Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

0 ' The Jilmt!J0>1S are fo~<nded, the dead raifed, and yet to give you a: fullet v~ew of ~h~ parties,fee now-God the Judge now fends hiS m<:lfengers,to fetch the hvmg bodtcs to his Court. }le 1/}{ 11 1 f'c"d his Anuels (faith our Saviour)' 11nd they jhall gather together his ~ • J' r "' d h M h T Mot. 24· ~1• EleC!from thefonrwindesJ from onc.en of heaven to anot er,. ·att .'~4; 31.. rue, it is, all !hail be gathered, yet Wlth a difference; fo'me With a fw1ft pace fhe_ to the Throne, where is the hope oftheir deliverance; others'drawa~d pull b~_ck, wh1les the Angels hale them to the Judgement-feat ; the righteous have nuub~e fw_1ft bodye~, that fly to the Judge, as a Bird to her nell and young ones; but the w1ckea have theu• bodycs black and heavy, they cannot flie, but flag m the .aire, and'the Angels do not bear, but dragge them to the Judgc.!Jient-feat: how can th·1s chufe but fear the wteked,_ when like malefactors they arc brought before the wrathful Judge? as they were born or buried, fo mull(hey rife again naked and miferable; what a fhame is this? and yet the inorc horrible, in that rheir nakedncffe !hall be covered With a filthy blackneffe ;' needs mull dcfpcratc fears feize on the foul, when it is ag<1in united to her bopy, tranfformed ro fueh an ugly forme : is this the body fed· \'7ith delights and delicates? is this the flefh pampered with cafe and l~lt? is this theface masked· from the winde and Sun? are thefe the hands deck~d with Rings and Diamonds? how become thefc fo fwarthy horrible, which before were fQ fair and amiable? _this is the change of the wicked,when through farrow and confufion they lhall cry to theRocks,Cover our naked- ?ujfc, and to the Hills Hideu1<r ~tglincfs; nay, rather than appear, let the infe-rnal Flt· ries uar and totter us into a thoufand pieces. Look your beauties (Beloved) in this glafs : fuch is the-end of this worlds glory, fo vain the plcafur~ of this body; Now is the end of all things come, and wh"' remains, but a fca of fears and mifcri~s ruChing· on them? before !hall the Angels drag them,behind !hall the black Crew follow them; within fhall their Confciences torture them, and without !hall hot flames offire fume, & fry, '< furioufly torment them;fear within.& fire without:but worfe then all,a Judge above all, & thither mull: they go ; Angels ufher them, Devils attend them, the Criei hath called them, the Angels trump hathJitmmoned them, & now they mull appear. We have brought all together, now we mufl p:ut them af"ndcr, theJlseep Jha/1 be pHt on the right hand, And the goates on the left, as every man hath been qualified. Two travellers go toge_ther, feed together, lie together, fleep together, but in the morning their wayes part afunder: thus the fhecp and goats cat together, drink together, flecp together, rot together, but atthis day there !hall be·a feparation, Let them grow together, corn aud tares umi/1 the harvejf: this world is the floor; fan Mauh. t;. ~o. while you will, there will be fame chaff; love peace like lambs, there will be fome goates to trouble; the Cheep and goates live bot I) together in one fold, the worldJ· lie both together in one cote, the gr-ave: the world i~ a common Inne, which cntert· inc!l' all manner of paffengers: the rode-way to death, is the Kings high-way free for all travellers : after ihe paffageof this weary day, death hath provided n large bed to lay a)l in, the grave : all _Iiv~ t~getherand all lie togethe:: all reil toget~er, and all rgt together: but when th1s mgnt IS pall, and the lall day IS fprung, then 1s the woful reparation; fame turn on the right,and thofc are the bleffed; others on the left hand,and thofc are the curfcd. Here i~ the beginning of woes,when the wicked !hall curfe, and houle, likethc fiends of helL 0 Lord punijh me here, (faith one devoutly) rack_11ze in pieces, cut Dominehic ""• memjl1reds, bi<rnmeznfire, Jothatlmaybetherep14ctd at thy right hand: Blcffedare hie fee•, 111odrJ they,that have a place amongll thofe elect lheep: what now remains but their doom , mdwown which is alotthat mull befall every man? for he jha/lrt1111rd (not one,or fome,but every ·p"'"'· Aug. ne) every man acrordmg to hu JVorkJ. · The fmmnons arc given, the dead arerai(ed, the prifoners t·ondufJed to the bar, and the fl>eep andgoats feveredafunder each from other. And now .fee th~ parties t~lUS fmnmoned, raifcd, gathere.d, fever&d; Is not here a r . Vfo world of men to be Judged all mone day? Multitudes, '"''ltttudu m the 114/!ey of decifi- ]ocl . 14 , on,for the day of the Lord ts necr m the valley,ofdecijion, Jocl. 3· 14. Bleffed G<;>d! what J il multitude fhall ftand before thee? aH-tongucs, all nations, all peopleof the earth lhall appear at once: all we fh1ll then behold each fon of Adam, and A dam our grand– father lhal~ then fee all his po~erity. Confider this, high and low, rich and poor, one. wuh another. God ts no accepter oj p-erfons. Hcark, 0 Beggar! petitiOns arc out of d·:te, and yet thou needell not fear, thou !halt have jultice; this day all caufesf11all be heard, and thou (though apoor one) mull appear with others to receive thy fentencc. Hcark,- 0 Farmer, now are thy hves and leafe~ together llrnfbed; this day is the new harvcll Mat. J·••· of