Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Ezck 3!· 11 Vf< z. Ephof. 1. .•· Vfe 3· I Obfcrvr. l-'liu 1 :.o. 4· ~cil.s ~orronr. -~ T -:-:---------- giveneffe, and he will turn away thy,punirhment. I know your fins are grievvus, and my fvul grieves at th~ knowledge: many CV!ls have poffdfed too many ; drunkenne!fe and oathes, and mahce, and r"ven~e, are not th<fe guells entertained into all houfe ) banilli them your heart~, that the !<tngof g:ory may come in : A1 !live (faith the Lor~j [ dejire not the death ofme wuksd, but that the 1Vtcksd wrn from hi1 way ~<nd ltve Wo Id God be/Cow mercy? and lhould we refufe his bounty? as you love hcaven,yo~r foul~s your felves, leave .your fins. . . , And then (here 1s a word of confolat10n) the penitent needs not fear hell; Gods fer· varit is free from bonds ;yea, if 1ve love hu11 who h"thftrjf loued w,ail the rhains and ains of hell can ne~ther hold, nor hurt us. P 0 then ye fons of Adam (fuffer a reproof) 1~hat do ye, that ye do not repent you of your fios ?. IS 1t not ~ madneffe above adm!rauon, that m~n (who are reafonable crea– tures) havmg ~yes Ill thCir heads, hearts 111 their bodies, underllanding like the An– gels and confc1ences capable of unfpeakablc horrour, never will be warned until th · fire ofthat infernal Lake fla!h and flame about their ears? Let the Angels blulh heave~ and earth be amazed, and all the Creatures ftand allonilhed at it. I am fure a ;ime will come, when the T~treJ !hall feel, w?at now they nuy julliy fear ; you hear enough, fuch weeds mult be bound, thus llra1t 1S the Lords command; Bi1dt] them in b~<ndle~to bnrn them. But all is not done; Ch~imhave their link!, and we mull bring all together. Sinners arc coupled in hell as Tarer in BH11dles: But ofthefe when we next meet· in the mean while let this we have heard,.z:inde us all to our duties,that we hear att;nriv.ely, remember carefully, pra.cbfe confwmab!y, that fo God may reward accordingly, and at laiC crown us With h1s glory. .The T11res mujf be bMnd up in bundln; but, Lord, make us free 1n Heaven, to fit With Abrah~tm, !faac, and l""'b in thy blef– fed Kingdome. In bundles, THe command is out: what? Binde] whom? them] how? inbtmdlu.] The:tares muft on heaps, which gives us a double obfervation. · ) General. 1 I Special. . · In the general it intimates ~hefe two .points; the g4tlming of the weed, and itJ fevering from the whMt: both are bound m btmdle~, but the wh<Rt by it felf, and the tar <I by themfclves:as at that doom (when all the'world mull be gath~red,and fevered) fome frand at the ri.ghthand., others at the left: fo at this execution, fomc are for the .Jirt, and others for the Barn; th.ey are btmd/ed together,yet a carding to the difference of the feveral parties, each from dt.e other. Fjr/C, The t.<re1 mujf ,together : Wq i! me (faith David) that l11m Wljfrained to dJ>rn with Mrflch: and if Davi,!.thinki.t woful tos~nvc.rfe with his living enemies, then -what punifhmcnt have the wicked, wbom the Dcv1l and damned, the black Angels an!~ everlalling horrour m\lll accompany for ever? The tart~ nmjl be g•uhcred, and b~tndled; ,and tpe more bundln 1 the n~ore arid m?re miferics: Co:npanx yields no comfort in he!I– Iire; qiy, what greater d1fcomfort than to fee thy fmnds 111 flames, thy fellowes m tonnc 0 ts, the fiends with flaming whips, revenging each others malice on thy felf and enemy ? It was the rich mans lall:_petiti<;m; when he had fo many ~;epuifes for his own 'eafc, 'to make one fuit for his living hlrethren; he ~new their company would encreafe his to'rmcnt, to prevent which, he ari.e.s out, I pray thee, fttth<r Abraham, that thoH won/deft fmd Lazarus to myfitthri:_ houfe,for I ha'l)e five prq.hren, that he maY, tejlijie Hn• Luk 16.:7,:8 to lpe~J, lejf they alfo <'Oine.into thrr place of torment, Why, 1t may be God Wli~ pear ~UJ! .Yor them, efpecially mak1ng fuch a reafonable reque/C as th1s was, that Unarm nught ·one!ywarn his brethren of future judgme.nt: no, bu.t to teach you, if you fell your fotils-t6 fin, to leave a rich pollerity"ott earth, you fhall no.t onc!y your fclves (without all remorfc and pity) be damned in'hdi; but your P?fiet!tY !hall be a torment to you whileit th~y live,& a greater torment if they come to you when they are ?ead. To con· verfe with Devils is fearfu l, but altogether to accompany each other, 1s aplague fit for N<rCJ. In this life they flouri!hed amongll the wheat, Let them groJV both togetht;, corn ""d t"reumull the hqrvejf, cut the harvelt come, God w1ll now feparate them botn afuf1'dcr,. and as in Heaven there arc !:ut Saints, fo 111 hell there are no11e but repro– bates :· Toencreafe this torment, as.they grow together, fo all the~r conference IS t~ curfc each other : Moab !hall cry againll Moab, father agamfr fon, .on agamft fathel · · \\bat