Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

· · ·creed and wounded with a fouldicrs Spear: thofe Bowels that yearned with lt lSpl , . I li . . 11 compaffiun of others infirmities, how they are dry and pent w1t1 rammg pu s; tho c Ftct that walked in the wayes of God, how they arc boarcd, and faftned to a Crof~ with nailcs: from h&nd to foot, there is no part free, but all over he IS covered in a mantle oi cold blood, whofc garments were doft before, and took of them that were his hangmen: Poor Saviour, what a woful fight is this? A bloody Face, tfn·;-– ny H e.<d, u,aury Eyes, wan Me111h, /lra,ned Armts; lajhed s/,.,,/dcr;, ':atled Hands, !rounded H 1 -,,n, gnping };olrcls, boared J.cct: Here 1S forry pames, when no part IS , free: And thefc arc the outward Symptomes of his flare that appear m h1s Boay. . 439 \Vc have thus far fccn 'our Sun (t,;e Sun of R>ghteonfncfs) in the day-break, and n· fing, and height of his fufrering: Wh~t remaines further, but that we come to the JJct·:inatiOil and fo end our JOUrney tor th1s time? Mal,~··· This Dcclmation (ray Phyfitian•) is, whe~t N"tMe ovenomes fck..'efs, fo tha; all difea· fes attai; 1 not rhu time; bttt thufo, at1d thvjr: only thm admu of a Recovery; y.:r hunfo– ever (faith my • Authour) there" 110 true declwarwn b f ore death: the eis m Leaft afean– mg d,c/ 1 : 1 anun, rvhenfomettmcs thefymptomes nuqbec.-cwu: more rc':zijj, baauJc. t-j !Veak.. na– t;,rqieldmg to thef11ry tHd ryuumy of death overcom1dg 1t. I Will not fay d!tcClly, that, our Saviour declined thus, either in deed, or in fhew: for nwhcr abfolutely was the Clip removed from him, nor died he by degrees; but in I' -rfe:t fence, and pcrfe:t pa– tience both of body and foul, he d1d voluntanly, and m1raculouny refigne hu Sptrit (as he was praying) imo the h.1nds of hts Farher: Here then was tac true docll!uttiod of this Patient·not before death,but in death,and nghtly too:For then was 1t that th1s Sun went down i~ a ruddy Cloud:Then was it that this Patient received the lait dregs ofhis Purge; then was it that Gods Jull:ice wa> fatisfied,thc conjiunma11um ejf was effected, all was fi· nifhed; as for his Burial, RefurreC!ion, and Afcenfion, which follow after this time, they fervc not to make any fatisfaction for fin, but only to confirm it, or aprly it, af– ·ter it was made and accompllfhed, G,lcn.lib 1-d• C·•f fop ,. ~ StMTl. Injli. /UdfJil f11.'(ild• ,..r.J.z par J.c. 12 dl? rna1b• But what ufe of all this? Give me leave (I pray) to fhake thetree,and then do you gather the fruit, From the firi1 part, his Birth, we may learn H11mdity, a grace mofl: prevailing With God for the obtammg ofall graces ; tlus was lt that made Davtd a Kmg, Mofes a Governour; nay, what fay we to Chri<l himfclf, who from his firfl: ente· ranee, .untill his departure to his Father, was tne ve, ymirrour of true Humility it felf? Learn of m' (faith he) to be IJittr.ble and./owly in Spmt, and ;ou j/;,,{/ find rrj1unto ya11~ [Mis. Hereunto accorded his Doc1rine, when he pronounced them Bl.ffed who were pcor in Spint, hereunto accorded his reprehenfion, when he aiO:kcd their manner who were wont to choofe out the chufrooms ar Fenjls: hereunto accorded his practife, when he vouchfafed to wajh his Diji"tple; feet, and to wipe them wizh thz tvwclwhercwuh he 1vas girded. 0 Httmility, how great arc thy riches, that arc thus commendcd to us! thou plcafcfl: Men, dclightefl: Angels, confoundel! Devils, and bringc:1 thy Creatour to a Manger, where he is lapped in rags, and cloathed in flefh ! Had we Chrifrian Hearts to confider the Humility of our Redeemer, and how f~r he was from our haughty dif– pofition, it would pull down our Pharifaical humours, and make us far better to re– member our felves. ' Secondly, as we learn Humility from his Birth, fo we may learn Patiencc from his Life. If any man wit: come after me (faith our Saviour) let hun deny himfe!f, and' takg up hisCrofsandfollow me. Dear Chrili:ian, if thou wilt be faved, mind thy Chrifl:: Art thou abufcd by lies, reproaches, evil rayings,or doings ? we cannot more fhew how we have profited in Chrifrs School, then by enduring them ctll: If patience be in our ca– lamities, they arc no calamities, .but comforts: This is that comfort that keeps the heart from envy, th~ hand from revenge, the tongue from contumely, artd often over– comes,our very Encm1cs thcmfelves,without any weapons at all. Come thcn,and do you lea1 n tms leffon of our bleffed Redeemer ! are y.)u Jlricken? fo was Chrtfl: of the Jews: ,Are you mocked? So was Chrill of the Sonldiers: are you betrayed of your frrends · fo was Chnft of his Apoftle : are you accufcd of your enemies ? fo was ~hnlt of the Phanfees: Why complain you of being injured, and maligned, when yo~ fee the Mafl:er of the houfe himfelf called .Heeiz.cbub ? Hcrmnto ;e are ,-alied, (faith Petcr)for Chrifl aifo fufferedfor m, leaving'" "n example, thatyejhouldfollow his fteps, I Pet, 2. 21. ' Thirdly, as Patience from his Life fo we may learn Remorfe from his Paffion · Is it nothinf to yo~, allye th"t pafs by? Olook on him, and let this look breed in yo~ a re– nJorf~ Vfe"l, Maah . H-29• Mmh. s. 3• Lcke 14. 1• John lj. S• Vfe z. Mmh.16. •4• I Pet. 1, 21. Vfe 3• Lam I• .12.