Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

------ - - -·------~.,...-- ~eu.s ~orrour. 429 ~------'----- what comfort in this company? Th~ Devil (that WlS authour offuch mifchiefs) appears · in mo~! grifly formes, his Angels, (the bhck guard of hell) torrure poor fouls mfl~mes: there live [wearers with their flaming tongues , ufurers with talent hands, drunKards with fcorched throats, all thefc tares like fiery faggots burning together m hell·-lhmes-; this is the firft punifhment, all the tares muji meet, they are b11ndled together. Secondly, as the rare.r m11ji together, fo they nmfi together by themfelves ; thus are they Obferv. 2. b 1 mdled, and f evered ; b~tTJdled all together, but from the wheat all.afundcr. Hell is called damnation, Beca~tfeu brmgs Heawns l•ffe, and thts by confent of moll: Divines is toe more horrible part of hell : So Baftl, To be 11liemncd orfopauued from rhe prcfi~ce of God, his Saints? ~nd Angels,. is far more grievous than the pains of heU. So Chryfojiome, the pain of hell tS mtolerable mdeed; yet a tiJOJtjand he/Is are nothmg to the /offe of that mofi gloriow Kingdome. So Bm~ard; It uapam farfltrpfljfing_ all the tor· rnres in hell, not tu fee God, and thofe )8yes zmmort~l, whtch are prcp.aredf~r hu cht!dren. 0 then what hclls are in hell, when befidcs the pams of fenfe,thcre IS a pam of !offe, the loffe of God, loffc of Saints, loffe of Angels, loffe of Heaven , loOe of that beatifical vilion of the moll: Soveraigne Good,our ever-bleffedMaker? Confider with your felves if at the parting of the foul and body there be fuch pangs, and gripes, and ftings, and forrowes : what grief then will it be, to be fevered for ever from the Highell: and fupreamell: Good?ouppofe your bodies (as fome Martyr• have been ufed) Chould be torn in funder, and that wilde horfes, driven contrary wayei, lhould rack and pull your arms and legs, and heart and~oowels, one piece from another, what an·horrible kind of death would this b(, think you ? and yet a thoufand rcntings of this member from fl...wi~ ffr,.nn; p;e,,nln1Jf·rr, Bafi!. Ajcer. in C·2P•1!', 2S; Chq :oil 1n Mauh.Hom. •• Bern . de inter• domo. cap. J8. that; or of the foul fr6m the body, are infinitely leffc than this one reparation of the foul from God. W hen Jacobgot the blelling from his brother E(au, it is faid in the Text, Gen 27· Ji. that he rvared with agreat cry and bitter, faying to his father, Haft tho11 not referved one blejfin ' for me alfo? Imagine then, when the wheat muft have the blelling, how will the titres ( figured in Efau) roar and cry, and yell, and howl again? and yet notwithll:anding this unfpeakable rage, all the tears of hell fhall m!ver be fufficient to bewail the loffe of Heaven. Hen:e breeds that worm that is alwayes gnawing at the confcience,Aworm (faith our Saviour) th~t dies not, Mark 9· '44· It Chall lie day and night, biting, and Mark 9· 4 4 ; gnawing and feeding upon the bowels of the damned perfons:O the ll:ings of this worm! no fooner Chall the damned confider the caufe of their mifery, to wit, the mif-fpending of their time, the greatnelfe of their fin,the many opportunities loll:,when they might have gotten Heaven for a tear, or a figh, or groan from a penitent heart; but this worm (orremorfe) lhall at every confideration give them a deadly bite, and then Chall they roare it out, M>forable wretch, I~ hat have I done ? I hada time to have rvrou,ght out thefalvation of myfo1d, 1it41!J a porverj1dftarching Sermon have I heard~ llny one paffiege whereof ( h;~d I not wick.$dly. and wil/f11lly forfook_mine one mercy) might have been JJnto me the begmmng ofthe New-berth; bt<t thofegolden dayes are gone, andfor want ofa ~r,tt/e furrow, a lstt!e repentance, a httlefaith, \.now am I ht/1-fire: 0 precious tune! 0 d4yes). lJJoneths, years, huw areye vanifhed, that you twll never come agair1? .Andha7Je I tht-t~ mt{erably m'~ done my[elf? ~01~e'¥ Furies, tear me into as many pieces as there4re moats m the Sun, np ttp mybrcft, J,g mto my bowels, pull out my heart, leave me not an /,atr on m.Y I~ead, but l~t all bur~e in rhefe flames, till/moulder intfJ nothing. 0 mad· nelfe of men, that never thmk on th1s all the dayes of your vifi tation! and then when the hottomeleffe ptt h~th !hut her fclf upon you, thus will this \yonn gnaw your hearts Wtth uneoncetvable gnefs. Be amazed, 0 ye Heavens! tremble thou Earth! let all creatures ftand afionifhed ; whilell: the Tares are thus fenteneed., Bundle them, and bum: thpm. · . Thus far of the word in general: but if we look on it with a more narrbw eye it g1ves to our hands this fpecial obfervation. . . ' The Tares muji have chams proportionable to their fins: Binde them in l>undles.] faith Obji ~-~ Text, n_ot 10 one, but in m~ny f~gots, an .Addtercr wirh 411 A.lulurcffi, a pnmk..,ard lY?>, oe.h ,l: Dnmk_ard, a Tr.• ytonvttha lu<yror. As there be fevenil fins , fo fevenil i]fmdles, all are pumlhed 1n the fame fire, but all are not punilhcd In the fame degi·ec; ·fome have heavier c~ams, and fame have lighter, but all in jU>1: weight and nieafurc. The Proud lh allbe .rod un~erfoot, the Gluttnn fufFer inefli1:nable hunger, the Drunkard fee l a burnmg tlmir, the Covetous pine iri wants, the Adulterer lye with Serpents·, bhrafigons, hScorpwns. G1veme leave to bir~de thefe in btmdles, and fo leave them for t e u e ; t ey arc fir/!: bJmdled, then burned. Where T•