/. H<Y3 ]o">,o. ''· luke 16. 2 s. ( 4· ~----------------------- l!)elts ll)orrour. . Wher~ is Lady Pride and her followers? fee thqwpilcd fa"'; the furn·ace : you that J~t 1t W:!~h your balh .t~.d brtnel~u, t)'rrs artd rabias, nngs and jcwc!J., •aild , ha:?gft?-vfe jmu,. . thtnk but what a cha nge wtll come, when all you (ltke birds of a feather) niu,[ ~.>gerhcrr, t" be bomui '" bttr~ates. What then will your pnde avail, or 9'0ur mhes pro– ht, or your gold do good, or your treafures help, when you muft be con'aramed to -uo– mtr up ?tgtu ' )fJit'i' 1ttlus, the encreafe tfyour hcufe-departing rnray, and afire t~ot bhliwm~ terly cunjiunmg you a Jd them! ·1he neh man In the Goipel could for a time go r'ch' fare fm~ptioufly, and that not_only on Sabbaths or Holy.dayes! but (as the Text),;;~· c.ay: yet no foonet had death fuzcd on h1s body, but he was fnlll to alter both his fuft and dtet ; hear bun how he beg& for water. that had plenty of wines ; and fee him th was c,vthed m prple, now apparellcd in another fuit, (yet of tr.e fame colour too) ev:~ 111 pwple'J.ame;: 0 that h1s deltcate morfels mufl: want a drop of water, and that his fine apparel mu!t colt h1m fo dear, as the high price of his foul! Why, rich man,•is it cvme to th1s? the t1me was that purple and1"" lm71en was thy ufual apparel, that ban– qpets ofji<tnptttous dilhes were thy ordinaty fare, but now not the pooreft beggar (e– vin Ltu.tuw hunfelf) that would chaoge eliate with thee : Change, fJid I ? no, Mnnw– bcr (W:>Jh.old Abr•ham) that tl. ott in thy life-time received$/ thy g <od thmgs, and l.iz.w 1 Je Lazarus tvtl thmgs : but now he ts comforted, tmd thou art tormet;ted, Luk, 16. 2 5 . But there are other Btmdlcs ; where is Gluttony and her furfetters? Do we not fee how the earth is plowed, the fea furrowed, and all to furnilhone Epicures ta ble? St– v d [ends fru1c, Canary fugars, Moluques fpices, Fg)'ft balfamum, Candy oyles, SJam fwcct meats, France wmcs ; our own hnd cannotfattsfie, but forre1gn Kinbdotr.es ar,d Countreys mufl needs be facrified to our belly-gods: but what dainties have fuch f;fl'– brds wh:en-they come_ to hell? there is a black banquet prepared fer devils and repro·: bates; the firtr d1lh IS Jvapwg, the fecondgn"jlm•g uj teeth, and what mirth is there where thefe two courfe~ mult lafl: all the feaft? The lazy Friar fweating at his long melts and rndals, H e# qu(mtwn pattmur, cnes he, alas, howmuch do we f hlfcr wh:ch A.ri Friars ._, but alas, how much muft you fuffer at this fupper, wh~re the nu at is poifon; 1he attenditllt-s, furies; tha 1mtjidv grGancs; 11nd time }virhoHt end, the {tlltce (f every dtJT~>? ,See here the provifion for the damned, their chains loofe not, their fire cools not, theil worm dies not, their woes end not, fuch gall and vinegar bitters every morfel. God hath pr'oportioned this pimilhment for thefe fheaves, they are fent from furfcits to an empty du.ngeon, that fent away beggars empty from their dooes. , But mor-e Btmdlcs yet, where is Dmnk!'meffe with her rioters? Lo, they are trodden under foot, .faith the Prophet, they whofe tables were full ofvomit and fi!thintji, are now driven to thac fcarcity and want, that not a cup of wine, nor a draught of beer, nor a drop vf water can be got in all hell for them. Sm mujl haw its ptmijl.>mer.t in 11 juft propor– tion : the tongue of that rtch man that had turned down fv mony tuns of wine, cannot procure in hell one pot of water w cool it: in his tongue he ~nned, in his tong~1e he is tormented : &ery hears breed a fcorching thirfl, yet bccaufe he denycd La?..arns a crumb ofbFead, Laz.arm mull: not bring him a drop w•tcr: how? a drop <fwatcr? alas, wh<tt are ten thoufand rivers, or the whole{ea of water unto that infinite \\orld offire? here is a poor fuit indeed, what begs he but a cup of water, an handful of water, a drop •f water ; nay, were it but a wet finger, to cool the tip of his fcorchccl tongue ? Hearken ye drunkards, and fearthcfe flames that one day mull: parch your tongues. Here you may recreate your fclves by fleep when you have too much, or by idle.~pmpany when you would have more, but hereafter you lhall finde no means to qual•fiq. tl1efe pams: flcep there is none, though it be 'nothing but an everlalitng n1ght: frtends there be r.one, though all could profdfe thett everlaftmg loves; you may 1~deed comtr1erce With. fame company, but who are they fave devils ahd reprobates, ( tn1fcrable corl)forters!) mthe fame condemnation? \Vho is not fcber, that knows what portiOn mull: befalthcferc· ·' probates ? th.eir mouthes dry as dull:, t~dr tongues red as fire, their thr.oats parc~t ·as coals, all their bowels cluhg together as the burntng P.archment. H e th<tt (uws tmqn~tJ Jha/1 rrap vanity, the drunkard.that abufeth fo much Wine, mull: the>e want a !tttlc wa– ter, his tongue lh.all cleave to the root ofhLS mouth, and goblets of boylmg lead run down his throat: as the pleafure, fo' the patn; he was comf,rted. ar:d '" tormmt<d. ' . h . . . And yet more Bundles; where is Covetouf ncff< an? her. gr1pcrs? 0 r...c >ron age 1\C live in l was there ever ldfe love? ever more dtllemblmg ? the covetous hoardeth, h<:~ldeth oppreffeth <ir icmay be puts out to ufury,btJt never without fumics, pledge>, ' ' . morrgag(s