Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

~- - ----------- latgl)t f0urgatotp. 4S5 -----:----· what, uurs only? no, fJith the Apo!Hc, Heir the propitiation, notfor ottrfins only, but f ur the fi'" ,f''" wbo/e wo> Id, I John 2. 2. You will fay, all do not actually receive the fruit of his death; you fay indeed truly; but J wonder through whofe default: Our b!e!Ied Saviour wnat is he but like a royal Prince, who havmg many of h1s fubJects 111 captivity of th'raldom under a forreign ·enemy, pays a full ranfome for every one of them, and then ftndmg fonh h1s Ambaffadours, he wooes them to returnto then home, and to enjoy their liber:y? fome there are that reject the offer, they will rather fcrve the enemy than return to the freedom of their Lord; and are thele all the thanks •hey give their Redeemsr? 0 fweet Saviour! he made ~tpun the CroJle a full, perfect andfuj;z– nentfacnjuc, oblation andfawfacfzo.o for the fins uf the wurld; bvr not all rece1ve the benetit' becaufe many by their own clement have made themfclves unworthy; and yet howfo~ver foinedefp1fe liberty, is the arme of the Lord jhortmcd ? no, fee his arms Numb. IX. 23 • fpread on thecroffe to embrace all ;and here is the tmiverfalityof this gracious benefit. The ufe hereof is full ofcomfort: 1fany man (anyfinner will now come m with a truly Vfe. penitent foul,rhi:Ihng heartily for Chrill: Jefus,and refolvc unfei&ncdl~ to take his yoke upon him,there IS no number or notonoufnefs offinthat can polltbly hmder hts graciOus entertainment at Gods mercy-feat. 0 then how h~moully do they offend, who refufe to take Chrilt Jefus offered thusuniver{ally? If you ask who are they ? I anfwer, they are offenders on both hands: Firlt, thofe that too much de[pair; Secondly, thofe that too muchprefume: to begin with the latter. Some there are, that howfoever Chrill:, and heaven, and falvation be offered unto them, yet fo clofe do they !lick and adhere to theirfinr,that they are loth to leave the'll, and they hope God is fo merciful, that they can have Chrill: and their finsroo. Alas! deceive not your fclves; though the dearneffe, and fwcetneJTe, and freencfs, and gene– rality of Chrill:s offers be u doctrine moll: true,and we propound lt unto you as a motive and encouragement to bring you in; yet not fo much as one drop ofall that bottoudeJTe depth ofChrilts mercy&. bounty cloth as yet belongunto any that hem the frate ofunre. generatenefs,or in any kmd of hypocnfie whatfoever. Away t?en With this prefumption, and bethink you what~gmvous and fearful fin you commit tnne after time, and day after day m negleEfing fo great falvation, by chufing (upon a free offer of his foul-faving .blood) to cleave rather to a lult (0 horrible indignity! ) than to Chrill: jefus bleJTed for ever:what height and perfection ofmadnelle is this,that whereas a man, but renoun– cing his bafe, rotten, tranfirory pleafurcs, might have Chrill: jefus, and with him a full and free difchargc of hcll-pams, a furc and known rtght to heavens joyes;. yet fhould in cold blood moll: wickedly aud willingly after fo many inti·eatics, invitations, and of– fers refufe this mighty change? Heaven and Earth may be all:onilhed , Angels and aH creatures may jutl'ly be amazed at this prodigious fottifhnefs, and mon– ftrous madneJTe of fuch miferablc men: they are the words of a late Divine, The world (faith he) is wont to ea// Gods people pneife fools, becaufc they ttre will– ing to fell all chcyhm•e for that one Pearl ofgreat price; to part JVI.'h profits, pltRfures, prc– fr:rments, the1r nght hand~ thetr nght eye, every thm'-e:,) any thmg, rather than to leave jeflcr Chrift: bttt who du you think_ ntw arc the tmc a>Jd g;~cat fools of the 1vorld l and who are ltk,slieft one day to groan for auguijh of [pint, awl fuy within themfeives, This tVt!S he 1~hom we had fometimes in dtrzjion ~ and a proverb cf rtproac/; ; wifd· S• 3 ,1. ll'C f ools accounted hu l1fe madnejfe, and his end to be with(lttt hrmour; noJv is he membred amt·tgft the {:h.tdren of God, and his lot _is among the St!ints: Nay, if it once come ~o thiS,With what mfin1te horrour & reftleiTe anguifh will this conceit rent a mans heart m p1eces, and gnaw upon his confcience, when he confiders in hell, that he hath loll: heaven for a lull:? and whereas he might at every Sermon have had even the Son of God hts husband for the very taking, and have lived with him for ever in unfpeakable bhffe; yet negleEimJ;]o great [al".Jatton, muft now lye in unquenchable flames, without all cafe or end. Sure it is the highell honour that can be imagined, that the Son ?f God fhou!d make fuit unto finful fouls to be their husband, and yet fo it IS; Fie. Jlands at the door ~ud i(noeks, if you will give him entrance, he will Rev. 3 ' 0• bnng hunfelf and heaven into your hearts: We 11re Chrij/s Ambaj[adours (faith the Apoll:!e) as though God did befcceh you by UJ, we pray you in Chnftsjfead, to be 2 • Cor. s. 10 " reconc.~ed to Cod. We are Chrill:s fpokes-men, that I may fo lpeak, to wooe yoq and Win you unto h1m ,; n,ow what can you fay for your felvcs, that you frand out? why come you not .m? Iftnedevd wouldg1veyou leave tofpeakout, and in plain terms; one would fay, I ht<d rather be dnmned than /et<vt my dnmk;nnelfc; another, £ love