and tingle? Hisl!jJJ(fJ.i-th the Prophct)a;·c.fu// ofi;ui~~~H.L!IOiJ.~ tmd !J;J tui~V'c hb..,_ a t-rJII- . \ Jumm prc, Efny 30~;. \Vhatfircfohot asthatfieryfcntencc, Dq.t<t, l.' w;jtd, ,,_ ;1·''," 27. ~1 .a.,,Jireprepttredfvrthedev,land6zs anrrclsr llciCIS every J>artrcubr .full of .1.>..1J.25.fl• to ever aJ'' ., · . "' . . f 1: 1 1 S horror, gradually inhancmg therr judgement. F~rll:, a gnevom r u a.' Jcprtd. econdly, the lo!fc of falvatiun,fromme. Thirdly, that Jcfcrvcd nuled 1 Cl:ron, ~c ettr(cd._ Fourthly, the horrour of pams, tnto everlajfmg fire. Frfthly, the prcordm.moc of t..c11 torments, prepared for the devtl and hu angels_. . _ Fint, they mutt depart.] Thrs fcems nothm~ to the WiCked n~w: depart? They are contented to be gone, much .more delight have they 111 fin, than mGods fervrcc. But a• when a gracious Prince openmg Ius long locked-up tre.tfury, btds m fomc to reccrvc, but others todepart, this muit needs be a difgraccful vexation: fo when the glory of heaven, and thofe unvaluable trcafurcs fhall be op)'ned,_ and dealt about to the faithfu l,• what horrour will it be to the reprobates to qc caft offwtth a depart ?no fhare accrues to them, no not fo much ~s one glimpfe of glory mu!t chcar their dejected countenances, but as ill-meriting followers, they are thruf[ from the gates wnh this watch-word to be gone, Depart. . . . But whence? There is the lo!fe, from me,] and rf from me, then from all that ts mmc, my mercy, my glory, myfalvation. Here is an univcrfJl fpoilofall thin~s; ofGo_d in whom is all goodne!fe, of the Samts mwhom rs all folacc, of the Angels mwhom ts all happinc!fe, ofheaven, wherein all plcafures live ever and ever. Whither, 0 Lo,d, Jhall the c"rji:dgo that ~cpartfrom thee? mto what haven jhall th<'J amve? wh?t /t1~jl:er Jha/1 theyJcrvei Is it thoughtfo great a puntfhment to bcbantfhcd from our nattve forlcs? what then is thts to be bamfhed from Almrghty God ( and whrthcr, but mto a place ofhorrour; to whom? But to acurfed crew of howling reprobates. Depart [>'01!1 me.. Who are they? Ye ctsrji:d.] Chrifl: hath before invited you with bleflings, but thcfe refufcd, now take you the curfc to your defpite: The ll'ick!;d mtlil (faith the Prophet as he lwh loved wrjing,fo lee it come 11nto him: ·hath he loved it ? Let him take his love ) 10 9. 17 , As he h'ath clotuhcd hunjelf with curfing, as with a,.garmcnt, fo let it come imo: his bowels, lck:; water, and ltkt oyle into J,is borter, Pfal. 109 . . 18. No fooner our Pf•l.ro9. r8. Savionr curfed the Figtrcc, but leaves and boughes, body and root; all wither away, and never any more fruit growcs thercon-; and thus fhall the wicked have a curfe, like the .Ax which put to the root ofthe tree,jha/1httv tt dotW1,arJd be cafl into the fire. Go ye curf M•tth. 3• to, fed. · ' But whither mufl: they go? into ever/afling fire.] 0 what a bed is this for delicate and dainty perfons?no feathers-but fire,no friends but furies, no cafe but fetters, no lioht but ' ~~eo;kint~~~c~til~~;fi~-~rb~;~i~~:~'~!v~~ed;~~~~ ~ei~:~~;tS~~i~~~~~~he!j~~;!hai! the Prophet) is ableto dwell in the b11rni"g]ire? JVbo ca•z eadurc the evcrlaftinrr jl"mes ? F.f"J33. •4· it fhall not be quenched night nor day, the fmoak thereof fhall go up evetm"ore; The pile ts fire, and much tvood, a11d the breath ofthe Lord likf a river of brim!fwe kjndlcs it. !!fay ;o H• \ Vhat torment, what calamity can be compared with the fhadow Of this? the wicked mufl: be crowded together like brick in a fiery Furnance: there is no fcrvant to fanne cold airc on their tormented parts, not fo muchas a chink, where the leall: puffof wind mrght enter 111 to cool them: rt IS a fire 1 an everlaftingjire. For whom? prepared for 'the Devil arzd·hiJ .Anoe!J ·] heavy company for difl:rcflcd: fouls : The Serpents policy could not efcapc hell,"nor' can the craft of our age fo deal With thts Serpent, as thereby to prevent this fire; it was furc prepared for fr>mc, as fome have prepared themfclves for it ; burning in Iull, in malice, in revenge, until themfclvcs, thctr lufl:, maltcc, rcven~e,. and all burn together in hell. 'J 'oplm is Ef<•no. !3· prcp,.rcd of old, whttbcr that day-ll:ar rs fallen from heaven and a black crew of Angel?. guard llim round in that l~ke of hell: there mu11 thcfe 'howling reprobates keep thetr rcfidcncc; the lafl: fentcnce that never is recalled, is now pronounced : Wliat? Go; Who? ye curji: ; \Vhither? into everla(fmg fire : To what company? to a crctv "[ Devtls a~d thm·.An.~els, 0 take heed that ye !ivc in Gods fear! lcfl: that leaving his fctVJcc,,hc give _you thrs reward, Deptm, ye cur;cd. . .And IS not thrs worthy your meditation? Confider, I pray you, what fearful trcmblmgs fcrzc on t]letr fouls that have their fcntcnce for eternal flames? Ifa Lo;·d_ have Vfr mercy 0 ?thee, 1ake hcm away Jaylour,will caufc fuch fhcdding of tears,folding of armas, and wrmgmg of hands: what wrll thts fentencc do, G'o ye cur(cd, 0-c. 0 which way Wrll they turn? or how will they cfcapc the Almightys wrath ? to go backward is im, G g g 2. pofliblc'