harveft that muft gather all, is the md of the world, and then are the reapers enjoyned this heavy task, Separate the bad from the good, and c~tft them into hell fire to bi<rn / them. d' . f · · r 1 h · n. Seehere the miferable con ltiOn o 1mpe111tent ,ou s, eac c1rcum~<ance aggravates their torment; and that you may in this text view a Series ofthe caufes, here is firtl: the efficient Bii1d :] the material, them:] the formal, in bundles:] the finhl, tob~trn them.] Ever w~rd like fo many liilks,makes ?P this fiery chain of torment, JJ_ind :] heavy doom to be fetterccl in hell-fire! them:] m1ferable fouls to be captivated m thofe bands ! m bundles :J cruel angui{h to be crowded in throng heaps! to b~trn them.·] intolerable heats, to be fcortched, blifl:ered, burned! And yet fee here at once, this heavy, m1ferable, cruel intolerable doom fall on the-wicked; The command is out, what? Bind,] whom? them:] how? inbundles,] for what? to b~trn them.] Not a word, but it fpeaks hor– rour to the damned, either Binding or bter~dling, or burning : Bind them in bundlesto burn them. The work you fee, is ordered; now we put in our fickle: only God profper our. labour, till we have done the I;Iarveft. Them.] VV E will begin firft with the fubject, that you may know of whom it is fpoken, Bi11d them ;] Them? whom? If you Will v1ew the precedent words, the Text tells you they arc Tares, G:ather yefirft the Ta~es, an~ binde them. In Gods field there is Corn and Cockle, and as for the one there IS provtded a barn, fo for the other there is nothing better thanbindingandbwning. The Greek word calls them(,~.;,..; tares; the Hebrews call them Had11l, thijfles or thornes. and both arc.apt expreffions of the matter in hand: what are tares for, but to begath'ered,bound,and b~trne_d, faith our Saviour? and what a~e thrones for, but ~o be re– jeEtcd, c~trfed, and burned, fatth the Apoftle? Heb, 5· 8. Such IS the penalty of th1s weed of the earth (for they arc neither better) that as men deal w!th thornes, who firil:cut them up with bills, then lay them up to with_er; and laftly, burn them in the furnace: . fo God deals with Tares, he weeds them, bindes them, burncs them; ROt a Tare cfcapes the fire, but all come to combuftion. .· But only to follow_ the Or_iginal, they a~e calle~ T.~ (:(«~'"-, T,ares: and that of a double derivation, the firll: ts, ( l( r.tvlor, quajiatT:tuov 'iTtLeg. To '1°Y tTI,ov flvt-ir, bccaufe they hurt the corn whtrervzth they are joy;:ed; the fecon~ is; ,,(dmw, qu~jiT¥J t1iT~., i~Jv(w, becaufe they imitate, ajfocrate, andfo umtc themfcives WJth_rhc corn_. as zfthey were the very fa., 11 e. To begin with the lafr. 'vVe all come together to the Church, and amongil: us are Tares and Wheat, good and bad; In all companies there will be evil intruders, Satan among the Angels, Saul among the Prophets, Juda; among the Apol!les, Demv.& among the Profeffours; yet who can difcern the tares,but God alone who knows our hearts? Hypocrites can work diffimula– tion in a web,and this fo cunningly is platted,that no difference is difcerned: fuch are hot meteors in the air, which lhoot and lhew like !l:arres, but are indeed nothing le!fe: your eyes may be fixed on Heaven, your ears allliftening to this Sermon; yet (as I condemn none, fo) I never knew, but Darncl hath ever been in Gods field . The Church Chrill: cal!s a"", an houfe, afloor, a field: anet that takes filh, good and bad: an houfe, that harbors veffels of wrath and honour: a floor, whereon is poured wheat and chaff; a field, wherein is fowed Corn and Cockle : Thus good and bad Seed are a while as that Trcafure hid in the Fidd, which cannot be c;\ifcovered: But is there not a God thatfearchcth both the Heart and.Reins? Be not deceived, yea deceivers of the World! God is not mocked ; it is not a folfe heart with a fair look, it is not a meer lhew of Re. ligion which God accepts: Silly Tares, hide clofe your fifls in the darkeft furrowes or mount up your heads among!l: the flourilhing Wheat, yet know there is a Fan tha; will purget he f:'locr; you would grow, and you frtall grow till the Harvefl: : God fuffers rha~ Seed t1ll the Frutt grows ripe, but then, gather the7ares, and bind them (wicked dtflemblers) bmd them inbundles to burn them. Secondly, as the _Tares arc Hypocritica l, fo are they hJtrtful; they feem at unity, but arc at enmtty With the \Vheat about them: And thefe Tares are eithq Hcritick.J, as_•nofl: Fathers underfl:ood. them; or any finner whofoever, that i~ a Chdd of the w~ef<!d one, as our Sav10ur d1d expound them. Fir!l:, ilfdrth. I~ 44• G,./, 6. 7,