_..;_ ___ -----··--· ----- ~tabcn!) ~apptnef!). 4'l 7 t\-V-o-, -f-.<-tt-:,-a-.n-d_h_?_!t_·,-,;;-~-, _a_r_c_t_h-ofc two bond;~;hcrcwith ChriJ is united~~and- ---– we muo Chrilt: fo that if we be of this number, then truly may we fay that be purged "'"fi"i : (Jr he boih dyed for us, and by venue of our faith and hohnels thro~gh ~1m, his death is applted to us; to us, I fay, not m any g911eral acceptiOn, but as wc,ai c of the number of his Saints; for we had finned, and they were our j1m] only that he tjfecflt,,ll)' purged, and wafhcd away. . And this leffon may afford us this ufe, that howfoever the freegrncc, and mcicy, and goodndfc of Chrilt Jefus is revealed and offered to ~I! men ~tmver(atly; yet our Sa– viour takes none but fuch as are Willmg to taks upon them htSyoks; he give~ himfelf to none but fuch as arc ready-tofell all ana folioIV htm: he favcs none, but fuch "' deny ttii– godlinefs and worldly luj/J, and livefoberly, righteoujly, a>~dgodt.ly in rhtS pnjem nwld · in a word, he purgeth none~ or cleanfcth none by hu blood f;"om alljm, but fuch as walk in the light, as God IS m the ltght; who make confciencc of detclbng ~nd dedm– ing all fins, and fin:crely fct thCir hearts and hands With love ~nd careful <:nacavou; to every duty enjoyned them; why, thefe are the men only to whom his death !S cffec1u– al· and therefore;• as we mean ro partake of his merits, otc to have good by his de~th, let us become new creatures. lt is true indeed, and we cannot bur maintairt, that to jujfijication nothing but faith is required; but this caution mutt be added, it muff be afmth that purijiCJ rhe heart, that works an univerfal change, that fhcwes it felf in thcfruits: if therefore any of us would come in, let us have ready our anfwer, as a late Divine fpeaks, the dialogue betwixt Chrifl and a true Chriflian on this manner: Firil, (faith he) when God hath enlightncd the eyes of a man, that he can fee where this treafure is, what then? Why ( fal!h the Chri{!ian) I am fo enflamed with the love of it, thatlwill have it wh~tfoever itcofl me: Tea (faith Chrifl) but there iJ a prire upon it, it mull colt thee dear, a great deal of forrow , ~ nd trouble, and crolfes, and afflictions ; Tuj!J, tell me not of price, (faith the Chriltian) wh~tfoever I havej/u:dlgo f ont, Imll t!o any thing f or it, that God Wtll enable me: Why, (faith Chrift) wilt thou curb thine affeClions? wilt thou give up thy life ? wilt thou be content to fell all thou hall? I "'if( do it (faith the Chriltian) with all my heart, I am cwtent to [cllt~ll that I hau, no– thing irfo dear unto me b~<t I will p~rt with ir, my right Ha11d, my right Eye : nay, if hell it Jrlf Jhould jfand between me and Chrift, Jet· would I pafs througb it unto ht1h,. This (be– loved) this is that violent affeClion which God puts into the hearts of his children, th~t they will have Chrilt whatfoever it colt them : yet underltand me, 'I pray you : It IS pot to fell our houfes, or lands, or children, but our fin' that I mean : the Lord jefus and o~e lull: cannot lodge togethe~ ih one Soul : no, if we arc but once truly in– corporated mtv Chnft, we mull take him as our Husband and Lord· we mutt love h~mour, and fcrvc him; we.mull: .endeavour after fanctification, p~rity, new obc: 1 John 2 ,1. 1 , dicnce, abii1tyro do, or fuffer any thmg.for Chnlt;. we mutt confccratc all the powers andpoffibl11tiCS of our bodies and fouls to do htm the belt fcrvicc we can; we mull: gneve and walk more hu•nbly, becaufe we can do nv better : and thus if we do though I cannot fay btlt flill we fhoilfin fo long as we live on this earth, yet here i; our COl~fort, We have an Advocate wtth the Father, Jejia Chrifl the rightcou,, and he is ~he proplltatwn for o11r fim. I fay for ourfin'] effe:ritillly, if we believe in his Name, for It was for us he d.ed, .and they were"'" fim he purged, and this is that great benefit we rewve from our Savwur, m that he b:y himfelf hath purged our fins .] And now ot~r fim bcmg purged,- our·fouls recovered; I may well end this Text· Oficly I !hall give it one vifit more, and fo Farewel. , You feetbc malady; Sin] the remedy, a p~trgc,] the Phyfician, /"e .•] the Patient hrmfclf] our (cl-ue;;] for our infirmiti<s were laid on him, and our fores became ou; folves, by whofe vcrtue we arc healed. Blelfc wt theu God for the recovery of our fouls; and be we careful for the future of any relapfe whatfoever : thcfc rclapfes are they we had need to fear indeed, for in them the difeafes a·re more dangerous fins are m · · d · · · ' h ore per~tCIOUS, an men becomeJe.ven tzmeJ more tht_chtidren of Satan tiMH ever Matth. 22 44~ t ey ;"fre before. No;v then we arc healea, be we ftudious to preferve it all the days of our I e, and we !hall find nt our death, that he that purged o11r fin' wili favc our fouls. ;e need not a~y other Purgatory after dcath;no,whcn our fvuls !hall take their fligh;s t~~~ ~ur bodies, then arc.thc Angels ready to conduCl ~hem to his Kingdom: and ,h Ith e mady we come for his fake, and his onely, who by himfe!f (in his own perfon) '" purge ourfins, Amen, Amen, Nnn Heavens '