latgbt ~nrgatotp. 449 ---------:----,-- ~----------- fweet bloodof our Saviour that pilrgeth ol!r Confciences,evacuates our dead !V orb,., rcfiores .us to our (iod, will bring us unto Heaven! · _ _ But 0 my Saviour, Wherefore art tho~< rtdin thy apparel, _and thy_garmmts Mshm1 that.. treadeth m tiJe winc-f.u ? JS It thy precwus bloo.:4that hath given this hew? Ycs, an hew Ef.,y 6 ~- 2 , often dipped in the I Vim-fat; and that we may the better fee the colour, let us dill:inguiih the times when his blood was ihed for us. . . . . . Six times, faith a *Modern: feven times, faith*Bcrnard, did Chnll: !hed lm blood . for us. and (to reduce th.em into order) the lirfr was at his Circumcifion, when his • Adams ""· Name ]cfwwas given hh~1, Which was fo namedof the -;tngel, brforc he lVas conceived i'! cj{x.e. .\ eh< womb; and was this without Myllery? no (faith Bm"~ed) tor by the rffujion of/;., ;;01;;;,~in~~[blood he 1va> to be o11r Jr(ia, our Savtoltr. Bldfed Jefus? how ready art thou for the cap. ; 6 • Sacrifice? What?but eight doyes old',and then to !hed thy BloC?d for the falvation of our Luke2 ,21• fouls? Mtttttrutn. hue Matyrittm, here is a mawre Marryrdome indeed. It is a fuper- H"'"· ibid. ftition took up with the Egyptian> and Arabian>, that Ctmlmetjior~ j110uld afright away Ambro[.t. 2 , 1,, dbvih: anJ the je•vCJ have a conceit not much unlike: for when the Childe is Circum- p.miarcb. cifed one fiands by with a velfel full of dufl,in towhich they cafl the Prrepuce: the mean- Abr.1bm. ing ;fit is, that whereas it was the curfe ofthe Serpent, Duft fha!t thou cat all the dayes ofchy life:they fuppofe therefore the Pr<!>puce (or fore-skin) being cafi into .the ilufi,the Devil by that Covenant cates h1s own meat, and fo departs from the chtlde. But howfocver they crre, of this we are fure. that Chrift det.vercd hi>ftcjh a>abait to Satan, held himJ.zjf 1vt1h the hovlz_of hi> Divinity through :hejh~dding ofhu blood; this bloodwas at firll: ihed at his Circumcifion; and we cannot nuagme tt a lmle pam, feemg the fle!h was cut with ajluzrp ftone, which made Zipporah to cry out againll J1.4ofn Surely a bloody hwba(}d art thou to me: what a love is this, that Chrilhewly born !hould fo early Gen::s. r4. 1 Pet.t~.nt.loto 1 <.cm claj] 4-·c, 7 ~)mb l. R.uffi 11 i 1_:rmJero-· nyni 1~ !hed his blood? but all was for our fakes, for the falvatwn of our fouls. "' c b 11 h Exocl. 4' 2S• You fee one vein opened; but in his fecond enunvn not one, ut a t G veins in his body fell a bleeding at once, and this was at his paffion in the garden, \~hen (as· the-£. vanoelill: tell:ifics) he fell into an agony,and hi>Jiveat wa> fill!} drop> ofblood,trick_!ing doJVn eo the ground: here is a Phyfick purgative indeed,when all his body evacuates fweat Li~ Luke 12 , 4 'f. drop> of blood: but what? be the pleurifie never fo great, how ftrange is the phleboto. ' my? it fecms not to confult where the fignc Iyes, you fee all his body falls at once to fwcating and bleeding; nor is the cure lelfe firange than the Phyfick; for we had furfer– ted, and it is he that purgeth; we had the fever, and it is he that fvveats and bleed> for the recovery of our health;did you ever hear offuch 1 remedy as this? oft times a bleed– ing in the head (fay Phyficians) is belt fropt by ll:riking a vein in the foot; but here the malady is in the foot, and th.c remedy in the head; vvc (filly wretches) lay fick of fin , & Chnfi our Saviour purgcth it out by aJwcat Ltks dropJ ofblood trick_!ing doiVnto the ground: here is a vvonder,no violence is offered,no labour is fufiained, he is abrvad too in the raw air, and were !Jid dovvn grovelling on the cooler earth; or if all this be n.ot e. nough to keep him from fvvcating,the night is cold,(fo cold,t.hat hardier fouldiers fain to have a fire vvithin dores) & yet notvvithlhnding all this,h' jiveaiJ,faith the Text; hovv fvvcats? it is notfador diaphoreticm, a thin faint fvveat, but grumof:U, of great drops, and thofc fo many, fo violent, as they pierce not oncly his skin, but t!othCi too, trick– fin.~ dom; to the ground in great abundance; ' and yet ruay all this fall vvithin the com· _ palfe of a natural poffibility. But aJiveat of blood puts all reafon to f1lcnce, yea, f&ith Hdary, It i> a:;ainjlnature toJrveat blood, and yet (hovvfocver nature fiar.ds agafi) ihc God of nature goes thus far, that in a cold night (vvhich naturally dravves blood in– vvards) he fvveats vvithout heat, and bleeds vvithout a vvound. Sec all his body is fprinkl~d vvith a Crimfon dcvv,thc very veins and pores, not vvaiting the tormentors fury, pour out a lhovvr d blood upon the fuddcn ; foul fin that could not be cleanfed favc only by fuch a bath! vvhat? muft our furfets be thus fvveat out by our Saviour? Yts (fa1th Bcrnard) vvc fin, and our Saviour vvecps for it, not only vvitf1 his eyes, but vvtth all the parts of his body : and vvhy fo? but to this end, That the ll'hole body of his ChJtrch,mghtbcpurgelwiththcteanofhuwhole body. C:omcthen, ye fons of Adam and fee your R~dcamer in this heavy cafe! if \uch as be kind& loving arc vyont ( vvhe~ they come to v1fit their friends in death or danger) to obfcrve their countcnance,tocon– {,der th~1r colour, and other accidents of their bodies; tell me, ye that in your Cvn– tcmplat,Ions behold the face of your Saviour; What think you, when you fee in him fuchwondcrful, firangc, and deadly figncs? our fweat (howfoevcr caufed)is mofi ufual m the face or forehead : but our ~aviour fweats in all his body; and how then was that face ofhts dtsfigured when it ftood all on drops, and the droFs not of a watry Mmm fv,'e?.l: Controlldturli'1.1 eft [udare f•n .. LUIIIetn. Hil.1r. /. 10. d( trini.. tare. Bern. ;, rami;i l't~lrrl.1rum., firm 3~