Vfe 3Rtgbt }0ur.gatorr. ---~--- a fpeJlr? What a wonderful thing is tbis, that after all thofe fufferings he mufl:\;;; one Wound more? IVhy (Lord) what metrns thu open cleft andwo~ndwnhm thee? what "''"''' thu jfream a1d rtver of thy hearts-blood? 0 " ts I that finned and 1 ,., ,n . aJVay, his l;.cart nms bloodand water in abundance. ' 0 aJ' 1 zt Lo here rhofe feven effufions of Otlt bldfed Saviours blood; the firfl: at his circumcifi– on, the fecond tn theg"rden, the reil: when hu cheek} were nipped, his head qowned, !JIS badzJcourged, /m hands and feet nazled, hu fide opened with ''[pear, whence came our an tlfue of blood and water, . And be our fins thus pttrgcd? Lord, in what miferable cafe lay we., that Chrifl: our Sa– vwur mull endure all thts for us! wc:c. our fins infinite, for which none could fatisfie but our wfinne Gud? were not our mtqutttes as the fands, for which no leffe than an Ocean of blood could ferve tu cover them? fure here is a motive, (if nothing clr.) to draw from us the c~nfcflion of our manifold fins. Lord, we h.<ve finned we ha~e finnedgri~VOJtflJ'., hca?.:t~y andW~th a nughty htmd; and whar no1v remains~ bm that we ne~ ver ce,ife tvecpmg, crymg, praymg, be[eerhing, u/lweget our pardonfoaled in the blood of Chnft? 0 beloved! let me tntrear you for Chn!ts fake, for his blood fake, for his deaths fake, that you wtll repe~r you of your fins which have pur him to rhefc tor– ments : and to th1s end lfhallmtrear you rhus to order your repentance, Firfl:, (af– ter confeffton of your man,tfold fins) look upon hnn whom you have pierced; and by your medttauon fuppofing htm to he afore you, .veep, and weep over him, whom you fee by your fins thus alothed m h1s Blood. Why thus lhall 1t be vvith the houfe of Davtd, Zach. 12. D./wt!l pour up011the houfe of D<IVid (faith God) ~ndupon zhe inha– bttams of Jerufalem the Spmt of grace, mdof (upplmwons, and theyfhalllook_~tpon him whom they have pten;ed, an~ they jluz(lmottnlfor IJ~m,, as one thttt lJJOJtrnerh for his onety Jon ; and beforry for lmn, as one that " forry f"r hu jtrft-born : in 1 hat day there ]hall be a great mourning."' Jerufalem, M the mourni"g of Hadadrimmon irtthe valley of Me– giddou. What IS the houfe of Dav,d? and what are the mhabttants of Jerufalem but the eleCl people of God ? and if you be of that number, then do you look o~ him whom you have pierced, and mourn for him, or mourn over him, as one that mour– neth for his oncly fon; yea, be forry for him, or be in bitternefs for him M one that is in biturnefsfork" ftrft-born. Is it not time, think you? Do you not fee how every part of our SaviOur bleeds afore you? hts head bleeds, hts face ble~ds, his armes bleeds, his hands bleeds, his heart bleeds, his back bleeds, his belly bleeds, his thighs bleeds, his legs bleeds, his feet bleeds: and what makes all this blood-fhed but our fins, our fins? 0 that this day, for this caufe we would make agruzt mourning of Ha– dadrin•mon in the valley •fMegiddon ! 0 weep! Or ifyou wdl not weep for him, yet weep for yo"r felves, and your own !ins! alas, have you nor caufc? Your fins were his murtherers, and your hands by your fins were imbrued in his blood. Secondly, fray nor here, but when you have mourned and wept over your Savi– our, then hate rhofe fins that wrought this evil on your Sav10ur. Which that you may do effedually,fend your thoughts afar off,and fee your Saviour in his circumcijion,in !hegarden; and when you have done fo, then follow hima little further; behold the rears in his eyes, and the clodded blood that came from hun when h1s check} were nip– ped, his head crotvned, his b,"·k fcourged, his hands andfett nailed, huJi.!e opened: and then, 0 then fee if you can love rhofe fins that have done all thts VJllany! Love them, Ja.d I? no(ifyou have any !hare in Chri!l:) I hope you wiU rather be revenged on your fins; rather you will every one fay, 0 my pride, and my ftubbornej[c, and my /oiJfeneJfe, ai'Jd my unclc~tne!fe, _~tnd my dr~nkennrfle: thcfe were tiJe natles, and thewhip.s, aF1 d thefplar that drerv bloodfrom my Savtour; therefore let m! be fur ever revenged of this proHd,jfubborn, rtbdliow heart of mine "rvn ;_ let 1~1e fur ev_u lrHUh my fin, ba:a~tft it brUJtght allthufrnrotv on my SavioJtr. Is not_ thts ordtnary With men~ fhould any one murther your Father or friend, whom you htghly regarded and honoured, \\ ould _YOU brook his fight, or endure his company? nay, would not your hearts nfe ag,un!l: h1m ? vvould you not profecute the Law to the urtermofl:? and if you might be the Exe– cutioner,vvould you not vvound him,and mangle htm,and at every.!l:roak cry out, Thos waft the death of my Father, tho:t tvnf/ the death of my Fntber: and IS the heart of a man thus enraged againfl: him that hath but murthered h" fnend, or hiS father ? 0 then how fhould your hearts be rranfportcd with infinite indignation (nut againfl the man, but) again!l: fin that harh fhed the precious blood of your Farher,yourMaftcr,your God, your King, your Saviour? 0 follow,follow after thefe fins wtth an Hue and Cry, brmg th<I!I