swgitr ""'· Firll:, there is aJimmwns, and Every man mufl: hear it: it is performed by a lhout rui, 1ieuire ad from Heaven, and the voice of the latt Trump : the clangor of this Trump could ever t~~~:·ymus found inJeroms ears, .Arifeye dead, and come to judgement: the c!anaor ofthis Trump fuper Matth:E· will found in all mens ears,it iliall wake the de_ad out of their drouz.ie fleep, and change am: Ve>e v!X the living from their mortal ftate, make devtls tremble; and the whole world iliakc rub£ rmibitis, with terrour: .A terrible voice, a Trumpet jha/1[o1md, that jha/1Jhak! the world, rend the '"' '"'",'" obc• rock.! break.,the mottmairrs, dijfolve the bonds ofdeath, b11r.ft down the gate so~ hell and" clrNnl e emew,. . · ' , . . h · b d \"h r , 1 ' • paw 1,;.,Jir, mte. a/, ffmts tot u r own o m. •v at ,_ay you to thts TrUmp, that can make the whole infao;, (<Jc·. · Untverfe to tremble? No fooner ilialltt found, but the Earth ]hall fhak!, the mountains Chryfoll.,. ad sk.!_p 1 1 ke .Rams, and the little hills like young jheep: It ilia!! pierce the waters, and fetch Ccrznrb. 1 ;. from the bottome of the Sea the dufl: of .Adams feed, it iliall tear the rocky Tombs of earthly Princes, and make their haughty mindes to !loop before the King of Heaven. it !hall remove the centre, and tear the bowels of the earth, open the graves of all rh~ dead,& fetch thetr fouls from heaven or hell,to re-unite them to their bodies.A dread– ful fummons of the wicked, whom this fuddcn noifc will no !ciTe afl:oniili, then con– found; the dark pitchy walls of th~t infernal pit of hell, ilia!! be lhaken with the lhout; when the dreadful foullhallle¥fe tts place of terrour, and once more re·e.nter into her !linking Carrion, to receive a greater condemnation: What tcrrour will this be to the wic_ked'~retch? Wh~t wofut falutati~ns _will there be between_that body and foul, whtch IIV!n~ toscther m the h~Jght ofm!qu1ty, mufl: now be re-umtcd to enjoy the ful. · nelfe of thetr mtfery? The votce of Chnfl: IS powerful, Tl.e dCttd]hail hear his voice awd Joh· s.•S, '9• they jlia,ll uome forth, they that have donegood, unto the rcfitrre[fion of life, Andthey tb~tt hav e done evit, unto the refurrcffion of condemnatiun. _ You heanhe fummons, and the next is your ~tppcarance: death the Goaler brings an • his prifon~rs from'the grave, and they mutr lrand and"PP"'' before the Judge of ·I Heal/en. .I -·Thcnfi<in>nom is given_, and every man mUA: 11ppear: Death mull: now give ~ck aH their 'fpoi!s,: and refl:ore again all that ilie bath took from the world. What a gafl:ly , ft;ght wm this be,to fee all t_he Sepulch~rs open,to fee_ dead ~e~ rife out oftheir graves, and thefoatte~ed dufl: to flte on the wmgs of the wmde, tt!l It meet together in one compacted body? Ez.ekjets dry bones ilialllive: thus faith the Lord, 1wili 14yfsncwes E~el:,• 37 , 6. HRonyou, and nMk,r flejbgrow uponJOlt, and c1veryou wuh skjn, and pHt bmtth in Y"'• and)'ouJlu•ll kzlow that 1 am the Lord, Ez.ek. 37· 6. This dull: ofours iliall be devoured &y worms, confumed by Serpents, which crawl and fpring from the marrow of our bones : look in a dead mans grave, and fee what you find ; but d~fl:, and worms, and bones, and skuls, putrified fleili, an houfe full of fl:ench and vermine; Behold then the power ol'God Almighty, out ofthis grave and dufl: of the earth; from thefe chambc~ ~ ofdeath and darknelfe, ilial! arifc the bodies of the buried, the graves will/lie open, and the dead go out ; not an hair, not a dufl:, not n bone iliall be denied, but whar– focver holds their dufl: fhall yield their bodies: 1 fmv the dead (faith John)fmall .mJ Rev.,o.IO,l3. ~~:reat ftand before God; "nd the Sea gave up the dead which were in it, anddeath andbdl delivered up the dead l~hich were in them, andthey JVere j~tdged everymanaccordingto their work.!, Rev.2o. 12,1 ;. What a wonderful light will this be,to fee thefea and earth bring forth in all parts fuch variety of bOdies; to fee fo many forts of people and Nations to (:ome together? Huge armies, innumerable, as the Caterpillars of Egypt, all1haU a– rife, and every one appear before the Lords Tribunal : worms and corruption cannot Jdll7 · 14. hinder the refurrettion; he that faidtoComeption, Tlm< art my father, and r.tbe J ob I9· >s. worm, Thou ~rt myfifter and mother, faid alfo, I k!toW that my Redeemer liveth, ,.;d. mine eyesji~All behold him. 0 good God! howwonderful is thy power l this fle!h of ours iliaI! turn to dufl:, be eaten of worms, confume to nothing; if there be any re– liques of our afhes, the wiude may fcatter them, the blafts divide them, our feet tram– ple them, the bealls digefl: them, ~he ver~ine devoure them; if nothng, yet rime will confume them. llut for all thts, Gocj ts as able to ratfe us from the dull:, as ro create us of the dull:, n\lt one dull: of this clay ilia!I perifh ; though fcattcred, divided, trampled devoured confumed · it !hall be gathered, recovered, revived, reiiocdl, & raifcd{& as one d~fl: ihaU not be loll of one man, fo neither ilia_!! one man be Ioil:of all the world ' this.is that general day that !hall congregate_ all, they iliall come from the four winds and corners of the world, to make an umverf.1l appearance; all the children of .Adam iliall then meet together; yea, all the kindrcds of the earth !hall meet together, and mourn ; .AJ{embleyour[elves, and t·ow, allye heathm, to the;:alley if J;el ~- rr, u Jchofhaphat, fortkrrt rvill1fitroJ"dgeaUth,heAthelf, jocl3. II, q. The