Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Vfe. Pfal. 116. ·~· Pfal. 148. >. Matth. 4· 2. Matth. 26. 26. Luke 22. 44· .Mark 1~· 19. Matth.27. H• John 19. 31• Revel. r. S· Obferv. 1Pet.1; 19. 1 John t. 7• 1\cv. 1. St Romt s· 9· Heb, 13. ••· Hcb. 9· ••· ~tgbt t0ntgatotp. mixture of any manner of cafe ;what now remains, but that we make forrtc ufe vf 't I will take the cup of (alvarion(faith Davtd) ~tnd call upon the Name ofthe Lord, Pf~l: 1 16. r 3. And what can we lcffe? Ifour Savwur hath begun to us in pains, fhall we afford him our thanks; the Ct<p ofdeath could not paffc from him, and mull: the ~:t ofSalvation be removed from us? 0 praife htm, pr«ife him, all his Hofts: howfoevc~ he was alone in his fuffermgs, let us all bear the burden ina fong ofthankfgiving cl in this fong let us linging ~ecp, and weeping li_ng ; our fin may draw the tears \:,•h~~n were the caufe of his fuffenngs: and our falvauon may make us ling, which,thofe his fufferings did effdl: what needs more? he fuffcred by himfc!JJ the caufe oUr fins. th effect~our falvation; let us mourn forth~ one,a~d praife hi_m for the oth~r; ~pife him: nod htm alone, for h~ ha? no pa:tner mhts fuffermgs,nor will he have any in our thanks· he had no con;tforter mhts mtfenes,nOl mull: any fhare with him in the duty we owe hi~ of prading hts Name: Alas, have we n_ot reafon (thmk you) to give all the glory unto hun? It was he that fu~ered that whtch we deferved, he p1.rged by himfelf] when we our felves lay lick of fin, tn pen! ofdeath and damnation; thus gracious is he to us that when there was no other remedy for our recovery, than he by himfeif in our ftead came, 11nd purged ourjins. Thus far you have feen the Patient; and order now requires that we prepare the Re– ceipt; the patient was hi~~felf] the_Receipt is a Purge;] but to confeet this Purgt, we mull crave a further time; and m the mean while, and ever remember him in your thoughts, who hath done all this for you, and the Lord make you thankful. Hadpurged] YOu fee wht> it is that hath freed us from fin, to wit, Chrill: our s~viour without a Compurgator; he purgedby himfelf] but :vhat did he by hitnfelf? do we fay hr p~trged? what need he to purge, who never commttted any linnem thought, word, or deed? it is without doubt he needs not,and yet do it he will,not to clear himfelf, but us. But this P11rge cloth imply a medicine, and fo we mull apply·it: a medicine it was, and many medicines he ufed for the curing ofma11s foul; The tirll by diet,whenhe faflrd [•1my days andfot<rty nights, Matth, 4· 2. The fecond by EleCl:uary, when he gave his moll precious body and blood in his laft Supper, Matth. 26. 26. The third by fweat, whengreatdrops ofblood ijfuedfrom himfalling d•wn to the gro11nd, Luke 22. 44· The fourthbyplaifler, when he was[pitupon bytheJewes,Mark Ij. I9. The fifth by po– tion, when he tailed vinegar mingled withgall, Matth. 27. 34· The lixth by.letting of blood, when his hands and feet were pierced, yea, when his heart-vein was llricken, and his jidegoared JVith a[pear, John 19 34· the !aft (which contains all the reil) was by purge, when by all his fufferings (amtefpecially by his blood-fhed) he waj!Jtdus from our jins, Revel. r. s. Piere was the cure of all cures,which all the Galenifts in the world may admire with reverence, that our Lord and Saviour fhould become our Surety, that our f<JUl-Phyfician fhould become our Purger: how? not by giving usPhylick, but by receiving it for us; we (miferable wretches) lay lick of fin, and he (our Phyfician) hath by himfeifpttrged and delivered us ofit. But that we may the better fee how this Purge wrought with him, we mull: know, that purging in general is taken for any evacuation whatfoever: and to fay t~uth ma word, the evacuation ofChrifts blood Wilsthe right purgmg ofo~er jins. Hence ts. tt,_ (that as Scriptures affirm) the blo•dof Chrifl: cloth redeem us, cleanfe us, wafh us, Julldie us•. fan<iifie us: Te lvcrc redeemed by his blood, l Pet. r. I 9· and his blood clranfeth usfrom ;~/1 jinne, I John. r. I7. and, He wajhed liS from our jins in his blood, Revel. 1. 5· and, Being new juftified by his blood, Rom. 5. 9· ~nd, Therefore ']efus fiffmd, that he might fanGlijie the people Wtth. hu own . bloo1 , Heb. r 3. D. This blood , was it that was believed by the Patnarchs, W!tnefled by the Sacnfices, fhadow– ed in the figures of the Law, expe<ied ofall the faithful from the beginning of the world· o:md therefore the Apotlle concludeth, .Aimoft all thmgs are by rhe L"wpitrgttl.. wirh bl~od and withoutJhedding cfblood is no remijfion, Heb. 9· 22. It is true, Chrill purged by his death, and other his fufferings, and yet are al~ thefe 'ontained in the.Jhed– ding of his blood, this blood is the foundation of true Reltg10n, for othtrfoundamn can ,;o mJ<n lay. Wherefore neither WAs theJirft. Teftament .rdamed w>thollt blo•d, Beb. 9· 1 8. Nor is the New Tellament otherwife fealed than w"h blood, Matth. . 26. 28. What Heeds mor.e? If the blood ofBHUs and GMtr(in the 01~ Tellament)jan[/ifieth to the p11rijjing of.the.ftejh,how vmch moreJhal! the bl•od .ofChrijj (~n the NewTellamcng P llro-e JtHr Ccnftmlwfmn dMd wgrkJ, tcfcr'll~ 1he lwwgGcd · Heb. 9· 13, ! 4; • -- · ·· .wcet