- --------· ------------------------- Nr f.:dtndovi– dr:slwpwg4r'!': A,J/10/. ir.ttm. inTrxr. DoUrine. Mitth· I· 18. Mard1.4· l. Luke 2. 21· ' Mltth.u. i9. John B. S9· Mac.z6.r6,so. Moc.>1->9,3S• HEB. T, 3· When he had by himfelf p11rged o11r fins. U He point is not fulL but to make it up, the Text !lands compafi with words of wonder, concerning the Word, our Saviour, he that is tbt Son cf God, Heir •fnil things, Creatour of tht World, the bnghwefi of His uhry,_ the Image <f hu PerforJ, and «pholdtr of all thmgs by tht Word of Ins Power, !lands he,re as the fubjccr of humility and Glory, He pu~ged Oil~fins, andfits on the right hand ofthe Ma:rfty on hzgh. He purged ottr fim, by hts fuffenng on the Cr?fs; He fmon (,pas right Hand, by obtaining the. Cro-.yn; .He purged our fins . by dymg for th.em; He fits on Gods right Hand, by rulmg wtth hnu: what need we more .' Her~ tS htspaJlton and feJlwn in the fame pr– der he performed them, for then HrJt<te down on rhe right Hand ofhis Father, whr 11 he had by himfelfpurged OltY fins. - But to come nearer the words, they are as the drugs pf an Apothecary, and we will examine the Ingredients. 0 I amfi<k_ofiove, faith the Church in Canticles, CRnt. 5 . 8. Sick indeed, not of low onely, but of fin, alfo ; a d1feafe that infatuates rhe Ulind, gripes the l onfdence, diltempers the Humours, di1turbs the ·Paffions, corrupts the 1lody, indangers the Soul: Is n.ot he bleffed that can help this malady? Come then ye that labour of ftn, and to you,r enalefs Comfort, fee here the manner of the Cure: there is a Phyfitian, He,] the patient, himf-if,] the Phylick adminiflre<i, whm he had purged,] the ill Humours evacuated, Whm hr had purged o11r Sins. J Or to gather up the c_rumbs, left in this co!Uy receit or phylick any thing be loft; fee here the remedy gtrt and compafi wJtb each necc!fary circumlbnce; the time, When;] the perfon, he?] the matter, purged; ] tbc manner.by IJttnfe!l; J the dif– cafe, fin,] the extent of tt, OHr.] Obferve all, and you find no tJme more difm')l than this When,] no perfon more humbled than this he,] no Phyfi<'k more operative than this purge,] no difcafc more dangerous, no plague more fpreading than fi'n] <ur] fin, for which he fuffercc!, Whm he by himfelfhadpurged ourfim.] We have opened the body of the Text, now look on the parrs, ancl you may f<'e the Anatomy of our SQviour in every·Member of it. When. ] THe Textbegins with the time, When J he had fltrged·: and this time (faith Erafmns) according to the OngmaJ denotes the t)me paft, left that we had thought, H eh"d purged o11r fins by lm j;tting him do!Vn at zhe righl h4nd of 6od. Fid therefore (faith the Apoftlc) hep11rg d, J and then[ate:] he firfi purged by his death, and when that was done, He fare at zhc rtgbt hand of the M"'Jefly, sn the h•gheft places. Whence O-" ferve: The time that Chrift purged, was in the dayes of his h~tmiliauon. Then was he born Matth, 1 .18. then was he tempted, MMth. 4· 1. then was he circumcifed, L11k! 1.zr. then was he traduced, Matth. 1 I · 19. then was he perfccutcd, John 8 59· then was he betrayed, Matth. , 6, 16. then was he l\pprehended, Matth. 26. 50. then was he mocked, Mattp. z 7 • z 9 . then ~as he crucified, Matt~. 27. ~ 5. But as all his Life was full ·of infirmity, fo ( accordmg to the nature of all mfirmlttes) he had thofe fou~ times mentioned by Phylitians in his life: the beginnitlg, t.he •vmafe, the Ak_men .,. ftate, ""d declination. Give me lcav,e bqt to profecute thefe 1Imes, and by that tsme we hav~done ~he hour (I' know) will fummon I!S to a conclufio~,