~d,;;, the PhyjictM : he needs no Phyfick, no Purge, no Phyfician at all; but for us he is bcc 9 mc a Phyfician himfelf, for us he became. Phyfic~an aud Pat1ent: for us he was fick; for us he Purged, that we tl:rough him m1ght efcapc that danger of C· tcrnal fire. ,r, rr . h' . h' . r ~ But how purged he? /Jy hm~clff Was there none to auocrate nn m t 1S m11cry. 1,1o, he purged by hm:fel,] only, and that without a ) P-artner, 1Comforter. Firfr withom a parwcr, there was none that laid a finger in the burthen of his Crof~ to care'him; why, Blcffed Saviour! thou halt Myriads of .Angels waiting on thee, and can they riot a little lighten thy heavy yoke? No, rh~ .Angels arc bleffect, but they are finite and limited, and therefore unable to tlllS exp~atton of fin. 44) But what fay we of the Sr~intJ? if you will believe the Rhemifts, -they can tell you Rh.·m Coli. j. that thef1Jcrings •fSamts rJanE/:ified t11 Chrifts blood) have not onely aforctble fatufaUzon fell, 4 • for tbrCh,,rch and us 11:ember;;but Wt~hai rhc;.4re the A&eomplijhmenrs ~~ th~ w_ants of ChriJts paffion; an horrible blafphcmy: as 1f Chn!ls death were not fuf!ic1ent m tt felf, but h1s wants mull be fupplird by the fat!Sfachon of others ; my Text tells me, Chrift purged by himfelf;] therefore not by any other, but fufficiently in his own perfon; and as for thatTextthey )Jrge again![ us, ColojJ. 1. 2+ NoJV re3oyceim my fuffmngs for you, col. 1. ,1; & fulfil/ the reft of the ajfltffto~n •f Chrift mmy j!ejhfor hu bodzcsfaks_whtch utbe Church;. whence they argue there two point,s; firll: the want of Chnlls fuffermgs; and fecondly, the abounding of Saints fulfenngs !or the fat1sfachon of others. J'o the firll: we anfwer, Non dixit prcf· f~tr~rutn mea· rum,[edCbrijli; quia mctnbntrn erar Chrtj1i. Aug. tratl. in )oh. ro8. Chrijfi'pa(fio nobu fu.fficit a?f"'urem, Petri &Panli connditadex– empfum.Ambr. fmn. 66. that the ajfiititons uf Chrijl, which the Apoltle faith, I fulfil/, are not meant of the .affiiC\ions which Chriil fuffcred in his perfon, but in his members ; thus .A"guftinc, The .Apojllefaith not, my ajfiirfions, b>tt Chrifts, bccaufe he war a member of Chrijf, who is u– !fually faid to fuffer both with, and in his members. To the fecond we anfwer, that pauls fuffcrings for his body which is the Church, ferved not for fatisfaHion, but for con· ftrmation of their faith; thus Ambrofe, Chrij/s paffionfuQicerh to falvation,Peter andPauls paffion firve onely for e~·amplc; fo then if you will have the true fcnfe of the words, they run thus: 1Votv re3oyce I m myfiiffermgs for you, whereby I f~tlftll the meajitre ofthvfe tri· bJJI~tions ~>hich rcmmnyet to be endured of Chrift in his "')'}fical body, tvhich I do for the bodies fab,s, nottof~tisficfor it, but to confirm it, or ftrengthen it in the Gojpel of Chrijf : and good reafon havowe to admit of this comment ; othcrwife how is Chrill: a perfe{t Saviour, if any A"! of our redemption be left to the performance of any Saint or An– gel? no, it i.. Chri.1, andonly C!uill; Jefus, and only Jcfus; Nor is therefolvation in a:1y othtr ; for there '-is none other name m1der hca11engiven among men1vhereby we muft be [P.ved, A{t.+ I2. Alls4,Iz; But if no: .Angels, or S~tints, what fay we ofgood 1vork$s? Cannot they expiate fin ? yea, fay our advcrf.~tics, they arc meritoriouJ, a11d applicatory, and expiatory; fo here is a thrccfolJ ufe of them; what? hath Chrill purged by himfelf? and is there any o– ther means whatfocver to cxptate fin? no, faith the Apoltle; fo incompatible arc thefe two, his grace, and ourworks, that ifit be ofgrace, it is no more ofwork!, or elfegrace Rom. "· 6. were no mfire grace; and if u be of work..!~ zt ts no more grace, or clfe lflir/z:! were no more wor/zi. By graa·thc.n ye rtrefavcd,----ilot ofwor/zi, left !lny man jho1dd boaft himfelf, f.- Ephef.2, 8, 9· phef. 2. 8, 9· ' But if no purging by .A,;gels, Saints, no;·good l~or.k.J, what fay we to Puruatory it fdf? we fay rt IS a fable; or were it an Article of Faith (as the Pontificians affirm) let us have Scripture for it; ye~ faith Roffenjis, We >Wnt through fire and water, Pfal. 66, 12. and Str Thomas Moor w1U have more Scripture, [have fem forth thy prifeners ottt of -the ptt, wh~mn ss no water, Zach. 9· 1 r. here are two places for Purgatory, and one fa1th there IS water, the Qther faith, there is no water; but to fay truth of both, The c 4 • thl/uk.fmth, reflmg "P9n divine amhoritie believes heaven 1111d hell, bm a third place lfaith .A"f'')rme) we /z.now none, neirhe•· finde we in holy Scripture, that there is any fuch place: n~1.hcr fpeaks he only of places eternal that are to continue for ever, for he purpofely drfputcs agam!1 Ltmb11s Puerorum: and reje{ts all places temporary; yea, elfewhcre he acknowlcdgcth,_ there is no middle place at all; but he nmft needs be with the Devil, that unot wtth Chrift; away then with'thofeP"per·lV"_IIs, and paintedfires, abug (could Hardmg once fay) meet only to fray children ; God wrll have no rival in fins purge; no .Angel Rolfen•.contra Lurb~r.arr.,,. Pfal.66, n: Ztch, 9• Jlo Aug h)pag,l. j, tom.J . Aug.di p~c.me~ rir.&rtmiJJ. l. r. r. 28. 7.el.dej: Apal, 2, pArr•