----- off~nd . d"rh apprehend9 them; God ,~ill judge rl)em, the ']~y!o~<r take ,teem, Heit imprifu~ them : there a;e theybott,nd : You hear the Ev1dence brought m, and_the f~ntcnce g?ne out, T'tt~t t ;JetJJ1 JIPtae than~ BFrdc them tn btmdlcs to ~ttrn !hem. And If t'liS ue tilt J•!)'IOitrS C'oal, what then be the Bonds or Chaenes' . . . 'fneA ,e/s 1•luc'' k:pt not rheirJtrj1 efl:ate ( faith ]1de) C'od hAth rejwued tn everlajfmg C/ulins; ,'i,d Uo.i j jla;ed riOt the .A 1gets rhm ji•ned ( faith Perer) bM raft ilrem down w hell, a 1dddrvcred rhem intoChut,:s,of darbejfe. Thus Chnll: doomed h1m that had not on his wedding garment, Bmde htm ha1dj o•t : and what may thefe chatms, and bonds inllnu1te but thatthc'faresaret)'ed rotheir torments? might they butrcnhove from place to ' place, this wo"ld uffor.i fomc caf" ;_ might they bur ll:ir afoot, ot but turn a. bout, or have any li ttle motion to refrefh thelf tormented parts, thiS would y1eld fomc comfort ; b 1 1t here is an univcrfal bLn1ing, hand andf oot , body and foul, alt mull be bound with evcr:a'tinochaines. The reprobates are pack't and crowded together, l1ke bricks in a fi ery furmc~, having rrot ft.J mu:h as a chink where any winde may enter in to coole them. 0 ye that live in the finful \VCalth of rhis world, conrrder but this one punHhment of hell ,:m:l be afra id ! if a m>n enjoying quiet of mindc, and health of body fhoulrl lye chained ·on a foft down-bed for a month , ·or year, how would he ab1de rt? But thl~·1s n:>~h;n, : if a m1n fh :>:Jid lye tick of a Feaver, fwolne in a Dropfre, pained with the G owt, ;~n i (though it were for the recovery of his health) without any turn– ing, (o:Jing, ftirring, this were a great torture fure, and a quefl:ion it were, whether thodiftdf' or the Pnyfi,:k were more intolerable ? \'Vitnelfe poor PJtients, who change thei'i'fides, wifh other beds, feek other rooms, and all thcfe !hifts but to mitigate their pains': How wrctchd then are the Tttres bound in C \ains? They arc n?t i~ health,nor .bohn·d for a nionerh, nor tick of a Fe\·cr, nor lye for a year; tlierr p1111 ts gnevous, .'the'ir ,bends heavy , their torments durable, their rdl:lelfe refl: eternal, The >vorm jha/1 gnaw 1hei>(pint, rhe firerorrure their fl.ejh; were thefe nothing, yet fmall forro\(ls grow great with continuance; the fire (hall torture, yet never ceafe; worms gnaw the heart, yet never g.naw infun•:\er the ftrlngs: \V'fe\ched fouls arc bound indeed, whofe bonds are never o'-!t of date: A fevenyears prentifuip would ere long expire, but what are fcven years to a world of ages? The Reprobates mull: ferve years, ages, even to a million of millions, an~ yet arc ne,ver free: 0 . bondageJl'?l tq he uttered, yet mull: be endured ! Is it not a Bcdlari1-fury, that mull: have, fuch bonds? a little to exprelfe their torments by our fufferings, which yet ar,e nothing, nothing in compadfoti. \'\That ml!~n. thefe chains, ""d whips, tnd /in~, andfcour!{es? Iron chains, whips ofjfeel, fierjlink.f, k_norry fo'oterges? Fums !hake therr boltno aflhghten fouls,the Irons ftnke through \heir eares, and t 11c hooked Engrnes tear thw Bowels, as 1f the torn;tent of tares were the delight of devils.. Here is aprifon indt~d, where is nothing"htard but yells and groanes, ~rid fudden crres; the fire flakes not,the worme dres not,thc chains loofc not,the links wear not, revenge tires not, but for ev.er a(f the tofilrc'rlts'frefh, and the fetrcr~ On fire os they'came firft from their Forge. , 9 ~, ' .. :.r • ' · •· '. I , ' ~ What a Hrange kinde of tortmc r~rs upo.il the:wi~kcd?they ~~c1 1Jounq to fiery pi)lars, and devds lafh atthem wr th therr fiery whrps: ~nhere any p~rt. of man fcapes free in fueh .a frlty ? ·The fl-'f/~ jha!/ fry, rh~ bl?,od b4!!,the'vtinel be fcorch't ,rhejipews rack:,~, Sci;em.s jhail r.t thebody,fum~lcar ~he[~111; tlus IS that \yo,ful pl1g)1t of Tares, whicP,Iie bq~nd rn Hell. , T~e lick man at Se~ ,may goe from ~rs:fjlrJ? ~o his boat; ' ~~td (rom hi~ ,!Jo'at ,to h1s fhtp agath : the lick man m•'fns'b::,t\may tup1b'lec ftom his right fide to hi$. !eft,_'!nd fro.m hts left to h1s nght agarn;only tll'c Td?'e's ar'/:I!Pe~ '1\il)d & foo1;boJn&.linib& joynt: 1:he,n iect walk not, their fingers .!\lOVe not, tHeir ey'es mull: no m'o'te1"'ander '\!;)\,;fore: lo;_. ~ll is ?ound. 0 t~ele manddes~banllt tht fl efh, and pierce' theinward wrtsl, 0 uu;~af.C~ablc-_ro,rn~entS', yet ' moll: /it tdr 'J',.res ! fin.made rhenh furiou·s, hell muff t;l!J!e t1ie1T fl~(chft~ ,. tlie fuc)ge tlfus c,om;\'a~1s, ·,'ansrthe-Executione'ls_mull: difpatc}l; l!iti,e'r thefn, fire them, If,,n4Jrhem '.~ bu~~l~sto_l{HitrJJ~f,it. _. • ,' _ • ? ~~ I !~ay: led yo" thrqugh the dnngf~'!l· let this figHt ferv'e for a terrour tliat yo'/i nh'h come~"'· arer. : To that purpofe (for exhortation,) confider:' - ' '' Alas 1 all hangs1}n ~ifc, therc'S.bur a twine-thread betwixt the foul of a finner and the ~corchmg fl.unes·: '~ho then,would fo live, as . ~6· mn his foul irito hazatd f- The J~dg threatehs us, dev1ls hate us, -rhe bonds expe:l: us, it is only our confcicn(;e muff cl ea! us, or condemn u.s. Search then thy waycs, a'nd ll:ir up thy remembrance to her Iumr: haft thou d1~ohoured God, blafphemed his 'Name, decayed his image, fubdu– rng thy foul tb ftn, tnat was created for Heaven? -repent thcfe courfes, ask God forI 1r 2 givrneffe, Jude 6. 2 Per. 2· .f. M.tt. fJ 22. Ve,m?sco.'l{d· enti.am ;~,.ts comJu.ret tAr· I~ Vft,