- ---------·-- ~ell£i ~onour. 4~S the foot beftdes them. Look into your hearts, you fons. and daughters of A,dam, are not your fu 1 rowc~full of coc;kle and darncl; the earth (faith the Ph1lofopher) .•s now: an own mother to weeds, but a (lcp·mother to good herbs; man of h•s own mchnat!On · · t produce weeds and rares, but ere he can bring forth hearbs and graces, God ~~lrtake p.<ins with him indeed. No husbandman fo labours his grounds, as God cloth our hearts: happy earth that y•elds him an expected harvcll:; and that our hearts may be herein, what !hall we fay unto thee, 0 thou prefervcr of men? Awaks, 0 n~rth· winde: and come, thou,(o11W, ktowupon mygarden that the spu:cs the:eof may flow out) Cantic. 4• 16. yea let my beloved ''OWC m tohisgar de,' and ear his pleafant fruits, Cant. 4· I 6. # And yet again, tha~ [ may weed the Tares among(! us, confider with .your felves,, you that go on in your .ms, wyll you run upon rume, and can we fay nothmg to k~ep you 0 ·ut of the fire? 0 fwcer Saviour! what d1dll: thou endure for us, that we m1ght efcape this durance ? and yet we arc fecure, and care not, vilifying that blood th1t was of more value than a wodd. T ink of it, you that are in the blade, ere the harvell: come: No mln dcfircs to purchafc land, that will bring forth nothing, but weed,s: and !hall God buy fo bafc a ground, that will be no better, at fo inell:imable a price, as tht; incorruptible blood of his onely Son? 0 ye weeds of the earth, turn yo~r felves, o~ be ye turned ioto wheat,; call, and fue, and cry for the mercy of God mChr:lt our SaYio~r :yea agam,and agam,beg of yuur Jcfus that he m~yroot up your weed,an.. plant in you his <>races,that like good corn you may fru;'tifie here and when thel!t!rvell comes, you may b~ ga~hered into the barn and remain in his Kmgdome. , Thus far you fee the prifoners, the next point is the ""'"" wherewith thefe prifoners, are bound: but ofthat hereafter Rcmcmber1n the mean time the 7'aycs, and as good feed bring ye forth good frui t, {"""thirty, {vm& fc.>:ry, fom: a , h~mdred f old, that when the r;aping comes, we may be ready for the barn, and then, Lord fefns come when thou wilt, cvm, Lord jefu, C>mr: q"ickJy, Amen, , J>ind] THe rnalefaCl:or, whofe handsare pinion'd, legs chain'd, feet corded, may lie rell:– lelfe in·hi~ thougllts, eafeJc;,ff'e in ·all parts: the wicked are cat~ into a prifon under lock and bolts, where the devil is jayl.nr, hell the p>·ifon, and thebolu fuch other as burning /tee! and iron. See here a jay/cur, jayle, and ma.;acles, all which are provided for the damned: itQp becau(e of their relation each to other, give me leave to produce them in their order. The Tares mull: be bound, and for the executing of this doom, the Judge here deli– vers them over to the jaylanr. 'JaJicur ? whom? guod "''d bad A ngels; for both thefe are the executioners of Gods direlul feritPnce. Firll: thegeod A"geiJ; fo faith our Savtour., 7he ret~pers are the Angels, ver. 39· and he will fly llntO the reapers, vcr. )0. (; miJtr ye .' rft the Tares, and bind them up in bun. f dies. They which arc all mercy to the good, are here the executioners ofGods judg- ~~~f.:~: ments on the wicked. Thus was n1cm J,jfroy(d by an Angel, Gen. 19. The army of Gen. •9· Scna,·htribwas-overthrown by an Angel, 2 King. I9. Seventy thoufand men 6f lfrael • King• 19· .were ftruck with 'peftilence by Jn Angel, 2 Sam. 2+ Blafphemous Herod was fmitten • S•m. •4 by an Angel, A Ef. rz . 'l. Yea the Tam themfelvesmul: be gathered by Angels who a · will binde them.in heaps like faggots, and then caft them into hell fire to burn the~. ' A s. 12 ' •J• How fearful is it to fall into the hands of Gods hoa'l? no power can relift, no policy prevatL all the ll:r~tagems of war arc b•1t folly to gods wifdom; then into what moats and atoms !hall the proud du(l of fi,lu! man be torn? what? dares he ll:rugg!e againll: heaven? See.~od and Angels are become hiJ enemies, and whofe help lhou!d he have, when heaven 'lt felf makes war ? Mountains ao?.Rocks are no defence againll: God: lh•elds and fpears cannot keep fafc the TareJ? no; God hath his warriours that will pluck, and tear,. and torture rel"robates: the A ngels are his reapers, that mull: gather the Tares, aud bmde] them in bu,dlcs re bum them. But fecondly, g~od and bad Angels both joyn in this office to bind the Taw: if there be any dtfference, 1t 1s in this, thegood Angels begin, and the b,.d continue, to make the bmd.ngeverlallmg. Here is a jaylonr indeed and if you woyld fee him in his form you may take the defcription from that great Lev.,tthan, J~b 41. I8. By' hi 1 ncc(inu~ J~ ~;~8> ' 9 • "itght dothJhne, andhtscyes are /if{§ the eye-lids ofthe morning, out of hiJ mouth >ro bur":,. 2 ' •ng lamps; alzd fP<>rkJ offire lt~tp out; out afhiJ noftr.ilJ gocthJin011k..as aut ofaJeething pot or Cauldron 1 hu breath lr,!ndlcth c011les, and"jlame ,:•tth Mt ofhis mouth, Job. 4 I, I 8, r 9 . I i i