Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

2. Vfo ,R.c't>· 20• J2, { I. How all mens works lhall be manifeft to us. z. How all mens works lhall be examined by GOD? - I. Of the manifejlation of every mans Work_, John fpeaketh, Ami I fmv the dea ', f11all andgrMt Jland before God, and the book! were opemd, and anotlur bodz)ras opened, >rh,ch is the book. ofltfe,and the dead W<re judged out ofthofo things JVhich were writtm in the b"k! according to their work!, Rev. 20. I 2. God is fa id to have book!, not properly, b~t figuratively: all things are ascertaiR and manifcll to him, as 1f he had Rcgtf!crs m Heaven to keep Records of them. Remember this, 0 forgetful ! you may commtt, adde, multiply your lini, and yet run on fcorc till they are grown fo m~ny. th:n :hey lJC