Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

ll\tgt)t ~urgatorp. 443 --------:------;:-~-- . nothing, Mark 15. 5· If Herod qJeejlion with him in many words, bccaufc he had heard M"k '<· s. many thtngs of him, Luke tells us, that he anfwered h•m nothmg, Luk. 23. 9· As a. poor Lcke '~· 9' fhcep in the hands of the fhearer, he is dumb before his Judges and accufcrs; whence briefly we may obferve, Chrijfcame not to defend, but toJujfer Cond~mnauon..' Sccpnd- Ef,y ib!J. Jy (as ajheep he IS dumb, and) as ajheep he IS Oam; He was hd (fa1th the Ptophet) as a]heep to the ]laughter. 0 Jefu! art thou come to this? to be a man, who art God; a jh<ep who art man, and fo for our fakes far infcriour to our fclves; nay worfe; a Jhee/? Mow ? not free, a1 one that is leaping on the. mONntairu, . or skJpping on the Hills; . no but ajheep that is led:] led whether? not th1thcr as Davtd was, who could fay of his Shepherd, that He fed him in greenpaft~tres, and led him forth befides the lv.. tm of comfort: no, but led to the Slaugh1er, He is ajheep, a fhccp led, a fhcep led to the Pf•I. 'l: z. Jlaughttr; and fuch a Oaughtcr, that were he a dumb creature, yet great truth it were to fee him fo handled as he was by.the Jews. . . And yet will his humility defcend a little lower; as he was the poorefi ofmen, fo the 10 • leafi ofjhe.p: Lik!a Lamb, faith the Apoflle, .Acts 8. 32· and Behold the Lamb, (faid Atls 8 ~·· John the Baptifl) even the Lamb ofGod which tak!s away the fin ofthe n•orld, ]oh. I. 29. This was that Lambwhich the PP.ji:a!l Lamb prefigured, Your Lmnb (faith God to the Ifraelites)jiM/1 be" L~&mb lwthout blemi}h, and the bloodjhall be a tok!nfor you, that I JVill pa!fe ?"eryo~, Exod. 12. 1 3. But was ever lamb like the Lamb of God?. he is without blem1fh; fa1th P•lat, I find no fault mhun, Luke 23. 4· Andthefpnnk.!mgofhu blood (faith Pmr) is the nght tok.m of elechon, 1 Pet. 1 •. 2. Such a lamb was th1s Lamb, with– out blemifh in his life, and whofe blood was fprtnkled at h1s death, mhi<; and death ever fuffering for us, who (had he not done fo) fhould for ever and ever have fuffcred our felves. Ttll me; 0 thou whom my foullovcth, where thoJe fecdejf! faith the Church in ]ohn 1. 09. Exod. 12. S, illhf IJ. lulte ~q. 4• I Pet.'· 2· Canticles. Tell me? Yes: If thou k_nolvefinot, (faith our Saviour) go thy wayforth by thefootjlept of thejlo~k_, Cant. 1. 8. Our Saviour is bc.come aman, ajheep, aLamb, Cant. 1 · 8. or if this be not hum1hty enough, he Will yet take a leap lower. . . What is he but a worm, and no man, yea the very fi.wn •fmen, 11nd the outcafl of the people? Pfal. 22. 6. Did you ever think we could have brought our Saviour to this rrai. 22 , 6, low a degree? what, b~neath a lamb,and no better than a worm? He~ven and earth may well ring ofthis, as bemg the greatefl wonder that ever was: there 1s not any b1tter potion due to man,which the Son of God will not partake of the ut111ofl dregs ; and there, foreif]obfaytotheworm, Thouartmyjifter, and mother; nay, if Bildadfay, Man is a lob 17. 14. w.rm, and the fon •f man it bm a worm, which is more than kindred: Behold, our Sa- )ob' S· 6. viour flooping thus low himfelf, what is he but aman? nay, as if that were too much a worm, and not a man, as fung the Pfalmifl of him. I am fo low, that unldfe we think him no body, we can down no lower; and yet here is one leap more,. that 1f we ta~c a V1ew of1t, we may fuppofc him to be nothing in e– fieem,a N.-bodyrndccd. Look we at every man m refpecr of God,:md the Prophet telk us, All Nations before himizre"' nothmg, Efay 40. '7· And if man be thus, why fute the Son of man w1ll be no letfe: fee then (to the wonderous aftonilhmcnt of men and Angels)how greatnetfe it felf, to bring man from nothing, exinanivit fo, hath made him– felfnothing> or ofnoreputation, Phi!. 1.. 7- H~w? nothing? yes, faith Be:r..a, He that was all in all, hAth red11ced himfelfto that which is nothing at ail: andTertitllian little letfe Exhaujit (e, He hath emptied himfelf, or as ourTranOation gives it He hath made hi,:, Jelf(notoflittle, but) ofna reputation. ' Lo here thofe fleps (the Scripture lighting us all the way) by which our Saviour dc– fcended; he that IS God for us b~camcan Angel, a man, a Serving-man, a poor man, _a Jleep, a lamb, a t~orm, a nothing in cfteem, a man ofno reputation. 12o Efay 40. Jf, Phil2. 7• Ex omni {tAp. ' fum admlnJ ~t·dr:tit: Bt(A tnlOf• TerradM4r, '· s. Let every foul learn h1s duty from hence· what fhould we do for him who bath done all this for _us? There is a crew of unbelicvc'rs that hear and heed not: ;u the fufferings Vfo r• ofour Savwurcannot move chem a jot, eithcrtowards God, or from fin, and is not th1s; W?fulla'!lentable cafe? I remember a patfage in Cyprian, how he brings in the Dcv1l tnumphtn?: over Chrift in this manner: Asfor my folloJVcrs, l never died for tlmn, as Chriftt d,d for hu; I never pramifed them fo great a reward, at Chrifi hath dom to his· and yet I have more followers than he, and they do morefw me, than his do fv< him: hear: 0 he~vcn ~ and hcarksn, 0 earth! Was ever the like phrenGe? The Devil, like a r?anng L10n f~eks ever and anon to devour our fouls, how many thoufand.s, and. million of fouls y1eld themfclves to his fervi~e, th~ugh he never dyed for them, not will ever do for them the poorell: favour w)l3tfoever, but pay them evcrlafringly with pains , L 11 2 · and-