Eccle[ IT 9· Feef"S,,6, -;.7, 2a, 29,30. r Pet. S· 8. t-)tUl) llJO~rour. -- ofpeace I Here is the end of the godly, thcfruits of his cnd~i;;; R~~;d i~-f;lf. Wbt can I f•y? but hvc mGods fear, and the Lord reward you; nay, he will fo, if you live fo, for ·TfJe~J he j11a!l rtJVttrd r:.wry man accordw$ to hu wor/z!. And now this Sermon done, you fee_ the Court is diffolved : Stay but to receive ..rl' H ritofreview, and you lhall hear ma word all the news of this .Affize, from the be– ginnmg to the endmg. What a firange Affize was this, where every circumA:ance was to the wicked fo ter– ribly fearful? the Tmn fuU ef horrour, the J~tdge f?ll of MajeA:y, the Pnji;¥ers full of auguilh, the Tnal full of fear, the Doom full of gncf to the Wicked, as of comfort t the elect. Seei?Jg therrfwe that all thefe things arc thH~, what manner ofPerfom ought ~ to bCJn holy cmvcrfattoil and godlmeffe? A word of JUdgement could make Jeremi~h weep, julr Job be afra1d, Feltx to tremble; and cannot thts ufual found of the ham– mers a little mollific our ftony hearts? how is the gold become drof!e, and the jilvcr iron? we runne over rcafon, and tread upon confcience, and fling bycounfcl, and go by the Word,. and poft to death ; but wtll you not remember, thatfor all thefe thingsyou m 11 ji come to J"dgemcnt? Be fure there 1S a Term for our appearance, Then;] there is a Judge that will fit upon us, He;] there is a band of Prifoncrs, Every man;] there is .a Bill of Indictment framed, according to ollrJVorkJ.] And !all: of all, there is a fentence after which followes the Execution, the rew11rd] due to us, which then he \viU give us: only now bcll:ow on us thofe graces of thy Spirit, and thcn(O Lord) Rewardus accordmgto onr work}. A ME N. ~,,,,,i,iil 'i'''' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~ Hells Horrour. M ATH. B111d them in bundles to burn them. His Text is the harvcll: of Tares, and tharyoo may know the husbandry, here is firft the[owing, Verfc 25. Secondly, the coming ~·p, Vcrfe 26. Thirdly, the ovcrfcers ofit, Vcrfe 27. Fourthly, thctr mtent to weed it, Verfc 28. Fifthly, the fufferance of its growth rill the harves1, Vcrfe 29. Sixthly, the harvrft itfclf, Vcrfqo. Or yet to give you the Parable in a more ample wife, here is a ""mJv•ves good feed in his field, and the enemy, whilC 1 t bis fervanrs_flccp., Jon·es tares nmongft the wheat : The feeding done, and the fertil foil made frurtful by heavens lhowres, the blade of the cornJprings up, and the tears appear m thm ktnd amongll: them : thofe hea– venly Angels which are Gods fiewards of thts field pttchmg thetr watchful eyes about, firll: fee the; run to their Maftcr with this mcffagc, ,l!ajler,fowedft tiJOI• notgood Jced in thyfi~ld i from whence thm h.•th it t11res ? God, whofe all-knowing \\ ifdom can re– folve all doubts, tells them exprefly, an enemy had done tlm: an enemy furc? yea, as Pet,er calls him, a devouring memy: fuch 1s rhc fnut Iffumg from fo bad an author. Y~t fee the fcdulous care of Gods holy fcrvants, they wtll not fpare to root up what ent Y fowes, and with a willing obedience expect only his command, !Vilt thon that 1ve go and g,ttbcr them"Pi nay, fee the Almighty difparklmg a whtlc hts beams of mercy,. all muft il:ay till the harvcll, and then·goes forth hts royal command to the reapers: &ather Y' together firft the tares, and bind themmbundles to btt~n them. . , But, me-thinks, I hear you fay rp me, as the Dtfc1ples,to our SaviOur, Declare~~~~ us this parable · for the deing of which Ilhall place before you a ficld,the wcrld, the r ' · h · k d ta·"- the P ers Anqefs · the hou!holdcr CJod- gQod men, as tom; ·t e wtc c , as r ' ll: ' o , ' ' fiarvc