Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

horrid cry that ever·was hca.rd, or ever !hall be heard in Heaven or Earih,in this world, or in the world to come, will be then when all the forlorn condemnca Reprobates upon fentence diven, !hall be violently and um:e/ifribly haled down tO heH; neJther !hall any tears, or prayers or promifcs, or fuits, or cries, or yelliugs, or callmg upon Rock§ arid Mountains, or willies never to have been, or now to be made nothmg, be then heard , or prevaile in their behalf: nay, (yet more to encreafe their torments) there ts not one in Earth or He~ven that will fpeak one word in their behalf: but Wtthout mercy, wtth– out fray, without any farc\~ell at all, they /hall be imme~iately and irrecoverably call: down into the bottomlclfe ptt of eafeleffe, endlcffe, and remedtlelfe torments. Oh! what then will be the gnawings of the never-dying worm ? what .rage ~f guilty confci– ences? what furious defpatr? what horrour of mmd? what dtfrracbons and fear? what tearing their hair, and gnafhing of teeth? In a wor~, what wailing, weeping, roaring, yelling, filling heaven, and earth, and hell? 0 mtferabJe.Catttffs, catcht and wr"pt in the fnares of Satan? What 11eed we more? thts ts the Judge_s charge, the Sheriffs Commiflion, the !inners ExecutiOn, Tak! them away, earl them mto utter dark:; Mallb. 22 • 1 J· nejfe, thereJha/1 be tveeping andgnafhing of m:h. A darkneffe.indeed, that mull: ever be debarred from the fight of heaven: no Sun-fhme ever peeps WJthm thofe Walls,no light, no fire, no candle; alas ! nothing is there but Clouds and darkneffe, thick fmoak, and fiery fulphur: and fuch is the portion of /inners, the Reward of the wicked. Vfe What faith or fear have the wicked that go danciRg and leaping to this lire, a~ it were to a Banquet ! or like Solomons fool, that runnetb, andfwifrly mnnerh to the ftock,s? is Prw. 7· 22. this our plcafure,. to /in a while, and burn for ever? for one fmall fpark of filly joy, to fuffer univerfal and perpetual pains? Who buyes at fo dear a rate? Frar, and the Efay 24 '7,' ~~ pit, and thefnare are upon thee, 0 inhabitant ofthe Earth; and he that fleeth from the noife 1 9' 2o, ~ •• of the fear, fhall fall into the pit; and he that cometh "Pout ofthe pit, fha!L be taft.!n in the [narc, for the >vindotvsfrom on high are open,and the fotmdations of the earth doJhakJ : the earth is utterly brok}n down, the earth is clean dijfolved, the earth innoved txceedingly, the earthjiJall reel to and fro lik} a drunk}n man, andfha!l&ercmovedlikea'tent, andth• iniqmty thmcfjhall IJe heavy ttpon it, fo that it ji;a/1fall, and rife no more, Efay 24. 7· 0 miferablefear to the wicked! If the Earth fall, how !hall the /inners lbnd? Nay, Thy Jhall begathered together as pri{oners in the pit, and fha/1 be jhtt up in the prifon, tJever more to be vijired, rcleafed, or coniforted, Be forewarn'd then (beloved!) lejl )'Ott alfo come into thiS place of torment, It is a fearful prifon, and God give us grace fo to arreign Lu(:,e. 1 6, 2 p; judge, call:, and eondemne our felves here, that we may efcape this cxermion of the dam~ ned hereafter, I have no will to end with terrour: Then to fweeten your thoughts with the joy of Saints, look upwards and you may fee a blclfed company. After the wicked are earl: down into hell, Chrifl: and the bleffcd Saints afccnd into , heaven, From the Tribunal-Seat of Judgement Chrifl: !hall arife, and withal the glo– rious company of Heaven, march towards the Heaven of Heavens. 0 what comely march ts thts ? what fongs of tnumph are here fung and warbled ? The voice of thy WatchmenJl~~tll be heard, they f/Ja!llift ttp their voyce and jl10ut tolCiher, for they jhall fc• , eye to eye,_ when the Lortl jlJall bring again Sion, Efay 52· 8. Here is a viCtory indeed, Ef•J S'· 8; the fouldters m arrayed order both Marching and Triumphing: Chrifr lead~ the way, the Cherubim~ attend, the Seraphims burn in·love, Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Patnarchs, Prophets, Pncfrs, Evangelifrs, Martyrs, Profcffours, anJ Con- ~effvu:s of Gods Law a!'ld Gofpel, following, attend the Judge and King of glory; lingm~wnhmelody, as never ear hath heard, fhining with Majefry, as never eye hath feen, re1oycmg wtthout meafure, as never heart conceived. 0 bleiTed train of fouldiers, goodly troop of Captains! each one doth bear a palm of victory in his hands, each one mull: wear a crown of glory on his head; the Church Militant is now Triumphant; with a final overthrow have they conquered Devils, and now mull: they enjoy God, life, and heaven: and thtls as they march along, heaven opens unto them: 0 infinite joy! Tell me, 0 myfoul, what an happy hour will that be, when tho~tfl~alt firft enter into the gates of, when the Bleffed TnmtyJl~t~ll gladly entertain thee, and Wtth a \~ell done good and fatthful fervant,bd thee Come, and enter into thy Mafrers joy: When all the Angels, Mat, 2 J. 2 r, ;mdArchangelr f/udl falmc thee, when Cherubims and Seraphims Jha/1 come to meet thee, when all the powe~s ofheaven flu•ll eongum;larnl•y coming,and joyfor thy arrival at the Port •f