Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

An appendix, containing amore particuLir Method; for rhemail not yet born again,tohave his part in the fecond birth. CHAP. I. • J The occajion and method ofthis T reatife. \Wt!)l'w.t'Ol.f:l. Ome there are,who hearing the new birth ( or firft repentance) to be fo ne– ceffary to falvation, but never feeling In themfelves any fuch change or converfions, have therefore dcfred{l•rrhcr hd p<; ,;,ough naturally they ltreblind, and wretched, and miferable, and poor, and naktd,< yet the L ord hath not left them withOitt means and help1: to,this purpofe he hath ""' fet up hisOrdinances; not that manofhimfelfcan difpofc himfelf un– to grace, but that the Sl'irit of Chrift in the ufe of the Ordinances (wit~out any habi– tual or fan:'l:ifywg grace mmans heart) can difpofe of man to the receptiOn of habitual or fan:tifying grace. True it is, I advifed them in the former Treatife to be frequent in prayer, and hearing of theWord: But fo we have done, fay they, and yet we f t ei no converjion : it may be fo, for not always the doing of them, but perfeverance in them through Chrift obtains the blefling delired. And yet ifthey will out ofhandfettle themfelves to the work_, (Seeing it is the L ord thatfaith, Break..up thefallow ground, jer. 4· J .. 3 . (i.e.) Sec/ the L ord to break_ them f or thee : Be in the IJ{c of the medlls, that the er, 4• J• L ord may come in, and break_ thy heart.) I !hall, for their rurther fatisfac:'tion,· give them a more particular Method, and without a Text taken, take my felf more liberty io put them in the way. " Two things I fuppofe neceffary for them that would have part id the.newbitth. Sr, To get into it. !2. To be delivered ofit. . ~ r. Examination of themfelves. .I . The means to 2. Confeffion of their fins. get into it, is 3. Hearty prayer for the foftening o'ftheil' . hearts. By whichthree areobtained{Sight ofli~. .. , the three firft fteps, Senfe of divine wrath. '- '· r I ·~ 'lu lC Sorrow for fin. · 2. The.means to be delivered of it, is by application of the Promifcs; and there Accordmg to thw feveral objects, produce their feveral effects · , {A light of Chrifl:. ' Adefire after Chrift. Some Arelying on Chrift. { An obedience to Chrill. ~ .com 1 fort in Chrift, not onely !'ought for, but obtainc4, if the promlfes lie ~. "'ight yapplyed. ' · ;,) I' CH~ P.