Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

-------- ·--- ·--· ...---·--··-- ll\tgbt ~nrgatorp. ~~----:-::--- them tu the Bar, fct them before the Tribunal of that great Judg! of Heaven, and cry, jJifhce, Lurd: j'tftic~ agtflir:fl thefeft~~ ofmine; the{e flew my Savwttr~ Lord, flay the'm; thcfe cruu[icdmy Sav•our, Lord, cmcijze them: Why thus purfuc and never leave them, untill (if it poffibly may be) you fee the(e fins bleed their laO:; never think you have done enough. but llill give your corruptions one hack niorc; confcfs your Jlns once more, and fay, Lord, thi.s pride, aiJd ~hisflubborm~ejfe, and thzs loofc.Hfjt' cfhrart, thtfc arc they that ~tiled my Savtvltr, and ltvz/1 be re·venged of them, 4'53 Thirdly, flay not here neither; but when you have mourned for your fins, and fought revenge on them, then by Faith cart them all on the Lord Jcfus Chrilt; cafe your own fouls of them, and hurle your care on him that carcth for you alL Certainly, there .is no way to wafh you clean from your fin,but only by Chrtfts b!ood,and how mull you apply this but by Faith? now then, m the !all: place have fauh, renfc your foul (as tt were) in the bl.JO:l of this immaculate Lamb, and though you are polluted and defiled, yet ( quellionlctfc) the blood of Jcfus Chrill will purge you from all fin : ifthe biood of JJu/IJ artd Goats, (faith the Apo!tle) dnd the ajheJ of an HeiferJfmnli}_tng the mnlcan, J.wfliji- Hcb. 9 ,, 3 , 14 , cth to the p~trifying of the jtejh, how m11ch more jiJa/1 the blood •fChnjt, who through the etcr·• . >Jal Spirit offered himfl!f withom }pot to God, purgeyourconfliedccsfrom dc.Jdnwk!, to ferve the l1ving God: You may tJ!k of a Purgatory; why, here IS the Purgatory, that true Pmgatory, the fo1mtain rhat is laid open for the houfc of Judah to n·ajh m; and I pray you mark it, it is not only for jullification, but being applied by faith, as effectual for !anctification; not onf1 for the expiation of fin, that it be not laid to your charge, but withal to purge your confcienccs from dead works toftrve the livit~gG'od. 0 then (as you tender your fouls) believe, and call your felves upon Chrirt, for falvation, o.nd for pardon of fins: Do you not fee him bleeding on the Crotfc? Do you not hear him grlcioufly offering to receive your fin-wearied fouls into his blcedi;1g wounds?whatlhould you do then but cafl: your fclves,with all the fpiritualllrength that you can (at !call with infinite longings, and moft hearty defires) into the bofomc of your Saviom? fay with your felves, The fountain is opened, and here will we bathe for ever: Come hfe, or come death, come heaven, or come hell, come what come can, he;-e J-Villwe flick.. for ever : nay.. if you murt perifh, tell God and man, Angels and devils, they fhall pluck you out of the hands, and rent you from between the armes of your bletfed bleeding Redeemer, your foul-purging Saviour. Thus if you believe, you need ·not to droop for your fins, but to go on with comfort to evcrlalling happinctfe: the blood of Chrilt (no qu'cllion) will make way for you into Heaven: Yea, (faith the Apolllc) By the blood of Jefos !Vt Hcb.To.I9,,o, may boldly enter into 1he holy places,by the nt1v and living way which he bath preparedfoneo, through 1he veil which is huJlefh. Such is the blctfed fruit of this blood; and the Lord make it cffecrual unto us, to bringus intu heaven, even for his fake, who by himfc!f thus pmged ourfins. You fee the Purgegiven and taken, only a time it mult have, and then followes the Evacua;ion: He p~trgcd.] What? the ill humour is Sin,] the extent of it, 0Jtr] fin: of both thefe together at our next meeting. Now the Lord fo prepare us,. that this Purge may work in us the everlarting welfare, and health of our fouls. Our fins.] . Sin is our fick!letfc,. and to cure ~s of it, the Law yeilds Corrafives, the Gofpel Leni– ttves: but efpectally Chnll ytclds that Phyfick Purgative, which evacuates fin. To confider Chnll as '"'w' offorroiVs, and not a Saviour of /inners, were but a melancho– ltck contemplation; to behold his wounds,and not fo to thiuk on them as they were our folvcs, addcs but more forrows to our other miferies · but whct1 we call to minde that his blood was our ranfome, that his ftripcs were our ~urcs., then with'all our hearts we pray' Hu blood be upon"' and oar children. And why not? His blood (faith the Apollle) Hcb. 12, '~' [peak! better tfnngs than the blood of Abet. For Abc!s blood cried revmg·c, but Chrifts blood fpeaks mercy; and (to our comfort be it fpokcn) if God heard the fcrvant,he will much rat~er hear the Son: yea, if he heard his fervant for fpilling, how much more will he hear hts. £on for favmg and regaining our fouls? In the words are t\1"0 parts: r. The tll humour evacuated, Sin.] 2. The_c~tent ofthi• fin, it is mine, yours, Ours,] every 011es. What ~sIt butS~n] whtch our Saviour purged?this is that ill humour derived from om' Parents, mherent m ourfelves, imputed to our Saviour, and therefore (faith the Prophet) he hllre the(ins of many, Efay 5 3 . I 2. to whom.agrees the Apoftlc, that he hu·o,vn Eray s~. <•· fc!f bare o11rfins tn hu OIVn body, I Pet, ;z, 24. What a load then lay 1 on his lhoulcler, 1 Per.,, 1 .y when