I.uke J'l- 32 Math.7. 2-1 A(h14·2z. Auguftine Sec ·znorc: of this in my lffjf tlungt Vfe. br fecondly, if by the Kingdom of God is meant th~ kingdom ofGlory, fee then what a privilcdoe waits on the mw "'""; no fooner !hall hts breath and body be divorced, but his fo~lmounted on the wings of Angels, !hall llraight be carried above the llarry firmament, there !hall it inherit the Kmgdom, Luke 12. J2. an heavenly kingdom, Mat. 7: 2 r. the k,ingdom ofG•d, Mt. '+ 22. and ~ruly called fo,for 'tis a kin&dom of Gods own moking, beautifymg, and bleffmg; a Kmgdom befeemmg the glonous refidence of the King of Kings; a Kingdom creating all Kings that but inhabit in it. But here my difcourfe mull give way to your meditations; I cannot fpeak this priviledge,there– fore conclude with Auguftin, Anima qtt£ amat:. afandatfrequenter, & currar per plateas aelej!is Jerufalem, &c. MoMt your meditations on the wings •ffaith, and behold in Heaven thofc flaw of wonder, Patrianhs jhining, Prophets pratjtrtg, Saints admiring~ hands clappmg, harps warbling, hearts dancing; the exercife, aSong; the ditty, Alle– lujah; the qu~rijlers,. Saints; theconforts, Angels, c;~c. In this fountain of pleafure, let the-mw-born Chriflian bathe his foul; for his it is, and he it is onely that !hall fee it,•enjoy it; Except tpc mal' born again, no man !hall ever fee the Kingdom cf God. •· Thus far of the priviledges ofthe new birth; there waits on it the eye offaith,& righ– tcMfnejfe, and pcac~ .and joy in the holy Ghoj!; in a word,the k,ingdom Qfgra«, .:nd the "-47gdom ofglory. And now (beloved) fay, what would you do to obtain thefe priviledges? lhould any hand Teach you a Crown for the pains to take it? ihould any but catt at your feet a bag of·gold, and 1ou might make it your own for the !looping, would you not for fo great a r.eward do fo little a fervice? and what is Gods fervice but perjefJ freedom? the yok.§ is Mjie, the burden is light, but the reward is grace, glory, endlelf~ felicity. Btj!irr thm yourfehm, and if ever you mean tofee the Kingdom of God, endtt<VOI<r to ""' through this new birth, and to lead a better life than heretofore you have done. Onely remember, Th1<s whilj!the M inijltrfpeakJ, Chr.ft comes with power, and therefore he [peak.! and perfwades. I conclude with my fpeech to thee (whofoever thou art) into whofe ha11ds this book is fallen:the truth is,the work is weak, & anfwerable in that kind to the Aut'oour of it: ·many and many a llich in n>y fide, many a pull at my heart, ma– ny a gripe in my llomack (befidesthc pangs of my foul, endeavouring to practice what I have writ) have I fuffered and felt fince I fir!l begun it; and yet the comfort I have received .my fel£ in.this, one necejfary thing, hath maqe ine·(contrary to the defires of my bell friends) to run through this !hort work, by taking a longer time, as my continu;JI difeafe would now and then fulf," me. If (when I am gone) thou r~apellany fpiritual good.bythis my futvo\Ying pains, it is 1 next t6 Gods glory, all my defire; Yet I live, but to fave thy foul I care not how ·fo.9~ I might die, yea, on that condition I could be wi\li:ng.(if God fo,pl~_afed) the lines that thouread ell were writ with the warmell: blood in my heart :. }vi/ling faid I? yea, I could I;>e willing and glad (as little blood as I have!in my body) to let it run and run, f0r' thy fpiritual gobd, to the very hll drop in my veines: 1 fa,)':IIO more, Confider what I have,f:Ud, Except 'a--man be born again~ he tali¥Ot fee the kingdom~. ofGod. -- · · • l, .• ~ . " \ I . ' r 'f•. "q ·" ., ' L. f\.N ,,