tJt.rn aJVay, thine eyes from us, whtch overcome the proudeO: Potentates: the Kings of the earth fhall be aflonifhed, and the Nations of the !Des fliall fear from farre : Every eye fhaU fee him whotn they have p'icr· ccd and tremble at the pr,cfence of his fight. Conceive the guilty prifo~ter coming to his ~rial will not the red robes of his Judge, make his heart bleed -for hjs blooq~fhed? doth no~ that fear!et Cloth prdent'a monflr~us hew before his eyes? .0 then! what fight is this, whm the man flam, _fits m th~ Judgement feat, the rofie w<JUnds of our Saviour rtitl blcedmg ( as 1\ were) mthe pnfoners prefepce? Thefc arc the wo.vnds,no.t "' toi{sns ofinfimllly, but viE/ory; and thefe nowJhflll appear, not as if he mufl fuffe-r, bJ<t to Jl]{w w he harh fi1fcred. Sec here an objeCl: full of glqry, fplcndor, majc~y, cxcel!cncy, and this is He] the man, the Judge, the •·ewarder 'f every man acfordir~g t!J hi.r work_~. The Judge we have fct in his Throne, ~nd before we appca,r, ·kt u~ practife our repenranee, that we anfll·er the better. r >: •• Aquin {up· pl,m. q so. A. '' ad [<• cHna'wn. Vfo ' · ' Think but (0 !inner) what /hall be thy reward, when thou fhalt meet this Judge; The adulterer for a while may flatter beauty, the Swearer grace his words with oaths, the Drunkard kilfe his cups, and drink his bodies health, till he_bring his foul ·to ruinc: llut rememberf or all thefe things God will bring t/m to jttdgemmt.C:~o)d.comfort in t1~ end; E.ccle[. 11 ' ~. The Adulterer fhall fatisfie his lull:, when he lies on a bed of fire, all hugged :rnd embra· with thofe flames; the fwcarer fhall have enough of wo~<nds flnt{,. ,whe._rr.Devils torrure his body, and rack his foul in hell; the Drunkard fhaU have plt.Jity-6£- his cups, when fca!ding lead fhall be poured down his throat, anctbis.breath'ddw" flameff of fire inflead of aire : as is thy fin, fo U; th~; nature of thy punifhment 1me:jti!l: Judge· fhall give jufl: meafure, and the balance ofhis wrath .poizc in a juft proportion• . -- Yet I will not difcomfort you, who ar~ the 'j11dgrs 4e~refl favoriw: Now is the day Vfo ;~.. (ifyou arc Gods fervants) that Satan fhall be trod under your feet, and you wjth your Lord and Ma!lcr Chrifl, fhall be carried into the holiert of holies. You may remcm'-· ber how all the men ofGod in their greateftanguifhes here below, havefetchtcornfort by the eye of faith at this mountain: 'Job rejoyced being caR: on the Dung-hill, that h1s Redeemer /,ved, and that heJbottldfee himm the /aft dfty fl•md qn the earth: 'J•hn longed and cried, Come, Lord Jcjiu, come qHickJy; and had w~ the fame precious. faith, we have the fame prec1ous prom1fes: why then are we not ravifhed at the remembrance of thcfc things? Certainly there is an happy faith ( wherefoever it fhall be found) that fh all not be afhamed a!thatday: Now thereforelittle children, ,.bide in him, that t J ohn ,, ~8. when hejh,,l/appear,_we may have confidence: Confidence? what elfe ? I willf<e yo" "("tn (fa1th our Savwur Judge) andyour heart jhall rejoyce, andyo~er joy no man tak$th from_YOII. 0 blclfcd mercy, ~hat fo tnumphs againft judgement; our hearts muff joy, our )Oyes endure, and all th1s occafioned by thefighl of our Saviour. for He]jhall reJ obn 1 6 . 12 • ward every ma11 according ttJ his work.J. ' · ,, We have prepared the Judge for fentcAce: he hath rid his :ircult in the Clouds.nnd made the Rain-bo:v his chair of itate, for his Juc\gement-feat; his Sheriffs arc the Samts, that now nfc from the Dufl to meet their Judge, whom lobg they have cxpected:6c fummons IS fent out by a lhout from Heaven·the cryno fooner made but the graves /lie open, and the dead arife : fiay a while' tilt I ready them; yo; have fcen the Judge, and now we prepare the judged. H e] is the 'J~tdge; every. maa J the Jndged ; and He jhall reWArd everymt~n flCCqrding tq hi• tverizf. . Every man.] , T ~e rrfons to be JUdged, are a world of men, all men of. the world, gcod and a , cl eel: and reprobates, but in a .diffcrent manner: 'J;"ogive you a full view of them, I mufllead your attentions orderly rhrpogh thcfe pao:-ages; thete muft be a CJta~onh Refierrechon, Col/c[/ion, Separa~iq';i ,follow me _iR.thefc paths, and you may feel) ot the men and thC!r difference, ~efor~ ;~ey come to their j(ldgenients. . · ' ,Y g gz Firlb 1