Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

~ortgages, bills, or bonds; ' Think of_th~fc, that muA: binde Y~" in bundles. had you then ten thoufand worlds,and were they all compofed of purcfl: go!<\, and brit~-full with richcfl: jewels> yet would you cafl: t.hem al[ at the foot of fom~ J..a- ;:;;;n;~d ::.~~~Fs.0Je;:~~r~rd;I~rtch!~fn:~:dt~an~~h0~~~tf~~di~il :~~bee~itl~d; Jiiii. 2 · .i. no, He jha/1 have judgement wit.hout mercy, that hath]hewed 110 m,ercy, James 2 • . '3· Thus to pay the coveto.u~ in h,is own coin,coffers and che~s fhall be brought before. htm. there fhall devils ring him a peal of this damned coin, vf pou71ds, ofJhillings, of penceJ thcfe accounts fh~ll fou rid through his ~ars; and to fatisfic his heart, melted gold fhal be poured down his throat; yea, he fhall be fcrvcd too with his meat in plate, anq plate and meat all boil together .to his l~athed fupper; thus hath Godfatisficd him that could never fatisfie himfclf; his gqld now wants no weight, his filver is not fcarce, mountains and loads arc prcpa_red for him to his greater torments. 0 .. , Yet again more Bundles; where is Ad~tltery with her minions? Lo, ugly fiends do embrace them, and the furies of hell be as their bofome·concubines. I have read fome· where ( but I will not deliver it as.a truth} that a v~luptuous man dying, and going to this place of torment, he was there faluted in this fearful manner : Firft, Lucifer cOmmands to fetch him a chaire, llndforthwith an iron chair red-hot .with.fpark!Jngftre was br011ght, and heJet thereon: this done, Lucifer.commands ag11in to fetch him drinJv and a drink..ofmelted lead w>~s brought ina c~tp, tvhich theyftraitway pouring into his oprn .mouth, Anon it came running out ofaft his membtrJ: this dune, Lucifer,commands again, that aceor~ ding to his u(e they jhould f etch him mujicians to mak.f htm merry, andafort of mujicians c>tmetvith hot glowing trumpets, andfoundmg them dt his cares (whtreto they laid them) a– non there comefp'arkJ of fire leaping out of lmmomh, lm eyes, and noftrils, all about him;, this done, Lucifer comm11nds again, that t<(,cording to his n;onred manner he foould have his Cont~~bines, and upon this they bring him to a bed offire, where Furies give him kjJTes, fiery Jerpents hug abont his neck_., and thegnawing wormsfu<kJ bloodfr~mhis heart and breafts, for ever andever. Howfoever in this fl:orx 1 it may be altogether truth was not brought to bed; yet imagine what a welcome fhau be to the damned fouls? Their .eyes fh~II fl:artle, their ears glow, their noftrils fuck up flames, their mouthes tafl:e bitternelfe, and for the fenfe offeeling, according to the meafure of their fm) they are wrapped in the grifly embracen;Jents of fl:inging and fl:inking flames; where now are thofe dainty delights, fweet mulick, m€rry company? are all IeCt behinde? and is there no recrea– tion in thofe fmoaky vaults? Unhappy dungeon, where there is no order but horrour, no liuging but howling, noditties but their woes, no conforts but fhreeks, no beauti~ but blacknelfe, and no perfumes or odour, but pitch and fulphur. Let the heat of this fire cool the heat of your Iuft; pleafure ends with pain. In "s much (faith God) as the harlotglorified her felf, find lived in pleafiere, {o muchgiveye to her torment andforrow l Rev, 18. 7· , . .Revel. 18. 7; ,you fee now(Beloved) what Tares are in bundles; tlie. P~o~d, G[;itioiiS, Drunk_ardt, Coveto1u, Adulterers, thefe and fuch othcrs'arebundledby the Rea;ers at the general Harvefl:. . . . 0 then, having yet a little time, how fhould we labour to efcape He/Is horro11r? let Vfo t~e Proud be humblet.h, the Epicure faO:, the Drunkard pray, the Adulterer chaO:ife htlt\felfto pull.down hts body; and for the Cov_etous wretch, let him with all holy greed!". nelfe lay out hts bags forthe eternal good ofhts foul : Alas, one foot m heaven is bet. ter than all your land~ on earth. I ?adrather be a door.k_eeper in theh.oufe ofmy God, then, rrit 84•ro•) to dwell m the Tents (m the houfes, m the Palaces}ofthe wicked. Now then in the fear ofGodr~form you~ hfes, and your harveO:, without queflion, !hall be the joy of hea. vcn; or tfT4m wtU be Tares, what remains but Binding, and BHndiing? Bind them, B•mlile t~em, Bttrn them, · The Harvefl: is done, and the Angels ling a·nd fhout for thefr e~ded task : the Tares are reaped, .the furrows cleanfed, the lickles laid afide, the fheaves Bundled: and ~o fhut u~.all,they mufl: be B~trned: but fl:ny we them a whilc,and at our next meet" tng we Wtll fet them on fire. God make us better feed, that we may receive a bcf– ter crop, even that Crown of glory in the highcfl: heavens. To hHrne them, WE have foll?wedthc Prifoners~rom thebar, a.ncl broughtthe"':ltot'he frake; , ,I' ..:;.. burning?what remams further, but to ktmllc the Faggots, and fo to fhut tip all wi~~~ . •'"